Olney Market Place (west side) – c.1900
1851 Census
1891 Census
1910 Inland Revenue Land Valuation Survey
1911 Census
1936 Register of Electors
1945 Register of Electors
1951 Register of Electors
These data items, including associated photographs, total over 15,000 data entries. Some basic advice on getting started on family history is offered on the following link.
The primary elements of the search facility are accessed using the ‘Person(s), Building(s) and Image(s)’ buttons on the left hand side of this window. When into the search, users are able to navigate in most instances from person to building or image web pages, and vice versa.
Should the user wish to navigate directly to data in the Censuses, Register of Electors or the 1910 I R Land Survey then click the appropriate link from the three provided on the left hand side of this window.
Further family history data for Olney can be found using the five lower buttons on the left hand side of this window, ie: Parish Register, Hearth Tax, Posse Commitatus, Wills in the National Archive and Churchyard Burials. These sets of data transcriptions are not directly integrated into the search facility but they do considerably extend the range of data available to the researcher.
It is recommended that new users start with a ‘GET STARTED’ page by clicking the appropriate link from the three provided below:
Likewise, should a new user wish to navigate directly to data in the Censuses, Register of Electors or the 1910 I R Land Survey, then start by clicking the appropriate link from those below:
In addition, a tabular transcription of the 1891 Census can be accessed via the above ‘Censuses’ link, and of the 1936, 1945 and 1951 Registers of Electors via the ‘Register of Electors’ link. The background to the 1910 I R Land Survey can be accessed via the above ‘1910 I R Land Survey’ link.
1) ‘Person(s)’ link: For the 1891 Census, the 1910 Land Valuation Survey, the 1911 Census and the 1951 Register of Electors, photographs taken in 2012 of buildings that were in existence before the start of WW1 have now been added to permit users to identify the buildings in which the household probably resided.
2) ‘Building(s)’ link: The ‘Buildings’ element of the search facility has been substantially developed during the period late 2012 to mid 2013. The user can now select a street in Olney and then a property (that was in existence before the start of WW1) using the 2012 photographs. This selection also identifies the tenants residing in that property (in the above census years and register of electors years). The display also provides the property’s owner in 1910 (from the 1910 Inland Revenue Land Survey). From this point it is straightforward to explore the tenants in adjacent properties. Past photographs relating to properties are being added as and when they become available.
It needs to be emphasised that care should always be exercised when using the data, because much of it has been recorded/transcribed three times. The compilers of this search facility have spotted and corrected errors both in the original records and their transcriptions, and we have doubtless added a few new ones when compiling these web pages. However, should users detect any errors, then please contact us at and we will do our best to correct them.
The ODHS is indebted to the late Robert Dymond for the development of the search facility software and for its subsequent tailoring to suit our specific needs at Olney; also to the late Colin Kempson for his endeavours in photographing all surviving properties in the town that were in existence circa 1910/1911, and to Susan Neale for her efforts in uploading the 1910 IR Land Valuation Survey and the 1911 Census.
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Unless acknowledged otherwise, text and images used on this site are the copyright of Olney & District Historical Society. Permission is granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only, but the Society reserves all rights with regard to commercial reproduction.