1841 Wavendon and Aspley Guise in the Census

After the enactment of the Population Act of 1840, the national census of 1841 recorded the occupants of every household on the night of Sunday, 6th June. This differed from the previous anonymous censuses (which had only collected basic statistics) and was the first to record information about the individual members of the household by name. It formed the model for all subsequent censuses up the present day, although each has changed slightly to expand the range of questions.

As now, the census forms were delivered to every household a few days before the event. These were to be completed by the householder and collected by the enumerator the next day. The Act had also created an offence of failure to comply with the demand to complete the form or providing false information and those not complying could be penalised with a fine. To assist, the enumerator could help in the completion of the form if the householder was illiterate.

This census recorded people’s names, age, sex, occupation and if they were born in the same county as their residence, or if they were born anywhere other than England and Wales. Children under 15 were to have their age recorded exactly, while those over 15 were rounded down to the nearest 5 years. So someone aged 63 should be recorded as 60. However, not all enumerators followed this instruction (such as the Aspley Guise one!) and some exact ages were recorded.

I have transcribed the entries for the parishes of Wavendon in Bucks. and Aspley Guise in Beds. in their entirety. Parts of both these parishes were later taken to become the modern parish of Woburn Sands, Bucks.  At this time, Aspley Heath (now a separate parish in Beds.) and an area called “Woburn Sands” were recorded under Aspley Guise, whilst the area called “Hogsty End” was part of Wavendon.

You won’t find many street names you would recognise nor any house numbering at that time. This is the full list of locations used in the census of Wavendon: Church End; Cross End; Eagle House, Lower End; Lower End and Hogsty End. A bit more detail appeared in the Aspley Guise one: Woburn Lane; Pigs Park; West Street; Woburn Sands; Aspley Heath; Weathercock Lane; Mill House; Mount Pleasant; New Town; Crawley Street; Aspley House; East Street; Bell Inn; High Street; High Street School; Church Street; Rectory; Manor Farm, Hayfield Farm; Aspley Hall; Water Hall and Salford Ford.

In order to make this a bit more interesting than just a list of names, I’ve tried to find some information about the local population in the newspapers of 1841. Of course it was only the misdemeanours and exceptions occurrences that made it into the papers, so the following makes it look like Aspley was a den of thieves and poachers, but I think it had less crime than many villages. Here are some of the reports from that year:

John McHugh, constable no.34 of the Bedfordshire Rural Police, who lived in Aspley, saw one Kitty Ruttley leaving Mrs. Smith’s house (Aspley House) with a jug of broth. Kitty said Mrs. Smith had given it to her, but refused to be taken to Mrs. Smith to corroborate her story. The policeman then searched Kitty’s mothers house and found many items of clothing, towels, linen as well as jewellery and some china dishes that had been taken from Mrs. Smith. In Court, Mrs. Smith’s daughter said Kitty had been dismissed just before Christmas after 20 years’ service. The Northampton Mercury, 16th January report concludes “Mr. Byles [Kitty’s solicitor] made an ingenious defence for the prisoner, and the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.”

I can’t imagine Kitty would have been very popular in the village after that. The only Rutley family in the census are listed under New Town – Johanna, 80 and Sarah 40. Perhaps Kitty had moved away by the time they took everyone’s details.

Also on 16th January, the Bucks Herald reported the death of Mrs. Mary Wright, widow of the late Head of Aspley School, at her son’s house in Drayton Parslow.  They had run the Classical Academy school together from 1780 until William’s death in 1807, then Mary ran it with help from others until 1821. Since then, it had been run by Rev. Richard Pain, who was advertising the school in the same Bucks Herald on January 23rd:

Aspley School advert, Bucks Herald, January 23rd
Aspley School advert, Bucks Herald, January 23rd

The Pain family appear spread over two residences with his 56 pupils and other employees. This was at Guise House on Church Street. [A page about the School is available on this website.]

The policeman John McHugh had his hands full in February when a bare-knuckle prize fight took place in Hulcote. The locations of these events were kept as secret as possible until the last minute to avoid the law, but word would spread quickly when it was arranged. At the resultant court case after, McHugh gave evidence: “I was informed that a prize fight would take place at Hulcote; went there… and the fight was then going on… more than 300 persons were present. The Rev. Edward Orlebar Smith, a magistrate, came there about 10 minutes after me and read the Riot Act, after having given the notice, as loud as he could but the people hissed and hooted, and would not hear him. told the people to hear him, for he was a magistrate, but they kept on hooting. Mr. Smith was then on horseback, but dismounted alter this, and attempted to get into the ring to try to stop the fight, and I went with him, but the mob prevented us going into the ring, and held us back; however succeeded in taking up the ropes and cutting them, but they were as quickly joined again by the people…”

Rev. Joshua Cautley, of Broughton, Bucks., also testified: “l heard of the fight on Tuesday, and rode to the spot; I was charged by the constable to aid and assist in preventing the fight then going on. I went into the ring and seized hold of one of the combatants, Edward Adams, and desired them to leave off; the people then took the combatants to a carriage, and apparently the fight was over. I was pushed against the ropes, and whilst there the prisoner, [and opponent] James Burke, endeavoured to force me out, and gave me a gentle blow; he then seized me by the leg to throw me over the ropes. At the suggestion of others, I then retired from the ring; this occurred before the arrival of Mr. Smith who read the Riot Act. I mounted my horse and fetched Mr. Smith myself. I should say there were more than 500 persons present.”

One fighter, Edward Adams, seems to have got clean away, but James ‘Deaf’ Burke was held to answer charges at the forthcoming assizes. You don’t get away with trying the throw a vicar out of a boxing ring by his leg! He had spent two years fighting in America, but had come home and it was now the twilight of his career. He died penniless, of tuberculosis, in 1845.

The next person was also captured by the law if not the census. Thomas Daniel of Aspley Guise was convicted at the Woburn Petty Sessions in January of using a snare to take game on the day after Boxing Day the previous year and sentenced to six weeks’ hard labour when he could not pay the 10s. fine and 20s. costs. There is a 25-year-old Louisa Daniel living with her son, aged one, living in “Woburn Sands”. Was this his family and Thomas out snaring that night or doing another stint in gaol? Or was he the Thomas Daniels, 36, of East Street, Aspley Guise?

The Bucks Gazette, reporting on the March Petty Sessions at Woburn, said William Peters of Aspley had been summoned by George Heath, aged 15, for assaulting him. Heath had herded his fathers’ sheep through Mr. Peters’ field, but instead of doing so quickly, he had loitered about for 30 minutes and allowed his sheep to eat Peters’ clover. Once in their own field, Heath left the gate open and the sheep went back into Peters’ field again. When Peters complained about this, Heath was “very saucy” to him, so Peters hit him with his stick and took the sheep to the pound. When a witness, Henry Page, (of West Street, Aspley?) confirmed this, the case was dismissed and Heath charged 9d. in costs. I cannot find a William Peters in the census, but a George Heath (14) appears listed at this parents’ house under “Hogsty End”.

Land – the ownership of it and access through it – was always contentious on Aspley Heath. Originally owned by the Duke of Bedford and Francis Moore, they had had no interest in the area around Sandy Lane and what would become Church Road, as it was too undulating to be used for good farm land. Gradually, poor people carved off sections of it, fencing off small areas and building basic cottages to live in. This seemed to be ignored by the landowners to start with, but when they finally took notice and the authorities came knocking, the squatters families all claimed they had been there for so long that they could claim the right of Adverse Possession. This led to a court case at the Bedfordshire Lent Assizes, before Lord Chief Justice Tindell, kt, with the sexton & clerk of Aspley Guise, Mr. Hutton, trying to claim rights to the land the squatters were now on. The case was heard as HUTTON v. PERRY. The Bucks Gazette report of it on 20th March:

“Mr. Andrews and Mr. Gunning appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Byles and Mr. O’Malley for the defendant. This was an action to try the right of the defendant and others to enclosures they had made on Aspley Heath, in Aspley parish. The plaintiff claimed a right of pasturage and to cut fuel on the heath, as an owner and occupier in the parish.
Hutton, parish clerk and sexton, recollects 16 years ago, cutting down plantations on the heath.
Cross-examined by Mr. Byles – Isaac Perry enclosed No.1, about 1801, Perry dug a ditch round it, Perry hedged the bank with part of firs and bushes; as far as I know it has continued from that time to this; the ditch was not three feet deep; he did not hold it till he died. William Perry had part; cannot say whether he now occupies the whole; knew John Pie built a hovel next the road on No.2, about 1810; do not know when he enclosed it, but he had it; the hovel was built after 1805; John Pie had lot 2 five or six years, the enclosure does not exist now as it did in Pie’s time; the hovel was pulled down; there is no alteration.
Mr. Hanscomb, of Aspley, and Mr. Cook and Mr. Cleaver of Hanslope, who left Aspley in 1829, were examined.
Mr. Byles set up in defence an adverse possession for more than 20 years, which he rested on the evidences of the witnesses called to prove the plaintiff’s case, and declined to call any evidence on his own side, being content with the evidence obtained in the cross examination.
The judge, at great length, in summing up, explained the law and commented on the evidence. The jury retired, and in half an hour delivered a verdict for the plaintiffs. Damages one half-penny.”

The authorities had won this case, but with damages awarded of a seemingly-insignificant ½d., it was far from conclusive and further cases would be heard in the future. There are six households of Hutton’s in the censuses here, with the males all farmers, labourers or carpenters by trade. The Perry family was very extensive in the area – 42 individuals with that surname locally. A book about them – “The Perrys of Aspley Guise” – was written by the late Joyce Perry.

The Cambridge Independent Press reported that Mr. R. E. White of Aspley Guise had been elected as a member of the Royal Agricultural Society during March. This must have been Richard White of Hayfield Farm.

Whilst one Hutton was the sexton and parish clerk, another had a more criminal career. James Hutton of Aspley was sent to the Bedford House of Correction for three months in April for having a gun and killing game without a permission certificate (Northampton Mercury, 24th April) but a much better description of the events followed on 1st May. Even though the love of his life gave him an alibi, it wasn’t enough:

“Game. Jas. Hutton, Aspley Guise, appeared to answer a summons served on him for trespassing in search of game, in the Manor Meadow, at Aspley Guise, the 11th of April, Sunday morning. The charge was clearly proved by John Abbott who said he was in a field adjoining the meadow, and heard a gun go off; that he immediately afterwards saw a hare run through the hedge, and the defendant with a gun looking after it. Defendant said in his defence that he was not out the whole of the morning. He called Martha Burtt who said she was on a visit to the defendant’s and sat up with him all night, and that she was sure he was not out at the time. She said she was going to be married to the defendant. This man having been several times before convicted of the same offence, was ordered to pay £5 and 18s. 6d. costs. In default of payment he was committed to prison for three mouths’ hard labour.”

The Bucks Gazette added that the offence took place on William Warr’s land and John Abbott was the gamekeeper for Sir Hugh Hoare.

Immediately following that report is another land dispute in Aspley Heath involving Hutton the parish clerk and this time centred on an old fullers earth pit. The authorities were getting more exasperated with the squatters building on the Heath and it seems Perry was re-using old mine materials to build a house.

“SINGULAR ASSAULT CASE. Wm. Perry of Aspley Guise was brought before the bench and charged by Robert Crute of the same place with assaulting him.
Robert Crute: On the 14th April I was employed by John Hutton, of Aspley Guise, to fill up a pit from which fuller’s earth had been dug. When I began digging to fill it in, William Perry came and caught hold of me, threatening to throw me into the pit. I got the better him in the struggle, or am quite sure he would have thrown me in.
John Hutton, of Aspley Guise: I employed Crute to fill in a fuller’s earth pit at Aspley Heath. Several persons have been unlawfully building houses, and enclosing around the Heath. I entered an action against the prisoner with several others; it was tried at the last March Assizes, and he obtained a verdict. I saw the defendant take hold of Crute round the waist, and swear he would throw him into it.
William Perry said in his defence, that the fuller’s earth pit in question had been in the occupation of James Goodall, of Aspley Guise, a number years; that Goodall had given him leave to take out the timbers, and bricks. That he had been doing so several days previous. That on the day in question he was other-ways employed, but hearing that they were filling in the pit, he went to it, and saw Hutton superintending filling it in with the bricks he had been working so hard for several days to get out, that with a feeling of vexation at the time went and sat down on the bricks, saying no more should be thrown into the pit; that Crute came and sat on them by his side; that at Hutton’s continued orders, “throw them in,” he again commenced pulling the bricks from under him, when a scuffle ensued. That he could solemnly swear the expression was sworn he had used never escaped his lips, but that he repeatedly begged of them to give him time remove them; that he even, with others assisting him began to throw them into a ditch belonging to Mr. Dennison, and they were fetched back, and put into the pit, and all he could hear from Hutton was “throw them in, throw them in.” That Hutton seeing his son with the rope, and rollers he had been extricating the timbers and bricks with, chopped them in several places with a small hatchet. He also added that he would commence immediately, if they would allow him time, although it would be the ruin him pulling down his house; where he had lived for a great many years, and his father before him, and he hoped, if he had done wrong, the bench would consider his case, and the conduct of Hulton, and deal as leniently as they could wish him.
William Mabley and Ann Cox, who were ordered to leave the room during the evidence of the witnesses, were called in, and in a very straight forward manner fully corroborated every statement of the defence. The bench, after short consultation, dismissed the case, ordering the plaintiff to pay the costs, but at the same time reprimanding Perry, and telling him if the parish would not allow him to remain, he must clear off his property without delay.”

In May, the Rector of Wavendon, Rev. J. Fisher presided over a marriage at Aspley Church of Matilda, the daughter of Rev. Pain, Schoolmaster, to one Augustus Turner. Turner was an officer with the 1st Bengal Native Infantry of the East India Company. Matilda went to India with her new husband, but died at Barrackpore in September 1843.  Another of Rev. Pain’s daughters married Turners brother.  They were both killed at Cawnpore in the Indian Mutiny.

The Daniels and Hutton names appeared again in May in relation to John and Thomas assaulting a Sarah Goodall. Several witnesses were heard by the Court who decided she had provoked the assault herself, dismissed the charge and told her to pay costs within 14 days. (Northampton Mercury, 29th May)

Six days before the census was taken, John Goodman, late of Brogborough but now of Aspley Guise, had passed away, aged 59. I wonder if he had been the husband of the Sarah Goodman, 60, of West Street? (Beds Mercury, 12th June)

There are only two Thomas Yates present, one 18 and one 70, both in the same household in Lower End. One of them was charged in June with assaulting a William Malcolm at Wavendon. The local Constable arranged for it to be dropped on their paying costs. (Bucks Gazette, 19th June)

At the Beds Quarter Sessions at the end of June, two cases featured Aspley Guise. William Philpott was convicted of having stolen a silver tablespoon, the property of William Fitzwilliam How, and sentenced for three months (hard labour) with one week solitary confinement, while William Smith, a German dyer, was convicted of having stolen three cream cheeses and three clothes, the property of Joseph Allen of Aspley Guise and sentenced to be imprisoned for three months with hard labour. (Cambridge Independent Press, 3rd July)

Beds Mercury, 3rd July - Property sale advert
Beds Mercury, 3rd July – Property sale advert

In July, the neighbourhood had the honour of welcoming Queen Victoria for a short stay at Woburn Abbey. During her three days, she was brought down by carriage, with Prince Albert on horseback, to one of the Duke’s estate lodge houses where a hedge-maze had been installed. This stood just north of the Henry VII Lodge on Woburn Road. Sadly, we don’t know who the lodgekeeper was there at that time. The nearest estimate for location on the listing is that of the Fir Tree Inn. [There is a page about their visit on this website.]  I wonder which of the Aspley men were in this celebration cricket team? We get a team named later on in the year.

Two reports from the Bucks Gazette - 3st July and 7th August.
Two reports from the Bucks Gazette – 3st July and 7th August.

As big as this news was for Woburn Sands and Aspley, in August, Wavendon had its own moment when Sir Henry Hoare, the Lord of the Manor and resident of Wavendon House passed away. He hadn’t been in the house in June for the census – he was then in London. Wavendon House isn’t mentioned on the census at all – perhaps all the servants had gone with him to London and the house was locked up? He was 73 but had only recently taken over at Wavendon on the death of his brother, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, in 1838. Both men were involved in the family banking business, Hoare’s Bank. This was Hugh Henry Hoare:

Hugh Henry Hoare of Wavendon House
Hugh Henry Hoare of Wavendon House

Wavendon was also in the news when the vicar took two women to Court for Gleaning – taking crops from fields. Rev. J. Fisher (not popular with the villagers anyway – they had rioted at his house in 1830 over tithe payments) took Mary Eaton and Elizabeth Parker to Court in September (Bucks Gazette, 11th September) The vicar said he had lost 56 sheep to poachers in the last few years. He had heard reports from the convict colony at Botany Bay (how??) that his mutton was some of the best in the country and he feared “his wheat sheafs were enjoying a like reputation in his parish…” The women admitted their crime and expressed contrition so Fisher requested the Bench let them go, which it did. There is only one Mary Eaton in the census, aged 44, of Church End, the wife of a shoemaker, but the only Elizabeth Parker is only 9?

The Northampton Mercury of 11th September held a report of a cricket match between Fenny Stratford and Wavendon that helpfully names all the team – and it appears they were quite good, well, better than Fenny! Interestingly, the two local Kings were differentiated by their profession.

A week later a return match was played:

On 2nd October, this colourful story appeared in the Northampton Mercury:

“Caution to Sportsmen. On Thursday week an accident occurred at Wavendon, which might have been attended with very serious consequences. Mr. J. S. Millard, of Woburn Sands, was about leave the Wheat Sheaf Public-house, kept by Mr. Austin Plowman, his double-barrelled gun, as he took it up, caught the end of the table, and one barrel being loaded, went off, the contents passing through the ceiling.
Miss Plowman was sitting in the room above, and not more than a yard from the spot through which the shot penetrated. She fortunately escaped uninjured, but splinters of the wood, and the shots, flew all round her, and so alarmed her, that she fainted. She continued very unwell the next morning. We trust this lady’s narrow escape will operate as a caution to sportsmen not to take their guns into houses, loaded, without taking off the caps.”

Thomas Plowman, 59, is the name that appears in the census for the pub, although it is not shown by name (I have added it in in square brackets in the listing under Church End). There are a few Joseph, John and James Millards locally, but this was likely to have been the 30-year-old John Millard of Hogsty End, living on independent means.

A sale was held of some of the late Sir Henry Hoare’s cattle in October, which was publicised across the county:

Wavendon Estate livestock sale advert
Wavendon Estate livestock sale

The year wasn’t out before James Hutton was back in trouble again. He received another 3-month sentence with hard labour for breaking the game laws in November (Cambridge Independent Press, 20th November)

Thomas Williamson, Samuel Garratt and Thomas Burton, described as late of Aspley Guise (although I’m not sure if that applies to all of them or only the last) were charged with stealing a quantity of wearing apparel belonging to Mrs. Harvey of Newport Pagnell. Thomas Smith of Aspley Guise was charged with receiving the stolen goods. (Bedfordshire Mercury, 18th December)

The very last news item of the year was a commendation in the Bucks Gazette of Christmas Day(!) of the rural police officer, John McHugh, of West Street, for his dedication to duty in the stolen Newport Pagnell clothes case mentioned above.

“ADMIRABLE CONDUCT OF THE RURAL POLICE. It will be fresh in the recollection of our readers that about two weeks ago, a burglary was committed in the house of Mr. Harvey, at Newport Pagnel, when articles of clothing &c, were stolen to the amount of £30. We have now the satisfaction to inform them that the thieves have all been taken, and the greatest part of the property recovered through the vigilance, intrepidity, and admirable tact of J. McHugh, the policeman stationed at Aspley, and the diligence and activity of Mr. Turle, the Superintendent of police at Woburn. On Thursday, the 9th instant, about half past four o’clock in the afternoon, the former officer happened to see from his window where he lodged at Aspley, three suspicious looking fellows with very bulky pockets go into a public house opposite. In a few minutes they were followed by a notorious fellow named Smith, of Aspley. This confirmed the suspicion of the police officer that something was wrong, so he determined to watch their proceedings. Smith remained but a short time, when he came out, and it appears went and informed his father, as the elder Smith immediately made his appearance, and joined the party. They then all left the house and went into a wood at a short distance from Aspley. McHugh followed them and daringly approached to within a few yards of where they stood. Stationing himself behind a tree he heard their conversation, and saw Smith make a purchase of some of the stolen goods. They then separated, Smith taking one direction, and the three men another. The officer followed Smith, and charged him with buying stolen goods. Smith acknowledged having the goods, and pointed out the party, who were just making their way into the village again from whom he had received them. McHugh then charged Smith to aid and assist him, when they succeeded in capturing two of them, the third one making his escape. Subsequently, Mr. Turle, the superintendent, apprehended him at Fenny Stratford, at which place he found a quantity of stolen articles. The parties were all brought up before the magistrates, when Smith was committed for receiving stolen goods, knowing them to have been stolen, and the other three, whose names are Thos. Williamson, Samuel Garrat, and Thomas Burton were committed to take their trial for the burglary.”

The following details are provided in good faith.  Please check against the original entries before relying on details for your family history.  Each new entry under “Place” denotes a new household.  These are the 1982 individuals living locally at that time:

Place Names Age Sex Profession, Trade or Employment Born in County
Church End William Shouler 40 M Farmer Y
Pheby Shouler 45 F Y
Elizabeth Shouler 15 F Y
Alfred Shouler 6 M Y
Church End John Bennett 30 M Grazier N
Eliza Higgins 15 F Independent Y
Ann Carpenter 20 F Female Servant N
Church End William Lane 37 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Rebecca Lane 37 F Y
Caroline Lane 19 F Y
Mary Lane 14 F Y
John Lane 14 M Y
Pheby Lane 10 F Y
David Lane 8 M Y
Abraham Lane 5 M Y
Church End William Joyce 34 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Kitty Joyce 36 F Y
Emily Joyce 13 F Y
Maria Joyce 10 F Y
Elizabeth Joyce 8 F Y
Martha Joyce 6 F Y
Jane Joyce 4 F Y
Harriot Joyce 2 F Y
Sarah Joyce 6m F Y
Church End Thomas Hillyer 65 M Clerk Y
Church End William Mabley 30 M Sawyer Y
Rechal Mabley 30 F Y
John Mabley 9 M Y
Elizabeth Mabley 7 F Y
Thomas Mabley 3 M Y
Mary Mabley 4m F Y
Church End John King 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah King 25 F Y
George King 9 M Y
Elizabeth King 7 F Y
Sarah King 5 F Y
Thomas King 3 M Y
Emma King 1 F Y
Church End Thomas King 21 M Maltster Y
Caroline King 20 F N
Church End James Roberts 50 M Shoe maker Y
Sarah Roberts 55 F Y
Church End Edward Bennett 29 M Builder Y
Hannah Bennett 62 F N
Ruth Bennett 55 F N
Church End Daniel Eaton 50 M Shoe maker Y
Mary Eaton 44 F Y
Jonathan Eaton 17 M Y
Jane Eaton 13 F Y
Maria Eaton 9 F Y
George Eaton 7 M Y
John Watts 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Church End William Butcher 34 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Butcher 34 F Y
John Butcher 9 M Y
Edward Butcher 7 M Y
George Butcher 1 M Y
Mary Hart 60 F N
Church End William Burrars 28 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Rebecca Burrars 30 F Y
Joseph Burrars 7 M Y
Sarah Burrars 5 F Y
Mary Barrars 3 F Y
Church End Jane Harris 60 F Grocer N
Richard Harris 28 M Y
William Harris 18 M N
Jane Harris 11 F N
Church End Robert Butcher 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Hannah Butcher 43 F Y
Sarah Butcher 21 F Y
Susanne Butcher 11 F Y
Hannah Butcher 9 F Y
Church End Charles Inwood 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
James Inwood 23 M Y
Church End Edward Parker 27 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Church End William Going 42 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Susanna Going 42 F Y
Thomas Going 11 M Y
George Going 7 M Y
Church End William Inwood 26 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Inwood 30 F Y
Elizabeth Inwood 10 F Y
George Inwood 1m M Y
Church End Thomas Higgs 63 M Publican [Red House] Y
Thomas Higgs 21 M Y
George Higgs 20 M Y
William Higgs 34 M Tailor Y
Elizabeth Higgs 23 F Y
Elizabeth Higgs 8 F Y
Ann Higgs 6 F Y
Charles Higgs 3 M Y
Church End Benjamin Pain 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Pain 40 F Y
Benjamin Pain 15 M Y
Noah Pain 10 M Y
William Pain 7 M Y
Church End Ann Burt 20 F Lace Maker Y
Hester Burt 19 F Y
Joseph Burt 12 M Y
Eliza Burt 7 F Y
Church End Thomas Dunn 41 M Currier N
Maria Dunn 38 F N
Mary Dunn 16 F N
Caroline Dunn 14 F N
Thomas Dunn 12 M N
James Dunn 10 M N
George Dunn 7 M N
Louisa Dunn 5 F N
Arabella Dunn 3 F N
Edwin Dunn 1 M Y
Church End Thomas Goodman 58 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Goodman 75 F N
Elizabeth Goodman 26 F Y
William Goodman 8 M Y
Alfred Goodman 2 M Y
Church End Joseph Collins 23 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Zilfer Collins 25 F Y
Mary Collins 2 F Y
Church End Joseph Jackson 40 M Pensioner Y
Hannah Jackson 40 F Y
Jane Jackson 3 F F
Caroline Jackson 3m F Y
Joseph Yates 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Church End Mary Plowman 47 F Independent Y
Church End James Jackson 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
George Jackson 36 M Y
Sarah Jackson 45 F Y
Elizabeth Jackson 14 F Y
James Jackson 11 M Y
Mary Jackson 7 F Y
Susan Goodman 19 F Y
Church End Daniel Grace 40 M Blacksmith Y
Susan Grace 49 F Y
Charlotte Grace 45 F Y
Mary Grace 15 F Y
Sarah Grace 9 F Y
Church End George Tite 40 M Builder N
Jemima Tite 33 F Y
George Tite 9 M Y
Charles Tite 6 M Y
Jemima Tite 1 F Y
Not Known Tite 1m F Y
Sarah Cook 50 F Female Servant Y
Fanny Pain 15 F Female Servant Y
Church End William Claridge 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charlotte Claridge 20 F Y
Fanny Claridge 3 F Y
Elizabeth Claridge 1 F Y
Thomas Ambridge 70 M N
Church End George Hebbs 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Hebbs 35 F Y
Ann Hebbs 33 F Y
George Hebbs 1m M Y
Church End George Bodsworth 45 M Harness Maker Y
Ann Bodsworth 45 F Y
Richard Bodsworth 16 M Y
George Bodsworth 14 M Y
Charlotte Bodsworth 11 F Y
Eliza Bodsworth 7 F Y
Mary Bodsworth 5 F Y
Church End Benjamin Tomkin 28 M Grocer N
Mary Tomkin 26 F N
Emily Tomkin 2 F Y
Hannah Tomkin 5m F Y
Job Tomkin 20 M N
Church End Thomas Plowman 59 M Publican [Wheatsheaf] Y
James Plowman 24 M Y
Susan Plowman 20 F Y
Maria Plowman 16 F Y
John Plowman 8 M Y
Martha Plowman 1 F Y
Church End George Burt 38 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Martha Burt 30 F Y
Mary Burt 14 F Y
Church End John Goodall 50 M Agricultural Labourer Y
John Goodall 20 M Y
Maria Goodall 23 F Y
Mary Goodall 18 F Y
Eliza Goodall 1 F Y
Church End Joseph Massey 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Massey 40 F Y
John Massey 10 M Y
Mary Massey 2 F Y
John Inwood 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Phillips 20 F Stay In N
John Page 20 M Brazier N
Church End Nicholas Garner 32 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Garner 31 F Y
Emily Garner 6 F Y
Hephzibah Garner 4 F Y
Thomas Garner 2 M Y
Church End Henry Burt 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Burt 35 F Y
Jonathan Burt 4 M Y
Church End John Phillips 65 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Phillips 65 F Y
Church End Thomas King 40 M Maltser Y
Susanna King 25 F Y
Lydia Shelwell 15 F Female Servant N
Church End William Harris 28 M Butcher Y
Elizabeth Harris 23 F Y
Alfred Harris 1 M Y
Mary Austin 23 F Female Servant Y
George King 20 M Male servant Y
Church End John Fisher 68 M Clerk Rector N
Caroline Fisher 22 F Y
Matilda Fisher 21 F Y
Harriot Harris 28 F Female Servant N
Mary Hight 27 F Female Servant Y
George Robinson 16 M Male servant Y
Thomas Alderson 33 M Independent N
Emily Alderson 29 F Y
Charles Reynold 41 M Male servant N
Mary Dimbleby 21 F Female Servant N
Church End Susannah Hutton 40 F Farmer Y
Mary Hutton 30 F N
Frederick Hutton 22 M N
Henry Hutton 20 M N
Adam Hutton 16 M N
Arthur Hutton 14 M N
Church End John Massey 39 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charlotte Massey 35 F N
Emma Massey 8 F N
Thomas Massey 1 M Y
Church End Thomas Burt 39 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Burt 40 F Y
Emily Burt 13 F Y
Susanna Burt 12 F Y
Ann Burt 11 F Y
Hannah Burt 3 F Y
William Clother 72 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Church End James Lane 34 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Lane 30 F Y
Hannah Lane 15 F Y
Sarah Lane 13 F Y
Joseph Lane 10 M Y
Alice Lane 8 F Y
Mary Lane 6 F Y
Edith Lane 4 F Y
Mary Whitehead 55 F Lace Maker Y
Cornelius Whitehead 13 M Y
Elizabeth Whitehead 8 F Y
Church End William Melsom 50 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Melsom 50 F N
George Melsom 15 M Y
Thomas Goodall 25 M Y
Maria Goodall 20 F Y
Elizabeth Goodall 4 F Y
John Goodall 1 M Y
Church End John Hands 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Hands 40 F Y
Daniel Hands 14 M Y
Henry Hands 9 M Y
Sarah Hands 5 F Y
Thomas Smith 20 M N
Sarah Smith 20 F Y
Mary Smith 1 F Y
Eliza Smith 1m F Y
Church End John Scott 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Scott 45 F Y
Caroline Scott 22 F Y
Hannah Scott 14 F Y
Jane Scott 12 F Y
William Scott 10 M Y
Church End Thomas Holmes 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Holmes 40 F N
William Holmes 16 M Y
Mary Holmes 12 F Y
John Holmea 11 M Y
Thomas Holmes 8 M Y
George Holmes 6 M Y
Emily Holmes 4 F Y
Church End William Facer 22 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Church End Elizabeth Warren 35 F Lace Maker Y
Church End Samuel King 30 M Schoolmaster Y
Sarah King 30 F Y
Mary King 11 F Y
Edward King 9 M Y
Elizabeth King 7 F Y
Church End William Goodall 84 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Goodall 60 F Y
Mary Mabley 40 F Lace Maker Y
Ann Mabley 7 F Y
Catherine Mabley 3 F Y
Church End William Clapham 41 M Agricultural Labourer N
Sarah Clapham 40 F Y
Ann Clapham 17 F Y
Edward Clapham 14 M Y
Mary Clapham 11 F Y
James Clapham 8 M Y
Caroline Clapham 5 F Y
George Clapham 1 M Y
Ann Farr 66 F Lace Maker Y
Church End Sarah Lane 68 F Y
Elizabeth Harris 48 F Y
Church End Elizabeth Edmonds 60 F N
Ann Edmonds 28 F Y
Church End Martha Burrows 64 F Y
Church End Sarah Chance 60 F Y
Church End Ann Leach 70 F Y
Catherine Leach 30 F Y
Susannah Leach 25 F Y
Church End Robert White 45 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hannah White 42 F Y
George White 20 M Y
John White 18 M Y
Joseph White 16 M Y
Hannah White 14 F Y
Sarah White 11 F Y
Jane White 7 F Y
Church End Jamima Butcher 70 F Lace Maker Y
Heziah Butcher 40 F Y
Susanna Butcher 19 F Y
James Butcher 1 M Y
Church End William Brandon 33 M Wheelwright Y
Susannah Brandon 34 F Y
Elizabeth Brandon 10 F Y
Thomas Brandon 4 M Y
Sarah Brandon 1 F Y
Elizabeth Corre 15 F Female Servant N
George Odell 25 M Is[?] N
Church End James Jackson 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Jackson 35 F Y
Ann Lane 75 F Lace Maker Y
Church End Thomas Burwos 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Susanna Burwos 28 F N
Francis Burwos 30 M Y
Zilfer Morris 25 F Lace Maker Y
Church End Samuel Stevens 30 M Male servant Y
Sarah Stevens 30 F N
George Stevens 8 M Y
Mary Stevens 4 F Y
Henry Stevens 2 M Y
Church End William Tite 27 M Plumber N
Susan Tite 25 F Y
Eliza Tite 7 F Y
Martha Tite 5 F Y
Church End George King 60 M Farmer Y
George King 20 M Y
Caroline King 25 F Y
Sarah Freeman 28 F Female Servant N
George Burt 19 M Male servant Y
Church End Joseph Goodall 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Paulliner Goodall 33 F Y
John Goodall 8 M Y
Sarah Goodall 3 F Y
Thomas Goodall 1 M Y
Church End George Facer 26 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Facer 22 F Y
Church End James Facer 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charlotte Facer 40 F Y
John Facer 20 M Y
Elizabeth Facer 19 F Y
Charlotte Facer 15 F Y
Catherine Facer 12 F Y
Ann Facer 10 F Y
James Facer 7 M Y
Thomas Facer 5 M Y
Fanny Facer 2 F Y
Church End William Rogers 25 M Publican [Leathern Bottel (Wavendon Arms)] Y
Thomas Rogers 21 M Y
Elizabeth Rogers 20 F Y
Church End Joseph Eaton 22 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Cross End George Hillyer 45 M Publican [Plough, old site] Y
Elizabeth Hillyer 50 F N
Emily Hillyer 17 F Y
Ann Hillyer 15 F Y
George Hillyer 11 M Y
Fanny Hillyer 6 F Y
Richard Tebby 40 M Male servant N
George Goodall 20 M Male servant Y
Cross End Samuel Watson 65 M Pensioner Y
Mary Watson 57 F Y
Cross End Sarah Bowdery 76 F Independent N
Cross End George Abercrombie 30 M Gardener S
Mary Abercrombie 30 F N
Mary Abercrombie 3 F N
Elizabeth Abercrombie 1 F N
Cross End John Lowsey 65 M Bailiff N
Susanna Lowsey 60 F N
Mary Lowsey 30 F N
Susanna Lowsey 24 F N
Cross End John Mabley 21 M Black Smith Y
Edith Mabley 21 F Y
Thomas Mabley 25 M Y
Elizabeth Mabley 23 F Y
Cross End Benjamin Leach 26 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Maria Leach 20 F N
William Leach 1 M Y
John Litchfield 20 M Agricultural Labourer N
Cross End Jesse Moss 46 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Moss 46 F Y
Mary Moss 14 F Y
David Moss 8 M Y
Cross End Thomas Hight 79 M Agricultural Labourer N
Rebecca Hight 63 F N
Caroline Hight 31 F Y
Elizabeth Hight 13 F Y
Eliza Hight 10 F Y
Cross End James Morris 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Morris 35 F Y
Emily Morris 8 F Y
Susan Collins 20 F Lace Maker Y
Cross End Edward Clarke 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Clarke 63 F Y
Ann Clarke 30 F Y
Eli Clarke 24 M Y
Cross End John Cook 72 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Eliza Cook 30 F Y
William Cook 11 M Y
Joseph Cook 9 M Y
Caroline Cook 5 F Y
Cross End Thomas Hight 25 M Black Smith Y
Hester Hight 28 F Y
Susanna Hight 8 F Y
Mary Hight 6 F Y
Amelia Hight 4 F Y
John Hight 2 M Y
Cross End John Duncombe 60 M Farmer N
Sarah Duncombe 63 F N
Mary Duncombe 25 F N
Robert Inwood 20 M Male servant Y
William Bartrum 70 M Independant N
Elizabeth Goodman 50 F Lace Maker Y
Cross End George Kench 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Kench 60 F Y
Mary Kench 25 F Y
Elizabeth Kench 3m F Y
Cross End Joseph Goodall 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Goodall 35 F Y
Mary Goodall 3 F Y
Jane Goodall 1m F Y
Eagle House, Lower End Richard Hoare 48 M Royal Navy Y
Elizabeth Hoare 45 F Y
Maria Hoare 17 F N
Elizabeth Hoare 15 F N
Hannah Nelson 20 F Female Servant N
Sarah Wilmot 28 F Female Servant N
Sarah Faux 29 F Female Servant N
Mary Martin 19 F Female Servant N
Mary Pratt 22 F Female Servant Y
Sarah Saunders 21 F Female Servant N
John Abbott 45 M Male servant N
John Chafer 27 M Male servant N
Lower End Josiah Spreckley 45 M Butcher Y
Maria Spreckley 44 F N
Ann Spreckley 14 F Y
Elizabeth Spreckley 12 F Y
David Spreckley 9 M Y
Susanna Spreckley 8 F Y
Maria Spreckley 6 F Y
Caroline Spreckley 3 F Y
Sarah Spreckley 2 F Y
Lower End Ellen Markerham 37 F N
Maria Markenham 14 F Y
Edward Markerham 1 M Y
Lower End Mary Chance 60 F Y
Lower End Elizabeth Bailey 45 F Independant N
Robert Bailey 23 M N
Mary Bailey 20 F N
Hannah Plowman 20 F Female Servant Y
Lower End Thomas Yates 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Yates 50 F Y
John Yates 20 M Y
Thomas Yates 18 M Y
Mary Yates 18 F Y
Ann Yates 12 F Y
Lower End John Cook 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Cook 32 F Y
Elizabeth Cook 11 F Y
Charlotte Cook 10 F Y
William Cook 9 M Y
Esther Cook 7 F Y
Caroline Cook 6 F Y
Joseph Cook 4 M Y
Susan Cook 2 F Y
Hannah Cook 7m F Y
Lower End George Cook 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
George Cook 3 M Y
Lower End Harrop Hanes 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Hanes 73 F Y
William Hanes 20 M Y
Lower End William Goodall 50 M Shoe Maker Y
Ann Goodall 45 F Y
Elizabeth Goodall 20 F Y
Mary Goodall 17 F Y
William Goodall 14 M Y
Hannah Goodall 10 F Y
Alice Goodall 7 F Y
Lower End Thomas Ambridge 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Ambridge 19 F Y
Fanny Ambridge 13 F Y
Lucy Ambridge 11 F Y
John Ambridge 9 M Y
Thomas Ambridge 7 M Y
Lower End Hannah Leach 40 F Lace Maker N
Eliza Leach 11 F Y
Ann Beaumount 80 F N
Elizabeth Ambridge 27 F Y
Lower End George Claridge 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charlotte Claridge 23 F N
Caroline Claridge 4 F Y
Eli Claridge 4 M Y
Lower End William Burt 55 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Burt 55 F N
George Burt 15 M Y
Penelope Burt 15 F Y
Lower End John Juffs 60 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hannah Juffs 55 F N
James Juffs 15 M Y
Mary Juffs 13 F Y
Maria Juffs 11 F Y
Lower End James Yates 48 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Alice Yates 48 F Y
Hannah Yates 17 F Y
Harriot Yates 13 F Y
James Yates 11 M Y
George Yates 8 M Y
Maria Yates 5 F Y
Susanna Yates 52 F Y
Lower End Joseph Lane 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Lane 40 F Y
George Lane 17 M Y
Elijah Lane 15 M Y
William Lane 12 M Y
Elizabeth Lane 9 F Y
David Lane 8 M Y
Levi Lane 5 M Y
Thomas Lane 2 M Y
Lower End Thomas Claridge 56 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Fanny Claridge 56 F Y
Thomas Claridge 15 M Y
Lower End Joseph Capel 60 M Agricultural Labourer N
Sarah Capel 60 F Y
Maria Capel 30 F Y
William Capel 20 M Y
Mary Capel 17 F Y
Lower End John Morris 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Morris 50 F N
Susan Morris 15 F Y
Sarah Morris 13 F Y
Thomas Morris 20 M Y
Sarah Morris 20 F Y
William Morris 1 M Y
Lower End William Smith 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Smith 35 F Y
Mary Smith 10 F Y
George Smith 9 M Y
Ann Lord 75 F Y
John Mattocks 65 M Y
Thomas Cook 50 M Tailor Y
Lower End Thomas Odell 52 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Edith Odell 45 F Y
John Odell 19 M Y
Mary Odell 15 F Y
George Odell 10 M Y
Sarah Odell 7 F Y
Lower End John Lane 48 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Lane 46 F Y
Joseph Lane 22 M Y
Hannah Lane 18 F Y
Charlott Lane 16 F Y
Jesse Lane 14 M Y
Ann Lane 12 F Y
Thomas Lane 8 M Y
George Lane 1 M Y
Lower End John Clarke 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Clarke 24 F N
Sarah Clarke 2 F Y
Mary Clarke 1 F Y
Lower End Joseph Pratt 77 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elijah Pratt 16 F Y
Mary Pratt 14 F Y
Hannah Pratt 10 F Y
Emily Pratt 6 F Y
James Pratt 25 M Y
Sarah Pratt 25 F Y
Maria Pratt 4 F Y
Sarah Pratt 1 F Y
Lower End Francis Garrett 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Garrett 55 F Y
Ellen Fossey 60 F N
Meria Garrett 15 F Y
Elizabeth Garrett 5m F Y
Lower End Daniel Hammond 50 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Hammond 47 F Y
Hannah Hammond 17 F Y
David Hammond 14 M Y
Frederick Hammond 11 M Y
Edwin Hammond 9 M Y
Eliza Hammond 4 F Y
Lower End Ann Butcher 40 F Female Servant N
Elizabeth Butcher 55 F Female Servant N
William King 20 M Male servant N
John Hillyer 22 M Male servant Y
Hogsty End Hezekiah Spreckley 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Rachel Spreckley 45 F N
Thomas Spreckley 22 M N
Mary Spreckley 21 F N
George Spreckley 19 M N
Zachriah Spreckley 15 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hogsty End William Hebbs 40 M Y
Elizabeth Hebbs 13 F Y
George Hebbs 9 M Y
Hogsty End William Garrett 40 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Garrett 45 F Y
George Garrett 15 M Y
Hogsty End James Garrett 67 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Susanna Garrett 60 F Y
Susanna Inwood 24 F Y
Elizabeth Inwood 15 F Y
Ann Inwood 3 F Y
Hogsty End John Sollom 20 M Sawyer N
Jane Sollom 20 F Y
Hogsty End William Grace 53 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Grace 50 F Y
Hogsty End Mathias Spreckley 24 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Spreckley 29 F N
John Spreckley 2 M Y
Ann Spreckley 4m F Y
Hogsty End George Heath 40 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Heath 35 F N
George Heath 14 M N
Sarah Heath 12 F N
Hogsty End John Millard 30 M Independent N
Ann Millard 25 F Y
William Millard 5 M N
John Millard 1 M N
Ann Spreckley 10 F Y
Hogsty End Jonathon Puttnam 30 M Blacksmith Y
Elizabeth Puttnam 40 F Y
Rebecca Puttnam 10 F Y
Hogsty End Francis Lee 55 M Publican [Fir Tree] Y
Mary Lee 46 F Y
Ann Lee 25 F Y
Sarah Lee 24 F Y
Francis Lee 20 M Y
Thomas Lee 18 M Y
Elizabeth Lee 16 F Y
Martha Lee 10 F Y
Hogsty End George Warrick 39 M Baker N
Elizabeth Warrick 36 F Y
Hogsty End James Smith 50 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Frances Smith 20 F Y
Hogsty End James White 52 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hogsty End Mary Young 67 F Independent N
Jane Young 5 F Y
Hogsty End George White 25 M Agricultural Labourer N
Rachel White 20 F N
Hogsty End Levi Claridge 23 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Claridge 20 F Y
George Claridge 2 M Y
Emily Claridge 6m F Y
Hogsty End Clarke Brown 75 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Brown 55 F Y
Ann Brown 19 F Y
Joseph Brown 16 M Y
Hogsty End Joseph Harbert 44 M Brickmaker N
Elizabeth Harbert 30 F Y
Hogsty End William Tansley 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
James Clarke 72 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Clarke 68 F Y
Hogsty End George White 43 M Agricultural Labourer N
Sarah White 43 F N
John White 16 M N
Lucy White 14 F N
James White 12 M N
George White 9 M N
Joseph White 7 M Y
Alfred White 2 M Y
Charles White 1m M Y
Hogsty End Mary Clarke 60 F Farmer Y
Thomas Clarke 30 M Y
Reuben Clarke 3 M Y
Hogsty End Joseph Francis 45 M Woodkeeper N
Ann Francis 40 F N
Charles Francis 14 M N
Caroline Francis 12 F N
George Francis 9 M N
Hogsty End William Lee 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Lee 55 F Y
James Lee 30 M Y
Hogsty End William Tansley 35 M Brickmaker Y
Meria Tansley 40 F Y
William Tansley 15 M Y
Mary Tansley 12 F Y
Sarah Tansley 10 F Y
Elizabeth Tansley 8 F Y
Hogsty End William Hull 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Fanny Hull 30 F Y
Elizabeth Hull 28 F Y
William Hull 24 M Y
Ann Hull 20 F Y
James Hull 14 M Y
George Hull 8 M Y
Hogsty End Thomas Lee 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Lee 50 F N
Hogsty End Eli Lee 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Lee 25 F Y
George Lee 6m M Y
Hogsty End Thomas Lee 55 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Lee 50 F Y
Ann Cox 27 F Y
John Cox 19 M Y
Harpin Cox 16 M Y
Joseph Cox 12 M Y
George Cox 9 M Y
Hogsty End George Collins 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Collins 40 F Y
Lucaser Collins 19 F Y
Lydia Collins 15 F Y
Thomas Collins 11 M Y
Eli Collins 6 M Y
Hogsty End Thomas Adams 25 M Farmer Y
Sarah Adams 30 F Y
John Adams 6 M Y
William Adams 4 M Y
Henry Adams 2 M Y
Edward Kemp 20 M Clerk N
Mary Kemp 19 F Female servant Y
Elizabeth Wallace 20 F Female servant Y
Alice Bull 20 F Female servant Y
William Evans 20 M Male servant Y
Hogsty End Mary Yardley 30 F Independent N
William Yardley 9 M N
Arthur Yardley 7 M N
George Yardley 5 M Y
Henry Yardley 4 M Y
Mary Yardley 2 F Y
Elenor Norton 40 F Female servant Y
Elizabeth Bates 20 F Female servant Y
George Thrupell 20 M Male servant N
Hogsty End Thomas Day 31 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Day 35 F N
George Day 10 M Y
Barnett Day 8 M Y
Caroline Day 6 F Y
Eli Day 3 M Y
Elizabeth Day 8m F Y
Hogsty End Abraham Hobbs 25 M Carpenter Y
Georgina Hobbs 25 F N
John Hobbs 2 M N
John Tredale 70 M Cooper N
Hogsty End Fred Whitlock 22 M Chimney Sweep Y
Ephraim Whitlock 19 M Y
Samual Whitlock 15 M Y
James Hudson 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Hudson 60 F Y
Hogsty End John Collins 32 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Collins 39 F Y
Noah Collins 12 M Y
Josiah Collins 10 M Y
James Collins 7 M Y
John Collins 5 M Y
Hogsty End Susan Adams 35 F Independent Y
James Adams 14 M Y
Edward Adams 12 M Y
Hogsty End John Hobbs 50 M Farmer Y
Ann Hobbs 50 F Y
Edmund Hobbs 20 M Y
George Hobbs 18 M Y
Mary Hobbs 15 F Y
Hogsty End James Hudson 39 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Hudson 41 F Y
James Hudson 17 M Y
Mary Hudson 15 F Y
Susan Hudson 13 F Y
Thomas Hudson 11 M Y
Hogsty End Samual Parker 40 M Agricultural Labourer N
Lydia Parker 33 F N
Elizabeth Parker 9 F N
Joseph Parker 7 M N
Lucy Parker 5 F N
Elizabeth Whitbread 17 F N
Hogsty End John Farr 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Farr 39 F Y
William Farr 18 M Y
George Farr 14 M Y
John Farr 10 M Y
Thomas Farr 5 M Y
Hannah Farr 3 F Y
Mary Farr 1m F Y
Hogsty End Charles Inwood 41 M Shoe Maker Y
Ann Inwood 40 F Y
John Inwood 19 M Y
George Inwood 18 M Y
Ann Inwood 17 F Y
Elizabeth Inwood 16 F Y
Susanna Inwood 15 F Y
Melicent Inwood 10 F Y
Drusilla Inwood 7 F Y
Charles Inwood 14 M Y
Hogsty End William Cruite 40 M Blacksmith S, I or F
Mary Cruite 40 F N
Elizabeth Cruite 24 F N
Daniel Cruite 14 M S, I or F
William Cruite 10 M S, I or F
John Cruite 12 M S, I or F
Robert Cruite 10 M S, I or F
George Cruite 2 M S, I or F
Ann Cruite 5 F N
Jane Cruite 1 F N
Hogsty End Daniel Jackson 24 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Jackson 25 F Y
Emely Jackson 2 F Independent Y
Ann Hellett 45 F N
William Hellett 17 M N
Hogsty End Thomas Jackson 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charlotte Jackson 30 F Y
Mary Jackson 6 F Y
William Jackson 2m M Y
Charlotte Barker 65 F N
Elizabeth Barker 24 F N
Caroline Barker 6m F Y
Hogsty End Elizabeth Collins 25 F [blank] Y
Rosanna Collins 8 F Y
James Collins 6 M Y
William Collins 3 M Y
Hogsty End Thomas Garrett 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Garrett 35 F Y
Edward Garrett 13 M Y
William Garrett 8 M Y
Francis Garrett 5 M Y
Elizabeth Garrett 3 F Y
Sarah Garrett 1 F Y
Thomas Garrett 74 M Y
Hogsty End William Jackson 30 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Jackson 30 F Y
Charles Jackson 7 M Y
Ann Jackson 2 F Y
Hogsty End John Hammond 55 M Gardener Y
Elizabeth Mabley 61 F Y
Hogsty End William Shouler 15 M Farmer Y
Joseph Shouler 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Shouler 40 F N
John Shouler 15 M Y
Stephen Shouler 13 M Y
Joseph Shouler 11 M N
Mary Shouler 5m F Y
Hogsty End William Goodall 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
John Goodall 16 M Y
Joseph Goodall 13 M Y
Sarah Goodall 4 F Y
Hogsty End Thomas White 58 M Agricultural Labourer N
Sarah White 54 F N
Woburn Lane John White 50 M Game Keeper Y
Elizabeth White 45 M Y
Margaret White 20 F Y
Thomas White 20 F Y
Pigs Park Richard Sibley 45 M Shepherd Y
Mary Sibley 45 F Y
James Sibley 15 M Y
Pigs Park Thomas Sisicks 50 M Labourer Y
Ann Sisicks 45 F Y
George Sisicks 15 M Y
Kitty Sisicks 15 F Y
Mary Sisicks 10 F Y
Woburn Lane Samuel Chibnall 30 M Bricklayer Y
Ann Chibnall 30 F Y
Alfred Chibnall 5 M Y
Clayton Chibnall 3 M N
Thomas Chibnall 1 M N
Woburn Lane James Smith 20 M Labourer Y
Jane Smith 20 F N
Jessy Smith 2 M N
Woburn Lane Joseph Foxley 20 M Gardener N
Ann Foxley 50 F N
Woburn Lane Thomas Ratley 40 M Carpenter Y
Serena Ratley 10 F Y
Woburn Lane John Smith 20 M Carpenter N
Maria Smith 55 F N
Jane Smith 5 F N
Woburn Lane John Samuell 50 M Sadler N
Mary Samuell 13 F N
Jane Samuell 11 F N
Woburn Lane William Deverall 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Deverall 30 F Y
Daniel Deverall 5 M Y
William Deverall 1 M Y
Sarah Deverall 15 F Y
Maria Deverall 13 F Y
Woburn Lane James Perry 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Perry 35 F Y
Thomas Perry 12 M Y
Joseph Perry 10 M Y
James Perry 5 M Y
Hannah Perry 7 F Y
Hester Perry 1 F Y
Woburn Lane Sarah Bandy 50 F [Blank] Y
Samuel Bandy 20 M Y
Elizabeth Bandy 17 F Y
Reuben Arnott 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Arnott 20 F Y
Mary Arnott 7 F Y
Woburn Lane William Norman 40 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Sarah Norman 45 F Y
James Norman 10 M Y
Ann Norman 10 F Y
Joseph Quarry 15 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Woburn Lane George Perry 35 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Maria Perry 35 F Y
William Perry 4 M Y
Mary Ann Perry 7 F Y
Woburn Lane Michael Hutton 30 M Labourer Agricultural N
Jane Hutton 30 F Y
Frederick Hutton 4 M Y
Woburn Lane James Millard 30 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Mary Millard 30 F Y
John Millard 4 M Y
Louisa Millard 9 F Y
Eliza Millard 7 F Y
Sarah Millard 1 F Y
Woburn Lane Robert Knight 20 M Taylor N
Ann Knight 25 F N
Sarah Knight 3 F N
Woburn Lane Thomas Goodhall 35 M Carpenter Y
Ann Goodhall 35 F Y
Eliza Goodhall 12 F Y
Harriet Goodhall 8 F Y
Mary Ann Goodhall 5 F Y
Elizabeth Goodhall 2 F Y
Woburn Lane Edward Daniels 30 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Mary Daniels 30 F Y
George Daniels 10 M Y
Robert Daniels 1 M Y
Kitty Daniels 7 F Y
Loues Daniels 5 F Y
Woburn Lane Thomas Cooper 50 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Sarah Cooper 45 F Y
John Cooper 20 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Henry Cooper 10 M Y
Elizabeth Cooper 18 F Y
West Street John Vaux Moore 40 M Clerk Y
F A Moore 45 F Y
William Baccus 30 M Male Servant Y
Elizabeth Furze 20 F Female servant Y
Eliza Everett 20 F Female servant Y
Jane Butcher 65 F Female servant Y
Charles Cox 15 n Male Servant Y
West Street Thomas Lewis 30 M Pig Dealer Y
Sally Lewis 25 F N
Henry Lewis 7 M Y
Jame Lewis 5 M Y
Alfred Lewis 4 M Y
Eusetia Lewis 3 F Y
Susanna Lewis 1 F Y
West Street John McHugh 25 M Bedford Constabulary I
Jane McHugh 25 F I
John McHugh 7 M I
James McHugh 3 M I
West Street George Bird 60 M Independent N
Margret Bird 45 F Y
George Mason Bird 1 M Y
Revd. Charles Hedges 40 M Clerk N
Marry Hedges 30 F N
Edwin Hedges 8 M N
Henry Hedges 3 M Y
John Hedges 11m M Y
Willie Clark 9 M N
Jane Jenkins 20 F Female servant N
West Street William Sisicks 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elisabeth Sisicks 20 F Y
William Sisicks 10m M Y
West Street William Large 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Eliza Large 25 F Y
Betsy Large 8 F Y
Jane Large 7 F Y
Thomas Large 5 M Y
West Street Edmund Tomkins 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Tomkins 45 F Y
Caroline Tomkins 17 F Y
Sarah Tomkins 13 F Y
Susannah Tomkins 8 F Y
Elizabeth Tomkins 6 F Y
Margaret Cross 22 F Y
West Street Jane Jackson 50 F Lacemaker Y
Benjamin Jackson 22 M Agricultural Labourer Y
William Jackson 16 M Carpenters Apprentice Y
Robert Jackson 14 M Y
James Jackson 9 M Y
Charles Jackson 7 M Y
Maria Jackson 11 F Y
West Street Hannah Sadler 85 F Lacemaker Y
West Street Kitty Bowler 50 F Lacemaker Y
Catherine Perry 15 F Lacemaker Y
West Street John Hudson 45 M Farmer Y
Elizabeth Hudson 35 F Y
West Street Thomas Forth 25 M Maltster Y
Elizabeth Forth 25 F N
Suzanna Forth 10 F Y
West Street Sarah Gasethorp 45 F Independent N
Mary Gasethorp 15 F Y
John Gasethorp 5 s Y
Ann Valentine 53 F Female servant Y
Sarah Nicholls 15 F Female servant Y
West Street William Francis Kerr 25 M Independent Y
Ellen Sixfield 60 F Female servant N
Matilda Markham 10 F Female servant N
West Street Elizabeth Young 40 F Dressmaker Y
Ann Young 15 F Dressmaker Y
Thomas Young 8 M Y
Lucy Young 5 F Y
Joseph Young 2 M Y
West Street John Shemeld 40 M Painter Y
Sarah Shemeld 35 F Laundress Y
Hannah Shemeld 15 F Y
Ann Shemeld 13 F Y
Thomas Shemeld 11 M Y
West Street Charles Wright 40 M Agricultural Labourer N
Ann Wright 35 F N
William Wright 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Joseph Wright 13 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Wright 10 F Y
Charles Wright 8 M Y
Thomas Wright 4 M Y
Elizabeth Wright 2 F Y
West Street Elizabeth Percival 40 F Y
Priscilla Perry 25 F Female servant Y
West Street Maria Morris 40 F Independent Y
Mary Morris 50 F Independent Y
Ann Morris 45 F Independent Y
West Street Sarah Goodman 60 F Independent Y
Abigail Floyd 55 F Y
West Street John Page 70 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Henry Page 20 M Y
Prudence Page 25 F Y
Sarah Jefferies 35 F Y
Maria Key 3 F N
West Street John Foster 50 M Wheelwright Y
Mary Foster 55 F Y
West Street Richard Perry 55 M Brickmaker Y
Mary Perry 60 F Lacemaker Y
Milicent Perry 25 F Lacemaker Y
Jeremiah Perry 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
West Street John Perry 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Martha Perry 30 F Lacemaker Y
William Perry 7 M Y
Mary Perry 2 F Y
West Street William Perry 50 M Miller Journeyman N
Jesse Perry 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Josiah Perry 18 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Perry 50 F Y
Neome Perry 25 F Lacemaker Y
Fleuretta Perry 15 F Lacemaker Y
Lydia Perry 10 F Y
Lucy Perry 8 F Y
Sarah Perry 4 F Y
Catherine Perry 1 F Y
West Street Sarah Woodin 65 F Independent N
Mary Woodin 30 F Y
William Beesley 35 M Wheelwright Y
Eliza Beesley 30 F Y
West Street Thomas Pawley 75 M Sawyer Y
Elizabeth Pawley 65 F N
Mary Pawley 35 F Y
Jane Pawley 35 F Y
Charlotte Pawley 30 F Y
Catherine Thornton 40 F Y
Elizabeth Cain 45 F Female servant Y
Mary Perry 20 F Female servant Y
John Phillips 25 M Male Servant Y
James Henley 80 M Male Servant Y
John Wilson 25 M ?? Servant Y
Maria Wilson 20 F Y
Woburn Sands Thomas Peppett 45 M Brickmaker Y
Jane Peppett 18 F Y
Betina Peppett 15 F Y
Mary Peppett 14 F Y
Thomas Peppett 11 M Y
Sarah Peppett 9 F Y
Woburn Sands Samuel Kiteley 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Martha Kiteley 30 F N
Hannah Kiteley 11 F Y
William Kiteley 8 M Y
George Kiteley 6 M Y
Thomas Kiteley 3 M Y
Henry Kiteley 1 M Y
Elizabeth White 65 F Lacemaker N
Woburn Sands Joseph Griffin 25 M Brickmaker N
Harriet Griffin 25 F N
David Griffin 8 M Y
William Griffin 4 M N
Julia Griffin 4m F Y
Woburn Sands William Collins 25 M ?? Leases ?? N
Julia Giles 25 F Lacemaker N
Julia Giles 2 F N
Jane Giles 3m F Y
Woburn Sands George Pain 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
?? How 30 M Agricultural Labourer N
Woburn Sands John Hopkins 45 M Brickmaker Y
Ann Hopkins 50 F Y
Woburn Sands John Maddock 35 M Agricultural Labourer N
Catherine Maddock 35 F N
Hugh Maddock 13 F Y
Hensy Maddock 8 M Y
Sarah Maddock 60 F Lacemaker N
Woburn Sands John Painter 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Painter 35 F Y
William Painter 15 M Y
George Painter 9 M Y
John Painter 7 M Y
James Painter 5m M Y
Woburn Sands Stephen Asprey 40 M Wheelwright Y
Sarah Asprey 30 F Y
Alice Asprey 10 F Y
Thomas Geddings 2 M N
Woburn Sands James Mapley 25 M Sawyer N
Eliza Mapley 20 F Y
Mary Mapley 1 F Y
Woburn Sands Charles Devereux 40 M Carpenter Y
Martha Devereux 40 F Y
Harriet Devereux 15 F Y
William Devereux 10 M Y
Suzanna Devereux 5 F Y
George Devereux 1 M Y
Woburn Sands Thomas Morris 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Martha Morris 60 F Y
Hannah Furr 15 F Y
Woburn Sands Thomas Tansley 40 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hannah Tansley 40 F N
Emily Tansley 15 F N
Jane Tansley 15 F N
Mary Tansley 14 F N
Thomas Tansley 9 M N
Woburn Sands Michael Hutton 60 M Carpenter N
Ann Hutton 60 F N
Ann Hutton 20 F Lacemaker N
Sarah Hutton 5 F N
Ann Sweet 9 F N
Woburn Sands Alice Perry 40 F [blank] Y
Isaac Perry 15 M Y
Palmer Perry 13 F Y
George Perry 8 M Y
Jesse Perry 5 M Y
Thomas Perry 1 M Y
Woburn Sands Benjamin Dolton 20 M Brickmaker N
Maria Dolton 20 F N
Ann Dolton 1 F Y
Woburn Sands Louisa Daniel 25 F Lacemaker N
Samuel Daniel 1 M Y
Fanny Caves 20 F Lacemaker Y
Woburn Sands Elizabeth Smith 50 F Lacemaker Y
James Smith 25 M Y
Woburn Sands? Joseph Smith 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
William Smith 14 M Y
Kitty Smith 15 F Y
Woburn Sands Joseph Millard 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Millard 25 F N
Sarah Millard 5 F Y
Susan Millard 3 F Y
Mary Millard 1 F Y
Thomas Birt 45 M Labourer N
Woburn Sands Thomas Pipkin 60 M Agricultural Labourer N
George Pipkin 25 M Agricultural Labourer N
Susan Pipkin 25 F Y
Eliza Pipkin 7 F N
Ann Pipkin 4 F N
Thomas Pipkin 1 M N
Woburn Sands Nathan Going 30 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Going 35 F Y
William Going 10 M Y
Ann Going 6 F N
Mary Going 3 F Y
Jane Going 6m F Y
Joseph Collins 15 M Agricultural Labourer N
Woburn Sands James Arnold 60 M Wood Cutter Y
Jane Arnold 20 F Y
Daniel Arnold 25 M Wood Cutter Y
Ann Arnold 30 F N
Mary Arnold 3m F Y
Woburn Sands William Talbut 60 M Labourer N
Mary Talbut 60 F N
Thomas Jackson 60 M Groom N
Woburn Sands George Groves 35 M Shoemaker N
Mary Groves 30 F N
Jane Groves 30 F Y
Harriet Mayor 60 F Lacemaker N
Woburn Sands Henry Young 40 M Bricklayer Y
Mary Young 40 F Y
John Young 15 M N
William Young 15 M Y
Martha Young 11 F Y
Mary Young 6 F Y
Eliza Young 3 F N
Charlotte Painter 15 F Platter Y
Woburn Sands Esau Keep 20 M Labourer Y
Rebecca Keep 20 F Y
Woburn Sands John Sear 40 M Labourer Y
Mary Sear 40 F Y
Eliza Sear 15 F Y
George Sear 11 M Y
Eleanor Sear 9 F Y
Mary Sear 7 F Y
James Sear 5 M Y
Woburn Sands Joseph Caves 40 M Labourer Y
John Caves 13 M Y
Jonas Caves 4 M Y
James Butcher 30 M Y
Mary Butcher 30 F Y
Thomas Butcher 7m M Y
Woburn Sands Richard Inwood 35 M Bricklayer N
Mary Inwood 40 F Lacemaker Y
Joshua Inwood 15 M Y
Jethro Inwood 3 M Y
Woburn Sands James Harbert 55 M Grazier N
Emily Harbert 20 F N
Sarah Davison 30 F N
Sarah Bartlett 40 M N
Aspley Heath George Summerley 50 M Journeyman Carpenter Y
Hannah Summerley 45 F Dressmaker Y
Henry Summerley 20 M Carpenter Y
Hannah Summerley 15 F Bonnet Maker Y
Aspley Heath John Dolton 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ruth Dolton 40 F N
Henry Dolton 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ely Dolton 17 M Agricultural Labourer Y
John Dolton 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Thomas Dolton 9 M Y
Martha Dolton 6 F Y
George Dolton 4 M Y
Aspley Heath Joseph Jenkins 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Susanna Jenkins 50 F N
Willian Jenkins 18 M Agricultural Labourer Y
David Jenkins 20 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Jenkins 20 F Y
Sarah Jenkins 1m F Y
Aspley Heath Thomas Giles 35 M Agricultural Labourer N
Sarah Giles 35 F N
Levi Giles 15 M Agricultural Labourer N
George Giles 10 M N
Susan Giles 10 F N
Joseph Giles 8 M Y
Not Known 3m M Y
Aspley Heath Ann Giles 60 F Lacemaker Y
John Giles 3 M Y
Aspley Heath John Hensman 45 M Rat Catcher N
Mary Hensmen 50 F Y
Aspley Heath William Perry 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Perry 40 F Y
James Perry 20 M Y
John Perry 20 M Y
Aspley Heath Thomas Butcher 35 M [blank] Y
Elizabeth Butcher 40 F Y
Thomas Butcher 14 M Agricultural Labourer Y
William Butcher 12 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Joseph Butcher 10 M Y
Charles Butcher 7 M Y
Aspley Heath George Morrill 64 M Gardener Y
Sarah Morrill 60 F Y
Aspley Heath Mary Goodhall 40 F Dressmaker N
John Goodhall 20 M Sawyer N
Eliza Goodhall 15 M Dressmaker N
William Goodhall 15 M Agricultural Labourer N
Aspley Heath Jesse Sharp 50 M Agricultural Labourer N
Maria Sharp 50 F N
Henry Sharp 20 M Agricultural Labourer N
Hannah Sharp 15 F N
Elizabeth Sharp 15 F N
Jesse Sharp 11 M Y
Aspley Heath John Jenkins 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Jenkins 35 F N
Sarah Jenkins 15 F Y
James Jenkins 13 M Y
Joseph Jenkins 11 M Y
Lydia Jenkins 1 F Y
Aspley Heath John Keens 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Keens 40 F Y
George Keens 13 M Y
James Keens 11 M Y
John Keens 5 M Y
Ellen Keens 2 F Y
Aspley Heath Thomas Keens 30 M Bricklayer Y
Sarah Keens 30 F Y
Catherine Keens 10 F Y
Ann Keens 8 F Y
Emily Keens 5 F Y
Sarah Keens 3 F Y
Fanny Keens 1 F Y
Aspley Heath Isaac Webb 45 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Webb 40 F Y
William Webb 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
James Webb 15 M Y
Jane Webb 9 F Y
John Webb 6 M Y
George Butcher 14 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Emily Butcher 11 F Y
Sarah Butcher 9 F Y
Aspley Heath James Whipham 35 M Gardener Y
Ann Whipham 16 F Platter Y
Fanny Hopkins 11 F Platter Y
Aspley Heath Gabriel Ireland 55 M Labourer Y
Elizabeth Ireland 50 F N
George Ireland 13 M Y
Robert Ireland 11 M Y
Louisa Ireland 8 F Y
William Oakden 11 M Y
Thomas Bowler 3 M Y
Weathercock Lane Thomas Askew 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Askew 30 F N
Arthur Askew 5 M Y
Thomas Askew 1 M Y
Not Known 1m F Y
Sarah Marney 10 F N
Ann Marney 65 F N
Weathercock Lane Thomas Askew 68 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Askew 20 F Y
Arthur Askew 15 M Y
Weathercock Lane John Pain 35 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Pain 30 F Y
Hannah Pain 13 F Y
George Pain 11 M N
Sarah Pain 8 F Y
John Pain 4 M Y
Hannah Emerton 65 F Lacemaker Y
Weathercock Lane Thomas Emerton 45 M Rope Maker Y
Mary Emerton 45 F Y
Arthur Emerton 20 M Rope Maker Y
Clesse? Emerton 10 M Rope Maker Y
Weathercock Lane Ebenezer Clarke 35 M Grazier Y
Elizabeth Clarke 30 F Y
Sarah Clarke 13 F Y
James Clarke 12 M Y
Elizabeth Clarke 10 F Y
John Clarke 8 M Y
Mary Clarke 5 F Y
Edward Clarke 3 M Y
George Clarke 4m M Y
Weathercock Lane James Hutton 45 M Farmer Y
Mary Massey 20 F Female servant S
Edward Clapham 14 M Male Servant N
Mill House Henry Durrant 40 M Miller N
Elizabeth Durrant 35 F N
George Durrant 7 M Y
John Durrant 5 M Y
Jane Durrant 3 F Y
William Durrant 1 M Y
Mary Ward 60 F Lacemaker N
William Gooding 50 M Butcher N
James Gooding 25 M Miller N
William Gooding 20 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mount Pleasant Elizabeth Wiffen 79 F Independent N
Benjamin Wiffen 46 M Independent Y
Mary Wiffen 50 F Independent Y
Maria Slow 26 F Female servant Y
Mount Pleasant William Handscombe 37 M Nursery Man N
Elizabeth Handscombe 35 F Y
George Handscombe 13 M Y
Frederick Handscombe 9 M Y
Caroline Handscombe 3 F Y
Alfred Handscombe 4m M Y
Mount Pleasant John Pacey 45 M Carpenter N
Charlotte Pacey 37 F Y
Mary Pacey 15 F Y
Mount Pleasant William Hirdle 30 M Carpenter Journeyman Y
Harriett Hirdle 30 F N
Louisa Hirdle 4m F Y
Mount Pleasant Joseph Cook 35 F Carpenter N
Kitty Cook 45 F Y
New Town George Carling 25 M Carpenter Y
Caroline Carling 20 F Y
New Town Thomas Thurman 30 M Draper N
Ann Thurman 35 F Y
Mary Thurman 13 F Y
William Thurman 9 M Y
Nathaniel Thurman 7 M Y
Martha Thurman 5 F Y
Sarah Thurman 1 F Y
New Town Sarah Crute 45 F Lacemaker Y
Belinder Rofson 29 F Independent N
New Town Thomas Walton 30 M Male Servant Y
Jane Walton 35 F S
Isabella Walton 5 F N
James Walton 7m M Y
New Town William Ruth 65 M Lathrender N
Elizabeth Ruth 50 F N
David Ruth 15 M Carpenter Y
– Makins 76 M Shoe Maker Y
New Town Francis Ruth 25 M Carpenter Y
Mary Ruth 25 F Y
New Town John Hirdle 25 M Carpenter Y
Eliza Hirdle 20 F Y
Mary Hirdle 4 F Y
Elizabeth Hirdle 2 F Y
Samuel Hirdle 5m M Y
New Town Mary Cook 50 F Lacemaker Y
Hephzibah Cook 12 F Y
New Town William Gee 42 M Draper N
Mary Gee 40 F N
William Gee 15 M N
Elizabeth Gee 12 F N
Jemima Gee 10 F N
Richard Gee 8 M N
Salome Gee 2 F Y
New Town Susanna Sear 70 F Lacemaker Y
Susanna Sear 12 F Y
New Town George Emerton 66 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Emerton 49 F Lacemaker Y
Maria Emerton 26 F Lacemaker Y
Frederick Emerton 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Henry Emerton 13 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Septimus Emerton 11 M Agricultural Labourer Y
John Emerton 9m M Y
New Town Elizabeth Hirdle 50 F Independent Y
Caroline Hirdle 20 F Straw Bonnet Maker Y
Robert Hirdle 20 M Y
Elizabeth Hirdle 15 F Y
Maria Hirdle 2 F Y
New Town Elizabeth Turney 60 F Independent Y
Joseph Turney 30 M Bricklayer Y
New Town John Benbow 35 M Blacksmith Y
Elizabeth Benbow 35 F Y
William Benbow 15 M Y
New Town Thomas Bateman 30 M Carpenter Y
Ann Bateman 30 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Bateman 8 F Y
John Bateman 6 M Y
Isabel Bateman 3 F Y
Mary Bateman 1 F Y
New Town Susan Worster 25 F Lacemaker Y
Ann Worster 15 F Lacemaker Y
Harriet Worster 15 F N
New Town William Tipple 35 M Agricultural Labourer N
Eliza Tipple 28 F Lacemaker Y
William Tipple 4 M Y
Jane Tipple 2 F Y
Charles Tipple 1m M Y
New Town Edward Reed 30 M Blacksmith Y
Sarah Reed 35 F Lacemaker N
Charlotte Reed 6 F Y
William Reed 3 M Y
Mary Reed 8m F Y
New Town George Stapleton 30 M Shoe Maker Y
Maria Stapleton 35 F Y
Charles Stapleton 5 M Y
Andrew Stapleton 5 M Y
New Town Mark Chapman 46 M Tailor N
Jane Chapman 39 F Y
Charles Chapman 12 M Y
Arthur Chapman 9 M Y
Reuben Chapman 4 M Y
George Chapman 1 M Y
New Town John Sinfield 40 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Sinfield 30 F N
Elizabeth Sinfiled 7 F Y
New Town Charles Smith 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Dinah Smith 25 F Lacemaker Y
Frederick Smith 7 M Y
Sarah Smith 6 F Y
Jesse Smith 4 M Y
Thomas Smith 1 M Y
New Town William Simonds 60 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Simonds 40 F Lacemaker Y
Mary Simonds 20 F Lacemaker Y
Ann Simonds 15 F Lacemaker Y
Charlotte Simonds 8 F Y
Elizabeth Simonds 6 F Y
New Town Mary Peppett 60 F Chairwoman N
Eliza Peppett 20 F Lacemaker Y
William Peppett 20 M Labourer Agricultural Y
Harriett Peppett 1 F Y
William Mitchell 35 M Ropemaker Y
Ellen Mitchell 35 F N
John Mitchell 8 M Y
Lydia Mitchell 4 F Y
New Town William Woodland 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Woodland 50 F Lacemaker N
Matilda Woodland 30 F Lacemaker N
Thomas Woodland 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
George Woodland 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Woodland 10 F Y
Maria Woodland 20 F Lacemaker Y
Harriett Woodland 6 F Y
New Town Abraham Turney 25 M Grocer Y
Mary Turney 30 F Y
Harriett Turney 3 F Y
George Turney 2 M Y
Charles Turney 2m M Y
Alfred Turney 20 M Grocers Journeyman Y
George Turney 15 M Apprentice Y
Mary Turney 15 F Female servant N
New Town Edward Woods 30 M Carpenter Journeyman Y
Ann Woods 30 F Y
Lydia Woodin 10 F Y
New Town Ann Kingston 60 F Butcher Y
James Kingston 30 M Butcher Y
William Kingston 25 M Butcher Y
New Town Thomas Fryer 51 M Baker N
Matilda Fryer 43 F Y
John Fryer 13 M Y
New Town Moses Freeman 50 M Male Servant N
Mary Freeman 52 F Chairwoman Y
Ann Freeman 15 F Y
New Town Joseph Barns 40 M Sawyer Y
Bethsheba Barns 40 F Y
Richard Barns 17 M Sawyer Y
Mary Barns 14 F Y
New Town Kitty Britten 45 F Beer Retailer [Wheatsheaf Inn] Y
Alfred Britten 22 M Y
Lucy Britten 20 F Y
James Britten 15 M Y
Catherine Britten 14 F Y
Ruth Berridge 25 F Independent Y
Elizabeth Stanbridge 25 F Independent Y
New Town Kitty Byworth 75 F Lacemaker N
New Town John Crute 55 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Thomas Crute 30 M Agricultural Labourer N
Keziah Crute 62 F Lacemaker N
Charlotte Crute 7 F Y
Ann Crute 5 F Y
James Crute 3 M Y
New Town Levi Cook 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Cook 25 F N
Charlotte Cook 4 F Y
Rachel Cook 1 F Y
New Town John Byworth 63 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Byworth 62 F Lacemaker Y
James Warr 21 M Journeyman Carpenter Y
New Town Summers Doyley 25 M Farming Bailiff N
New Town Johanna Rutley 80 F Lacemaker N
Sarah Rutley 40 F Lacemaker Y
New Town Fanny Booker 59 F Lacemaker Y
Charles Kent 25 M Bricklayer N
Jane Kent 23 F Y
Susan Kent 1 F Y
Hannah Crute 10 F Y
New Town John Gaskin 60 M Agricultural Labourer N
Ann Gaskin 55 F N
Maria Gaskin 20 F N
New Town Susan Perry 35 F Lacemaker Y
Hannah Perry 7 F Y
Keziah Crute 13 Y
New Town Ann Sharpe 65 F Lacemaker Y
Mary Wilbee 49 F Lacemaker Y
George Wilbee 19 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Charles Wilbee 13 M Agricultural Labourer Y
New Town Richard Cook 65 M Agricultural Labourer N
Ann Cook 60 F Lacemaker Y
Ann Cook 19 F Lacemaker Y
New Town Daniel Hutton 25 M Carpenter Y
Elizabeth Hutton 25 F N
George Hutton 3 M Y
Rebecca Hutton 1 F Y
James Taylor 65 M Gardener N
New Town Thomas Smith 50 M Shoemaker Y
Mary Smith 30 F Y
Eliza Smith 18 F Y
Alfred Smith 16 M Y
Selina Smith 15 F Y
Ann Smith 3m F Y
New Town George Arnold 40 M Tailor Y
Kitty Arnold 40 F Y
Elizabeth Arnold 16 F Y
George Arnold 9 M Y
New Town Richard Smith 30 M Agricultural Labourer Y
William Goodman 28 M Tailor N
Matilda Goodman 20 F Lacemaker N
Fanny Goodman 1 F Y
New Town James Goodall 44 M Bricklayer Y
Sarah Goodall 43 F Y
Thomas Goodall 20 M Bricklayer Y
Sarah Goodall 17 F Y
Hannah Goodall 15 F Y
New Town George Wesley 51 M Agricultural Labourer N
Elizabeth Wesley 52 F Lacemaker N
Susanna Wesley 11 F N
New Town Kitty Marriott 52 F Lacemaker Y
New Town Elizabeth White 44 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah White 17 F Lacemaker Y
John White 11 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Joseph White 4 M Y
Crawley Street John Hewlett 40 M Builder N
Mary Hewlett 40 F N
Harriett Hewlett 13 F Y
James Hewlett 9 M Y
George Hewlett 18 M Carpenters Apprentice N
Crawley Street William Hutton 66 M Agricultural Labourer N
Ann Hutton 57 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Hutton 30 F Lacemaker Y
Harriett Chapman 5 F Y
Crawley Street William Hutton 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Hutton 25 F N
Charles Hutton 1 M N
Crawley Street John Quarry 29 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Quarry 29 F N
James Quarry 9 M Y
Eliza Quarry 7 F Y
William Quarry 5 M Y
George Quarry 3 M Y
Ann Quarry 10m F Y
Crawley Street William Bandy 26 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Bandy 23 F Y
George Bandy 1 M Y
Crawley Street Thomas Heath 65 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Heath 60 F Midwife Y
Emma Heath 35 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Heath 30 F Lacemaker Y
Henrietta Heath 16 F Lacemaker Y
Elizabeth Heath 7 F Lacemaker Y
Emily Heath 1m F Y
Crawley Street Thomas Bayley 41 M Excise Officer N
Emma Bayley 12 F N
Joseph Bayley 11 M N
Thomas Bayley 9 M N
Mary Bayley 7 F N
Anne Bayley 5 F N
Crawley Street Elizabeth Harding 60 F Draper N
Ann Mould 55 F Schoolmistress N
Crawley Street Elizabeth Milgate 72 F Lacemaker N
Ann Cave 35 F Lacemaker Y
Crawley Street Alice Hartwell 61 F Lacemaker N
Lucy Bowler 18 F Lacemaker Y
John Bowler 16 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Francis Bowler 14 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Crawley Street Susan Marriott 70 F Lacemaker Y
John Adams 38 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Crawley Street William Maddock 48 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Maddock 46 F Y
James Maddock 25 M Male Servant Y
Aspley House Charlotte Smith 89 F Independent Y
Charlotte Smith 60 F Independent N
Edward Smith 53 M Clerk Y
Jane Smith 56 F Independent Y
Eliza Smith 55 F Independent Y
James Peters 35 M Male Servant Y
Thomas Richardson 22 M Male Servant Y
James Phillips 35 M Male Servant Y
Elizabeth Freeman 23 F Female servant Y
Caroline Perry 21 F Female servant N
East Street William Ellis 36 M Blacksmith N
Elizabeth Ellis 36 F N
Isabella Ellis 12 F N
Emma Ellis 8 F N
George Ellis 6 M N
Jane Ellis 4 F N
Mary Ellis 2 F Y
Caroline Ellis 16 F N
Robert Crute 80 M Independent Y
Richard Smith 60 M Blacksmiths Journeyman N
Joseph Meadow 12 M Blacksmiths Apprentice N
East Street William Smith 36 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Anna Smith 33 F Lacemaker Y
John Smith 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Rebecca Smith 13 F Y
Eliza Smith 11 F Y
Amelia Smith 7 F Y
William Smith 4 M Y
Charles Smith 3 M Y
James Smith 1 M Y
Martha Gurney 85 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Gurney 56 F Lacemaker Y
East Street William Odell 36 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Odell 29 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Odell 6 F Y
William Odell 1 M Y
Ann Odell 3m F Y
East Street Ann Daniels 73 F Lacemaker Y
Elizabeth Worster 63 F Y
Thomas Daniels 36 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Daniels 40 F Washerwoman N
East Street Mary Woodland 38 F Lacemaker Y
Amelia Woodland 14 F Lacemaker Y
Martha Marriott 25 F Lacemaker Y
East Street William Stapleton 55 M Shoemaker Y
Elizabeth Stapleton 55 F Y
William Stapleton 20 M Shoe maker journeyman Y
Jethro Stapleton 19 M Agricultural Labourer Y
East Street Thomas Doughty 65 M Butcher N
Ann Doughty 36 F N
Richard Doughty 26 M Butcher N
John Doughty 6 M Y
East Street James Brown 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Maria Brown 38 F Lacemaker Y
Sarah Burt 13 F Lacemaker Y
Mary Burt 11 F Lacemaker Y
William Brown 6 M Y
Frederick Brown 4 M Y
James Brown 3 M Y
Elizabeth Brown 1 F Y
East Street Thomas Lett 35 M Builder N
Charlotte Lett 33 F Y
George Lett 7 M Y
Alfred Odell 10 M N
Johnathan Jackson 20 M Carpenters Apprentice Y
Ann Odell 15 F Female servant N
East Street John Billington 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Billington 20 F Lacemaker Y
James Billington 1 M Y
East Street Thomas Bennett 42 M Beer Retailer Y
Elizabeth Bennett 43 F Y
Barbara Bennett 19 F Straw Bonnet Maker Y
Ann Bennett 13 F Y
John Dixie 19 M Blacksmith Y
John Robertson 29 M Cabinet Maker s
East Street Thomas Britten 38 M Carpenter Y
Sarah Britten 57 F Y
East Street John Mayor 82 M Independent N
Sarah Mayor 67 F N
Mary Maffey 22 F N
East Street Kitty Smith 55 F Baker Y
John Smith 33 M Baker Y
James Smith 31 M Baker Y
Bell Inn Mary Addison 58 F Innkeeper N
John Ashbee 27 M Y
Elizabeth Ashbee 41 F N
John Ashbee 1 M Y
Ann Ashbee 1m F Y
Edward Worster 70 M Male Servant Y
Susan Walton 35 F Female servant Y
High Street Benjamin Warr 54 M Grocer Y
Elizabeth Warr 56 F Y
Mary Warr 20 F Y
Ann Goodman 26 F Y
William Goodman 6 M Y
High Street Mary Bird 45 F Butcher Y
Elizabeth Bird 12 F Y
High Street William Bird 11 M Y
Ann Bird 9 F Y
Charles Morris 20 M Butcher Y
Frederick Phipps 15 M Butchers Apprentice Y
High Street John Herring 20 M Tinman Journeyman N
Jane Herring 20 F Y
Jane Herring 4 F N
Eleanor Herring 1 F Y
High Street George Arnold 30 M Builder Y
Susannah Arnold 30 F Y
Frederick Jackson 18 M Carpenter Apprentice Y
High Street John Rich 50 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Rich 53 F Washerwoman N
David Rich 18 M Y
Isaac Rich 13 M Y
George Rich 11 M Y
Caroline Rich 3 F Y
James Carver 21 M Agricultural Labourer Y
High Street Thomas Whitbread 65 M Pensioner Y
Ann Whitbread 44 F Lacemaker Y
William Whitbread 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Thomas Whitbread 18 M Agricultural Labourer Y
James Whitbread 12 M Y
Henry Whitbread 7 M Y
Temperance Arnold 60 F Grocer Y
Sarah Arnold 25 F Y
Mary Farr 90 F Independent Y
High Street Richard Woodin 36 M Cordwainer Y
Caroline Woodin 15 F Y
William Woodin 8 M Y
Edward Woodin 7 M Y
Mary Emerton 50 F Housekeeper Y
High Street William Taylor 50 M Male Servant Y
Susannah Taylor 45 F N
High Street Sarah Smith 59 F Lacemaker Y
Frederick Smith 20 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Ann Smith 17 F Y
Ezra Smith 13 M Y
William Smith 7 M Y
High Street Martha Brown 48 F Chairwoman N
Henry Marshall 23 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Brown 20 F Lacemaker Y
William Brown 16 M Y
Caroline Brown 12 F Y
Elizabeth Brown 9 F Y
James Brown 4 M Y
Susanna Brown 2 F Y
John Brown 73 M Agricultural Labourer N
High Street Lucy Marriott 35 F Lacemaker N
Elizabeth Newman 10 F Y
Mary Marriott 7 F Y
Lucy Marriott 5 F Y
Ann Marriott 2 F Y
High Street James Walton 60 n Agricultural Labourer N
Priscilla Walton 27 F Lacemaker Y
High Street Charles Whiteman 43 M Tailor Y
Elizabeth Whiteman 50 F Y
George Whiteman 19 M Y
William Theed 73 M Gardener N
John Large 35 M Cordwainer Y
William Large 10 M N
Charlotte Harmer 30 F Female servant N
High Street Mary Wiffen 50 F Independent N
Mary Wiffen 9 F Y
Hannah Wiffen 6 F Y
Eliza Young 15 F Y
Elizabeth Cockerill 15 F N
High Street School Richard Pain 65 M Clergyman and Schoolmaster N
Elizabeth Pain 62 F N
Elizabeth Pain 30 F N
Ann Painter 25 F N
Mary Pain 25 F N
Ellen Pain 15 F Y
Robert Bagshaw 15 M Pupil [crossed through] N
Frederick Bagshaw 14 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Charles Barnet 10 M Pupil [crossed through] Y
George Barnet 9 M Ditto [crossed through] Y
George Bury 9 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Henry Gildhart 9 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Charles Gildhart 8 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Kedgwin Gough 13 M Ditto [crossed through] N
John Halcomb 9 M Ditto [crossed through] N
John Johnson 11 M Ditto [crossed through] Y
Charles Purser 12 M Ditto [crossed through] Y
John Purter 10 M Ditto [crossed through] Y
Richard Ratcliffe 14 M Ditto [crossed through] N
William Ratcliffe 12 M Ditto [crossed through] N
James Rilly 14 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Charles Rilly 12 M Ditto [crossed through] N
William Rilly 10 M Ditto [crossed through] N
George Smith 12 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Richard Wilkins 10 M Ditto [crossed through] N
Alice Turney 25 F Female servant N
Anna Button 19 F Female servant N
Mary Richardson 20 F Female servant N
Ann Bowler 25 F Female servant N
Maria Shemeld 30 F Female servant Y
High Street School Henry Quartley 20 M Independent N
Thomas Eastman 30 M Assistant Master N
Anthony Granard 32 M French Master Paris
George Burnett 14 M Pupil [crossed out] N
Thomas Ginger 15 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
Henry Grant 14 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
Richard Gresham 15 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
Robert Gresham 1 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
William Hitchcock 14 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Algernon Seby 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Alfred Jones 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Thomas Leete 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Loveridge 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
William Pettit 13 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
James Rose 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
James Rutter 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Sanders 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Simons 14 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Alfred Swaine 12 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Thacker 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Whitbread Tomson 14 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
Edward Whyly 13 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
William Wroth 12 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Alexander Young 15 M Ditto [crossed out] Jamaica
Henry Young 12 M Ditto [crossed out] Jamaica
George Harriss 22 M Baker Y
Noah Hart 15 M Male Servant N
Edmund Pain 16 M Independent Y
William Best 12 M Pupil [crossed out] Y
William Clarke 12 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Henry Fowler 14 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Freeman 14 M Ditto [crossed out] N
James Gildhart 16 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Thomas Gildhart 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
James Hill 14 M Ditto [crossed out] N
John Fenkens 11 M Ditto [crossed out] India
Edward Wakefield 11 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Edward Platt 15 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
George Platt 14 M Ditto [crossed out] Y
Henry Stockdale 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Septimus Stockdale 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Thomas Andrew 15 M Ditto [crossed out] N
William Hill 12 M Ditto [crossed out] N
Church Street John Carling 85 M Innkeeper [Swan – Old location] N
Mary Carling 65 F N
Catherine Carling 20 F Y
Elizabeth George 4 F Y
Church Street William How 50 M Independent N
Lucy How 35 F N
Maria Thorp 35 F N
Mary Edwards 45 F Female servant N
Ann Willison 19 F Female servant Y
William Usher 35 M Gardener N
Mary Usher 27 F Lacemaker N
Jane Usher 3 F Y
Hannah Usher 1 F Y
Church Street Maria Corder 45 F Independent N
Church Street Boteler Smith 50 M Clerk Y
Sarah Smith 40 F N
Charlotte Smith 12 F N
Sarah Smith 9 F Y
Julia Smith 8 F Y
Mary Osman 25 F Governess N
Thomas Sibley 20 M Male Servant Y
Susanna Kent 35 F Female Servant Y
Ann Fryer 25 F Female Servant Y
Rectory Thomas Farmer 65 M Clerk N
Thomas Wright 50 M Male Servant N
Sarah Wright 50 F Female servant N
Jane Boskett 30 F Female servant N
Manor Farm William Warr 55 M Farmer Y
Charity Warr 65 F N
Mary Kemp 25 F Female servant N
Thomas Willbur 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
William Adkins 14 M Y
[new property] Mary D’Cluvert 42 F Independent Y
[new property] John Smith 46 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Smith 45 F Y
William Smith 15 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Sarah Smith 12 F Y
James Smith 4 M Y
Frederick Smith 1 M Y
Hayfield Farm Richard White 41 M Yeoman N
Mary White 41 F N
Maria White 10 F N
Richard White 8 M Y
James White 6 M Y
William White 5 M Y
John White 3 M Y
Mary Rous 18 F Governess N
Sarah Major 24 F Female servant Y
[new property] Samuel Barrett 47 M Agricultural Labourer N
Susannah Barrett 44 F m
Joseph Barrett 21 M Agricultural Labourer Y
David Barrett 19 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Elizabeth Barrett 15 F Y
Ann Barrett 13 F Y
Jesse Barrett 10 M Y
Susannah Barrett 8 F Y
Benjamin Barrett 6 M Y
Eliza Barrett 4 F Y
Ellen Barrett 2 F Y
Charlotte Barrett 1 F Y
Aspley Hall George Campion 40 M Farmer N
Ann Campion 45 F N
Elizabeth Campion 15 F Y
Joseph Lucas 20 M Butcher Y
Daniel Collins 25 M Trunkmaker N
Daniel Collins 3 M N
Daniel Odell 20 M Male Servant Y
Mary Garrett 55 F Female servant Y
Susan Prigmore 16 F Female servant Y
Water Hall Ann Jackson 45 F Lacemaker Y
William Jackson 17 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Eliza Jackson 15 F Y
Mary Jackson 13 F Y
Jesse Jackson 9 M Y
Joel Jackson 7 M Y
David Jackson 5 M Y
Sarah Ford 30 F Lacemaker Y
Water Hall James Cooke 45 M Pensioner N
Emily Cooke 30 F N
Edwin Cooke 5 M N
Andrew Cooke 1 M Y
Water Hall Edward Pickering 30 M Agricultural Labourer N
Mary Pickering 25 F N
Mary Pickering 3 F Y
Water Hall James Tompkins 25 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Arabella Tompkins 23 F Lacemaker Y
John Tompkins 3 M Y
Sarah Tompkins 2 F Y
Sarah Fisher 51 F Lacemaker N
William Newshaw 35 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Jane Newshaw 38 F Lacemaker Y
Mary Newshaw 12 F Y
Susan Newshaw 10 F Y
John Newshaw 8 M Y
Reuben Newshaw 9m M Y
Water Hall James Dolton 44 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Susan Dolton 31 F Lacemaker N
Susan Dolton 3 F Y
Elizabeth Dolton 1w F Y
Water Hall Samuel Emerton 51 M Shoemaker Y
Jane Emerton 41 F Lacemaker N
Sarah Emerton 9 F Y
John Emerton 6 M Y
Water Hall James Tompkins 52 M Gardener Y
Rebecca Tompkins 53 F Lacemaker Y
Emma Tompkins 30 F Lacemaker Y
John Tompkins 22 M Agricultural Labourer Y
Mary Tompkins 20 F Y
Edward Tompkins 18 M Y
Georgine Tompkins 14 F Y
Thomas Tompkins 11 M Y
William Tompkins 2 M Y
Water Hall Henry Summerfield 23 M Carpenter Y
Martha Summerfield 23 F Y
Lydia Summerfield 2 F Y
Martha Summerfield 5m F Y
Salford Ford John Bennett 70 M Wholesale brewer Y
Elizabeth Bennett 68 F Y
Lydia Bennett 24 F Y
Salford Ford John Adkins 35 M Farmer Y
Charity Adkins 40 F N
John Adkins 9 M Y
Mary Adkins 7 F Y
Charity Adkins 5 F Y
Susannah Adkins 1 F Y
Elizabeth Chapell 60 F Independent Y
Sarah Jeffs 15 F Female servant N

Page last updated Sep. 2024.