1539 Aspley Guise & Woburn Muster Lists
These are taken from the book “Bedfordshire Muster Lists” by Nigel Lutt, 1992 (Vol. 71 – Bedfordshire Historical Record Society)
The obligation to provide men, weapons and equipment for local defence is an old one and can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon period when able-bodied males were liable for military service. Muster lists for the year 1539 survive for several counties including some of the earliest known Bedfordshire lists. Those for Bedford town and the Hundreds of Barford, Stodden, Willey, Manshead, Flitt and Redbornstoke. The surviving Bedfordshire lists cover approximately two-thirds of the county.
N.B. Bylmen = those armed with a staff weapon derived from the agricultural tool the billhook. The principal weapon of the infantry in the early 16th century.
c.1539 Muster of Aspley Guise men
John Tylok
William Stratton
William Fitz and ii men in harnez
John Hardyng
John Franklyn
William Woode
Thomas Mathewe
John Bauley
John Bludde
Henry Bludde
Henry Peper
Robert Clerk
Henry Osburn
John Stevynson
William Stacy
Robert Cyrdsey
Robert Tozre
John de Heryngton
John Ward
Robert Sparepoynt
Raff Halyday
c.1539 Muster list of Woburn Town men
Richard Schatyrgood:
George Watton
John Garlond
Raff Smyth
Thomas Stylle
Thomas Segrve
William Cokes
John Pouter
Thomas Wehtle
Thomas Structun
John Beuflour
Thomas Ben’
William Turnar
Thomas Jarman
Robert Getun
Thomas Jonson
Robert Howll
Richard Harvy
William Bayly
Thomas Slyngesby
Robert Coke
Thomas Koke
William Bayns
Robert Hulle
Cristofer Brykson
Robert Everyngarn
Robert Stenson
Robert Partriche
William Barworth
William Taylar, the servant of William Roper
Rouland Bocher
Ralf Wolfle
William Trasy
Henry Hawce
Robert Stantune
Humfre Coke
Thomas Whapull
George Clarre
John Hadlond
Thomas Hwotte
William Smyth
John Loume
William Tymtune
Thomas Duffolowe
Later Local References
Service in Ireland in 1601-02
John King and William Faldoe of “Wooburn” and Triamour Smyth of “Asple,” appear on a list of 30 soldiers provided by the Earl of Kent, Leuitenant for the County of Bedford in 1601. William Jarman of Wooburn and John Dane of Aspey were sent the next year.
Bedfordshire Militia c.1683
This consisted of a Troop of Horse raised out of the Three Great hundreds of Flitt, Manshead and Redbornestoke. Within Capt. Brownsalls’ company were: Thomas Woster, Michael Tilcocke and William Russell of Aspley Guise, who had two muskets and one suit of light armour with an open helmet between them; and Robert Stevens, Francis Crawley, William Gostey and John Puckmaster who had two muskets and two sets of armour.
Among the County Militia Enrolments of 1763, chosen by lot from Aspley Guise were Thomas Ambridge, George Woodin and Thomas Goodman. Abridge served, but it was alongside a Thomas Osborn and Thomas Hollis, so Woodin and Goodman must have found (paid) for others to go in their place. From Woburn, those chosen by lot were David Webb, Mark West, William Bodinson, Samuel Davis, John Sudbury, William Shemeld, Thomas Goff, Joseph Turner and Hez. Delany. Of those, only John Sudbury actually went, alongside Joseph Caldwell, William Gent, John Dawborn, Thomas Cook, William Barratt and Edward Samuel.
Page last updated May 2023.