A Year in Woburn Sands – 1947 through the columns of the Woburn Reporter
These stories and photos are all from the 1947 editions of the “Woburn Reporter and Woburn Sands Record”. I have included all Woburn Sands or Aspley Heath pictures and news stories, except the more mundane sports news and the weekly Whist report, unless they were exceptional in some way.
July – September
July 1st
Survey of Local Opinion Wars bring a consciousness of loyalty to one’s country. When domestic troubles come along, there is an immediate revival of loyalty to one’s family. In these days of Boundary Commissioners and the resultant nationwide revision of Local Government frontiers there becomes manifest a new and powerful loyalty – loyalty to ones’ County. Nowhere is this more strongly displayed than in Woburn Sands and Wavendon, where the stage is set for a boundary tussle between the supporters of Bedfordshire and the supporters of Buckinghamshire. In Wavendon, the position is clear cut. The parish is in Buckinghamshire and the people want to remain in that County. The proposal to put the parish, in Bedfordshire has already met with strong opposition, and the feeling in the village is summed up by one old resident who says, “I was born in Buckinghamshire and I don’t want to die in Bedfordshire”.
Woburn Sands Complications In Woburn Sands, things are not so easy. Although most of the ecclesiastical parish is in Buckinghamshire, there is a good part of it in Bedfordshire. Here, there is a clash of loyalties. However, the proposal to put the civil parish into Bedfordshire has been scorned by most of the residents. There is a desire to be either completely in one County or the other, and public opinion is strongly in favour of Buckinghamshire. A staff reporter of this newspaper who spent some time in the area last week found himself in a completely pro-Buckinghamshire atmosphere. At Wavendon he was told about the meeting held there last Monday when there was unanimous support for the proposition to stay in the present County. The tussle, he was told, would be between the Rural District Councils of Newport Pagnell and Ampthill, and Wavendon people were backing Newport.
“Hog Sty End” Wavendon people are very conscious of the fact that Woburn Sands was once a part of their parish. Years ago, Woburn Sands was merely Hog Sty End, Wavendon. They would like to see the parish returned to its former glory and the whole thing in Buckinghamshire. Visiting the local hostelry, our reporter was surprised to find that there were a few people, at least, who didn’t care one way or the other about county boundaries. “It won’t make much difference to the likes of us”, said one old man. Then a discussion started about the coal charity. Since the reign of George III, the Dukes of Bedford have provided either coal or wood for certain poor people in the parish. It is thought by some that if the village were taken into Bedfordshire this charity would cease. However, because an Act of Parliament created the charity and because the details of the award are written on the walls of the Church for all to see, there seems little risk of this. Another side to the coal problem, thought our reporter. Arriving at Woburn Sands, we found a situation which although existing for many years, is still ludicrous. There are two policemen in the place, one for Bedfordshire and one for Buckinghamshire. The Church is in Bedfordshire and the Vicarage in Buckinghamshire. There are even premises which are in both Counties. One resident who was having a drink in a local inn remarked with a chuckle, “On this side of the road the pubs open and close later than they do on the other side. We have two drinking hours here”.
The Vicars View The Vicar of Woburn Sands (the Rev F. W. Bowler, M.B.E., A.K.C.) expressed the opinion that it would be a good thing if the parish was in one County or another completely. Which County didn’t rally matter but, at the moment, his area was in two different counties. A prominent resident of the place, Mr A. E. Tomlin, who is a Parish Councillor and also a member of Newport Pagnell Rural District Council, said to our reporter, “We do not want to go into Bedfordshire. The part of Woburn Sands now in Bedfordshire we should like to see in Buckinghamshire. We want the whole parish in Buckinghamshire”. This, then, is the setting of the stage in the Woburn Sans district. The real tussle will begin shortly. What, everybody wonders, will be the opinion of the Boundary Commissioners.
Wavendon Opposes a Change – Public Meeting A resolution that Wavendon should remain in Buckinghamshire and be extended to include its original boundaries before Aspley Heath and Woburn Sands were separated from it, was passed unanimously at a public meeting at the B.P. Hut, Wavendon, on 23rd June. Reference was made to the general boundary, and it was stated that if Wavendon were to be transferred to Bedfordshire, its people would be out of pocket, because the Bedfordshire County rate was two-fifths more than that of Buckinghamshire. The County of Bedfordshire were accused of “seeing what orchard they could rob”.
Mr. J. B. Bell, Chairman of the Parish Council, who presided, read part of the official letter sent from the Buckinghamshire County Council to the Newport Pagnell Rural Council intimating Bedfordshire’s proposed plans.
Col. J. P. Wyness, Chairman of the Newport Pagnell Council, then addressed a meeting in Wavendon for the first time and said that the boundary question arose when the County of Bedfordshire, “fearing that the large industrial town of Luton would become a County Borough very shortly, started looking round to see what orchard it could rob”.
Bedfordshire’s Plans These plans revealed that they proposed taking Eddiesborough, Linslade, Wavendon and Woburn Sands. No doubt in course of time, the County Boundary Commissioners would be sending a representative to these areas, and, after finding the opinion of the places concerned, would report to the Commissioners.
Here, Col. Wyness said, any big organized body, such as the British Legion or the Ratepayers Association, could protest and thus help the District Council. He then went on to give a brief history of Wavendon, where he was one time member of the Archaeological Society.
It was, he said, the next largest parish to Hanslope in the Newport Hundreds, and dated back to 650 – in fact, it was known to be active years before that. Danesborough, part of the village, dated back to the Iron Age. The Heath was largely taken over by the Duchy of Bedford, many years ago, and coal, etc., allowed to cottagers in Wavendon in exchange. So Aspley Heath grew up. In 1883 a new parish was made of that area, and was considered to be in Bedfordshire, for some unknown reason. This was before the County Councils were formed in 1888.
Aspley Heath should most decidedly come back to Wavendon, Buckinghamshire. Woburn Sands was created by the railway going through, and shops, etc., grew up. This was at that time known as Hog Sty End, as seen by the old maps, and was in Wavendon parish – the present day parish still consisted of Church End, Cross End, Lower End. etc. It was suggested that Woburn Sands, Aspley Heath, and Aspley Guise should be transferred to Buckinghamshire and Wavendon still to remain in Buckinghamshire.
Higher Rates One thing Col. Wyness said must be taken into consideration, and that was the fact that the Bedfordshire County rate was two-fifths more than Buckinghamshire, and a transfer would therefore affect the pocket of the public. The resolution was proposed by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. G. King, and Capt. J. B. P. FitzGerald, as representative of the County Council, said the would be very pleased to convey the feelings of the meeting to that authority, and put it before the appropriate “committee.”
Woburn Sands W.I. Outing Members of the Woburn Sands Women’s Institute held their annual outing on 24th June. The venue was Clacton, and about 33 members made the journey, by road. A member of the party writes: –
“It is Midsummer Day; could it be Midsummer madness? Numbers of women meeting in the village square so early in the morning. Ah! A coach arrives. The women board it and, on the stroke of 7 a.m., away it goes to the sea. The Women’s Institute is having its summer outing, and the ride is fully enjoyed every mite of the way to Clacton. A perfect day – sun, sea breezes, deck chairs in plenty, paddling and bathing in a warm sea, walking, idling – a real change. All too soon it is time for departure, and so goodbye to Clacton. At 10.10 p.m. – tired, happy, and sunburnt – women scatter to their homes in Woburn Sands”.
Film Show – Arranged by Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Gas Company a show was held in the Memorial Hall on 24th June. A news film, a cartoon, and a number of instructive films were show.
Methodist Sunday School
It is generally agreed that one of the most important branches of Church work is the Sunday School. For many years vast, decreases in Sunday school membership have been common, and therefore it is pleasing to report a steady increase in membership of the Sunday School at the High Street Methodist Church, Woburn Sands. This is mainly due to the untiring work of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith (who are superintendent and Secretary respectively). The school’s membership has low reached 73 (38 junior scholars and 35 primary scholars). Mr. and Mrs. Smith are well supported by a staff of ten teachers, whose loyal co-operation was mentioned when the Secretary gave her annual report at the recent anniversary and prizegiving meeting.
Scholars’ Enthusiasm Enthusiasm for the Sunday we School does not appear to be confined to the teachers, but extends to some of the scholars. During the past year, no less than eight scholars made full attendances, obtaining 103 marks out of the possible 103. Some of the scholars entered for the Connexional Scripture Examination, and there were successful results. One scholar passed with honours, and there were three 1st Class passes and one 2nd Class pass. The average afternoon attendance of 51 shows that the scholars maintain a keen interest.
Summer Sports A number of members of the Woburn Sands Bowling Club are competing in the E.B.A. Championships and considerable successes have resulted in games decided against North Buckinghamshire bowlers. It remains to be seen whether any Woburn Sands men will be able to emulate the feat of Mr. Len Adams (of Chapel Street, Woburn Sands), who became Singles Champion of Buckinghamshire when he competed in the E.B.A. Championship about 12 years ago. The tennis section of the Woburn Sands Social Club is going well, and some matches in the League have been won.
For Church Funds Having contributed well to the Bishop of St. Albans’ Christian Reconstruction Fund, members of St. Michael’s Church have now turned their attention to the needs of their own church. Money is needed for the new heating system, and a summer fete has been arranged for 2nd July at the Vicarage. Pre-war functions of this nature, held every year, always proved very enjoyable, the Vicarage garden being an ideal spot.
A Woburn Sands bride at a wedding on Saturday at the High Street Methodist Church, Woburn Sands, was Miss Rose Loveridge, of 40 Station Road. She has been an active member of the High Street Methodist Church, and in addition to being a member of the choir, was also a member of the Methodist Guild and the Girls’ League. The bridegroom was Mr. Clifford Sinfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sinfield, of 48 Western Road, Bletchley. The Rev. Arthur Manley (Resident Methodist Minister) officiated.The bride, who was given away by her uncle (Mr. W. E. Evans, of Wing),was attired in a dress of lavender-blue crepe with veil to match, and silver sandals, and carried a shower bouquet of pink carnations. She was attended by a matron of honour, Mrs. H. Hobbs, Woburn. The best man was Mr. Bert Richardson, of Bradwell, a friend of the bridegroom. After the ceremony a reception was held in the schoolroom of the High Street Methodist Church, and later Mr. and Mrs Sinfleld left for Torquay. The wedding cake was made by the bride’s uncle, and the many presents received included blankets from the bride’s employers (Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Furber) and a tray from the members of the Girls’ League.
July 8th
Summer Fete raises £308 The first summer fete in Woburn Sands since 1939 was held on Wednesday in the Vicarage Garden. Organized by a special committee appointed by the Parochial Church Council under the chairmanship of the Vicar (the Rev. F. W. Bowler). It was a great success financially, £308 being raised for the new heating system for St. Michael’s Church. The rain held off and the pleasant weather added much to the enjoyment of the 500 or more people who paid for admission to Mr. Deacon and Mr. T. Barker.
As the Vicar said in his address of welcome, the fete was marked by the surge of purposeful buyers towards the second-hand clothes stall run by Mrs. Bowler, Mrs. White, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. Rashleigh, Miss Little, and Miss Bott. Within a few minutes of the opening all the stalls were thronged. Those in charge of the fruit and produce stall (Mrs. H. Leigh-Bennett, Mrs. E. G. Smith, Miss Bazley, Miss Poston, and Mrs. Bott), were hard pressed to serve their customers quickly enough, but waiting customers passed the time drinking lemonade from Mrs. Boon’s “Quenchit” stall. Another very popular feature was the bags and basket stall (Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Mills, and Mrs. Henley), where the considerable and excellent stock was sold long before the end. The fancy good stall (Miss Britten, Mrs. Bonnard, Miss Barrett, and Miss Henry) received constant and appreciative attention from buyers). Other stalls comprised the toy stall (Miss J. Mitchell and Mrs. H. White; book stall (Mrs. Gaskell); and a white elephant stall (Mrs. R. N. Neville, Mrs. H. Buxton, Mrs. McCoy, and Mrs. Barnwell).
The Sideshows Do Well After the first burst of enthusiasm to buy the best of the various commodities offered, the sideshows came into their own. The most popular of these appeared to be “the jet-propelled aeroplane” (Mr. T. Povey and Mr. Dick Bathurst), where a large assortment of prizes attracted much custom. Tucked away in a quiet corner Mr. Barrett inveigled both young and old to fling pennies into his bath; David Large encouraged all and sundry to locate buried treasure, and Mr. James Barnwell kept watch over the efforts of the bagatelle competitors.
Throughout the afternoon Miss Mills organized pony rides for the children – an attraction which proved so popular that the distance had to be shortened to meet the demand for rides. Ability to extract money was ably demonstrated by Mr. H. Hanna and Miss Wray, who were in charge of competition tickets. Prizes were won by the following: Miss M. Kilpin (fountain pen), Mr. N. King (bottle of sherry), Mr. H. Buxton (box of groceries), Miss White (nightdress), Miss Peacock (sling bag). (Mrs. Henly (picture), Miss L. Leadbeater (leather handbag), the latter being returned by Miss Leadbeater for auction, and was “knocked down” to Mrs. Henley after spirited bidding. The treasure hunt prize was won by Miss K. Dunkley, and the bagatelle prize by Mrs. Nursall.
Twins in Baby Competition There were 50 entries for the baby competition, which was judged by Miss Cousins and Miss Orchard (the Matron of Edgebury Convalescent Home). A prize for the best baby in the show was awarded to Raymond Bennett, and the Jackson Twins gained first place in the special class. In the shade of the trees, and to a background of music teas were served by Mrs. J. McMurtrie, Mrs. Hanna, and members of the Mothers’ Union. In the evening the children gave a splendid display of country and morris dancing, under the direction of Mrs. H Buxton and Mrs. A. W. Linnell. The skill and execution of the dances paid a high tribute to the hard work put in over the past two months by teachers and children alike. Mrs. A. W. Linnell was the pianist, with Miss Joan Webb and Miss Pat Linnell (violins) provided the music.
The Dancers Children taking part in the dances were: Philippa Leadbeater, Nina Wright, June Norman, Annette Denton, Freda Capp, Margaret Yeomans, Jill Large, Dorothy Cook, Mavis Dolton, Jill Blofield, Pamela Bareham, Barbara Champkin, Dorothy Harris, Brenda Smith, Gladys Enever, Brenda Wilson, Priscilla Garrett, Janet Norman, Ruth Best, Pat Weekes, Betty Boon, and Sheila Hale. Later in the evening a whist drive was held in the Vicarage. The M.C. was Mr. A. W. Linnell and the prizewinners Mrs. E. Goff, Mrs. Elborn. Mr. A. E. Pursell, and Mr. E. Cox. A dance was held in the Memorial Hall with Mr. E, G. Smith as M.C. Mrs. E. G. Smith was in charge of the refreshments.
Woburn Sands High Street Methodists held their Chapel Anniversary during the weekend. A meeting was held on Saturday, with Mr. H. J. Edwards in the chair. The Rev. Dr. Robert Bond gave an interesting lecture, “A Palestine Pilgrimage”. Dr. Bond conducted the services on Sunday
Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer was observed on sunday at St. Michael’s Church by a special service, conducted by the Rev. F. W. Bowler. The Parish Council attended.
First for 23 Years In connexion with the Woburn Sands branch of the Women’s Institute, a combined service was held on 29th June in the Vicarage garden. This was the first of its kind to be held since the branch was formed 23 years ago.
The Rev. F. W. Bowler conducted the service, assisted by the Rev. Arthur Manley, who gave an address, the theme being “It’s not so easy as it looks”. The service opened with the hymn “O worship the King”, followed by prayers.
The Women’s Institute Choir sang “Brother James’s Air” (Psalm 23). The lesson was read by Miss E. S. Robinson (W.I. President). Other hymns included “Crown Him with many crowns”, “Praise, my soul”, and “O Lord how happy should we be”. The service ended with prayers and a blessing.
We are always pleased to learn of achievements by our Woburn Sands boys in sporting events. At the local youth sports recently held in Bletchley Park, John Kilpin was placed third in the 880 yards race for boys of 18 years of age, and Richard Cook cleared 4 ft. 8 in. in the high jump for boys of 14-15 years, which gave him second place.
In the 440 yards race, John West finished’ first, his time being 54 4-5 sec. John also gained distinction recently when playing in an inter-house cricket match at Wolverton Grammar School by scoring a century – the first since 1938 in such a match. It would appear that John may become an all-round sportsman, for during the past football season he filled the position of goalkeeper for Aspley Guise and Woburn Sands Football Club on several occasions, and always played well.
John Kilpin is also a playing member of the local football club, his position being outside-left, and should become a very useful player in time. The three boys competing at Bletchley Park (John West, John Kilpin, and Richard Cook) have been chosen to represent their area in the Buckinghamshire County competition to be held shortly at Slough.
The Late Mr. W. Webster. During the war, Mr. Walter Webster, of Simpson (whose death occurred recently whilst he was visiting South Africa), became well known to men in Woburn Sands and district who served in the Home Guard. He was an expert marksman with the rifle, and his assistance in teaching members of the Home Guard to use the rifle efficiently proved very valuable. His remarks were always encouraging, but sometimes humorous. “You are doing well “, he once said to the writer of this note when on rifle practice when serving in the Home Guard, “but don’t be afraid of your rifle; the only man who need be afraid of it is the enemy you are shooting at.” And, he added, “If you can shoot straight.” Mr. Webster advocated the formation of rifle clubs so that Home Guardsmen, when disbanded, would be able to keep in touch with each other and carry on rifle practice, and so maintain efficiency. This has been done in some places in the district but not in Woburn Sands.
July 15th
Palestine The Woburn Sands branch of the British-Israel World Federation met on Wednesday in the Memorial Hall. The speaker was the Rev. Claude Coffin, who spoke on “Palestine: Arab – Jew-British?”
The annual collection for the National Union of Railwaymen’s Orphan Fund was held on Saturday. It was undertaken by Messrs. H. Yeomans, C. Yeomans. and L. P. Higgs. £5 4s. 0d. was realized.
Legion Yarmouth Trip The Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise branch of the British Legion – day trip to Yarmouth was held on 13th July.
Traffic Difficulties Congestion in the Woburn Sands High Street on a recent Saturday morning appeared to be worse than ever. The decision of the Buckinghamshire County Council to restrict the parking of vehicles on one side of the road only was fully justified by the difficulties experienced by some travelling vehicles. Cars standing on both sides of the road, some of them more than a foot from the kerb, resulted in vehicles being unable to pass each other. This occurred pear the Methodist Church, when a coach travelling down the road had to pull up behind a standing car in order to allow two other coaches to pass. These vehicles could have passed each other had cars been parked on one side of the road only.
Locating Aspley Heath Visitors to Aspley appear to experience much difficulty in locating that parish, and inquiries concerning its whereabouts have to be answered very frequently, even when the visitor has reached the Square at Woburn Sands and is thus practically in the parish he is seeking. Because of the fact that the Homewood Convalescent Home and the Edgbury Convalescent Home are situated in Aspley Heath, visitors are numerous. It would be a great help to many if a signpost was erected – preferably at the foot of Church Road – to indicate Aspley commences at that spot. Alternatively, an additional, “finger” could be placed on the signpost (which indicates the direction of several nearby places, but not Aspley Heath) at the foot of Aspley Hill, this additional finger pointing across the Square in the direction of Church Road.
Train-Cuts Grievance The recent cuts in the train service on the L.M.S. Bletchley – Bedford branch line have met with some disapproval. The main grievance appears to be in connexion with the discontinuance of the evening train which arrived at Woburn Sands at 7.23 p.m. This leaves two evening trains, arriving at Woburn Sands at 6.28 and 8.34, and a later one at 9.15p.m. It appears that residents of Woburn Sands and nearby villages who travelled daily to Wolverton and Northampton were dependent on the train which has been discontinued to get them home at a reasonable time in the evening. The 6.28 p.m. is too early, and the 8.34 means a longer wait at Bletchley – and a very late arrival home. We understand that representations will be made to various Parish Councils in the district, requesting these bodies to approach the L.M.S. for the restoration of the 7.23 p.m. at Woburn Sands, and the cutting of one of the other evening trains – if such cuts must be made!
July 22nd
Daneswood Sanatorium, Aspley Heath, is now equipped with a new X-Ray Unit, a gift of the Committee made possible by money invested in War Loan during the last war. It will be of assistance not only to the treatment of patients of the Sanatorium, but to people in the area in which Daneswood is situated. Daneswood Sanatorium was opened in 1903 for the reception of persons of the Jewish religion suffering from tuberculosis. It is the only one of its kind in the country, and is strictly orthodox. It is run by a voluntary committee, with various local authorities paying for the maintenance of patients from their boroughs. In cases where the Borough does not pay the whole cost of maintenance it is borne by the Committee if the patient cannot pay the additional cost. Private patients are accepted but no difference is made in their treatment or privileges.
Opening Ceremony The Sanatorium has a part-time non-resident radiographer, and the Consulting Physician – Dr. Neville Oswald, who is the Assistant Physician at the Brompton Hospital, London – reports on the films. Dr. Warren Barnes (of Woburn) is the Medical Superintendent, and visits the Sanatorium daily. The opening ceremony in connexion with the new X-Ray Unit took place on Friday, when the members of the Committee and a number of the Daneswood patients were present. Dr. Oswald explained the apparatus, and why it had been installed. It is the new “Double-Twin” type, made by a prominent London firm. As it is probably the only one of its kind in the district, it is hoped to make it available to local small hospitals, for the X-Raying of chest conditions only. Women’s Institute Garden Meeting – More than 100 hear about “Little Old New York” The July meeting of the Woburn Sands Women’s Institute was held on Wednesday in the garden of Cleeve House, Weathercock Lane, by invitation of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ball. More than 100 members and friends were present and it was the first time for many years that the branch had arranged its’ garden meeting on a fine day. Some old members were able to be present, because of the kindness of Mr. C. M. Ball, who drove them to Cleeve House in his car, and took them home again after the meeting.
Miss E. S. Robinson (President) was the chairman, and five new members were welcomed. She appealed to members for gifts and donations towards the flower show to be held in August for local hospitals. A report of a Group Meeting recently held at Stanbridge was given by Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hanna. The Speaker was Mrs F. J. Whitten, who gave an informative and humorous address on “A visit to Little Old New York”; she also gave a clever impersonation. There was a humorous description of Colney Island and the negro quarter of Harlem. Mrs Whitten mentioned some of the fascinating things to be seen in New York shops, ivory soap that floats, a device designed to sing a person to sleep and a switch fixed by the side of the bed designed to open or close the bedroom window. The big entrance hall to the Grand Central Railway Station had several attractive facilities, including a nursery, with trained nurses in attendance where babies could be left. Tea included fruit cake for the adults and special fruit jellies and small iced cakes for the children. A competition, “a posy in an egg cup”, was judged by Mrs. Whitten. The winners were: 1 Mrs. Gait, 2 Mrs. W. P. Hawes. The entries realized 7s. 6d. towards the flower show.
Novel Competition A novel competition was announced by Mrs. C. M. Ball, who invited members to view the garden and at the same time search for a curtain ring, to which was attached a piece of green wool. A prize was awarded to the winner. Potato races for adults and children also took place, and there was an amusing interlude for a “dressing-up” competition. Those taking part had to take articles from a heap of clothing at a given signal, and the result was humorous when unexpected garments had to be donned. The judge was Miss Foster and the winner was Mrs. Chapman.
Big Effort for Sands Church Byron’s line in a poem all about the ball held at Brussels on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo – “And all went merry as a marriage bell” – seems to sum up very aptly the St. Michael’s Church fete held recently at Woburn Sands. No doubt good organization and willing helpers were mainly responsible for the success; also the presence of about 500 people. It was a happy gathering, and the organizers had the satisfaction of staging a real social event, the like of which the village will look forward to next year. The financial result of the fete probably surprised most people, but £308 is considerably short of the money needed for the new heating system which it is hoped shortly to install in St. Michael’s Church. Of course, there is other work to be paid for – such as the concreting of the paths in the Churchyard, and the Church clock needs attention. It is hoped that all the money needed will be contributed or raised without having to make another large effort in the next few months.
What About the Band? We could not help noticing the absence of a band at the Church Fete. At pre-war fetes at the Vicarage the Woburn Sands Silver Band provided the music. Unfortunately this band ceased to function some years ago. We have conversed with one bandsman – a very keen musician – upon the possibility of the revival of the Band. Perhaps former bandsmen, and some new ones to take the places of those not now available, will get together and reform the Band.
The St. Michael’s Churchyard Good progress has been made during the past few weeks in tidying the Woburn Sands Parish Churchyard. Mr. Griffin has used his scythe up on the long grass with good effect, and shortly this churchyard may be the best-kept one in the district. Many of the graves in the Churchyard receive constant attention by relatives, but others need attention. Some years ago the Rev. John Shelton (late Vicar of Woburn Sands) rightly described such graves as “mounds of untidiness.”
July 29th
“Haunted House” at Aspley Guise Stating that the residence, “Woodfleld”, Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise, was reputed to be haunted, Mr. B. Key told a strange story to Luton Area Assessment Committee on Thursday, when he appealed against an assessment of the property at £62 gross and £50 rateable. Mr. Key, who lives at Twickenham, said the legend was that a man locked his daughter and her lover in a cupboard in the house because he did not approve of the lover. The couple were assumed to have eloped, but years later Dick Turpin visited the house and discovered their skeletons in the cupboard. Dick Turpin agreed to keep silent about his discovery on condition that he was allowed to take refuge in the house whenever he might want to do so. Later the skeletons were buried in the cellar. It was a difficult house on which to get full value, said Mr. Key, who also mentioned that, originally, the house had no staircase. When it was built it was the practice of some people not to have staircases. Instead, they had ladders, which they drew up at nights to prevent burglars getting into the upper parts of their houses. A staircase had since been built, but it was very awkward. Mr. Key had appealed on the ground that the house was credited with having one more reception-room than it actually had, and that the place had suffered considerable damage by enemy action.
A Show Place? He submitted a report by a firm of auctioneers stating that the property had been neglected for years and required considerable attention. A member of the Committee told that the nearest bomb fell a mile and a half from the house. Referring to the ghost story, Mr. Willet Ball asked Mr. Key if it would not be possible to fix up a couple of skeletons and a ghost and use the house as a show place? Mr. Key said he would not mind having a go, but he would not be living in the premises. The house was occupied by a crippled lady, who evacuated from London. Mr. G. W. Bean, for the Rating Authority, said the house was last valued in 1926. He had not inspected it, because he had been unable to arrange an appointment with Mr. Key, and he did not know anything about its present condition. The case was adjourned for the property to be inspected. Mr Key said that afterwards the tenant had complained that she heard noises like a huge bird flapping against the walls. Another evacuee, a girl about 15, refused to stay after spending two nights in the house. She went unconscious after being awakened in the night, he said. The house had belonged to his father and grandfather, but he himself had never lived there. The Valuer, Mr. Bean, said, “I shall consider it part of my duty to inspect the cupboard. I shall be extremely interested to see what is in it. This is the first haunted house I have had to value”.
Not Haunted! Miss Dickinson, who lives at “Woodfield”, Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise, has been interviewed with regard to reports published in the daily Press stating that “Woodfield” is haunted. She states that there is no truth in the story, and that she has never been disturbed by anything savouring of “ghostly visitation”.
A Wedding at Woburn Sands – Mr. R. W. Hill and Miss N. Curtis A pretty wedding took place on Saturday at the Parish Church, when Miss Nellie Curtis, fourth daughter of Mr. A. Curtis and the late Mrs. A. Curtis, of 35 Theydon Avenue, Woburn Sands, was married to Mr. Robert Walter Hill, second to son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hill, 47 Cowper Road, Harpenden. During the war the bride was a member of the Women’s Land Army, and the bridegroom served in the R.A.F. and was in India for two years. The ceremony was conducted by the Vicar. The bride wore a dress of white brocade, with a head-dress of orange blossom and trailing veil, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. She was attended by a matron of honour, Mrs. H. Bazzone (sister of the bride), and one bridesmaid, Miss Grace Hill (sister of the bridegroom). The best man was Mr. A. Hill (brother of the bridegroom). A reception was held at the Fir Tree Hotel. Woburn Sands, and later Mr. and Mrs. Hill left for Aberdeen. Their future home will be at St. Albans.
Wife ‘Overtired’ – Woburn Possession Claim Fails An unsuccessful claim for possession of a dwelling house, 6 Downham Road, Woburn Sands, occupied by George Valentine Holden, was made by Alfred John Holmes, of 29 High Street, Woburn Sands, post-master, at Bletchley County Court on Tuesday. Holmes said he built the Downham Road house in 1937 and let it to Holden in 1939 at 15s. a week. His son had come out of the Army and he and his wife and two year-old child were now sharing the High Street house with himself and his wife. He required the Downham Road house for his son. His wife was 64 years of age. She did all the cooking and managing and found it too much for her. Judge A. M. Hamilton: I dare say, like a great many other women today, she is grossly overtired and needs a rest.
“Did Not Cook” Holmes said there were two living-rooms and three bedrooms at High Street, and a kitchen, two rooms, and three bedrooms at Downham Road. Cross-examined, Holmes said his son’s wife did not cook or do much housework. She looked after the child and her own room. Holden said he occupied the Downham Road house with his wife, a daughter aged 20 and a son aged 17. He would be 60 next year and was employed as a clerk in the College of Aeronautics at Cranfield. Up to March 1946 he was in the R.A.F., and his children were locally employed. He had a house in London but there were eight people living there. His Honour said he was prepared to assume that Holmes reasonably needed the house, but he thought that little hard ship fell on him at present and thus defendant’s hardship would be greater. He therefore gave judgment for the defendant, with costs.
Woburn Sands Street Lighting From an attendance point of view, the annual lighting meeting at Woburn Sands was a fiasco. Those present were some members of the Parish Council and of course, the Chairman and the Clerk of the Parish Council. This absence of parishioners was rather unfortunate, because an important matter, affecting the whole the village, had to be dealt with. It was the cutting down by 50 per cent of the street lighting, as the result of a Government order. However, this order will be complied with by the extinguishing of 21 lamps. (The total number in use during a normal lighting season is 42.) As a result of the cut, Woburn Sands will probably be a badly-lighted area, but the half-lighting will be better than the total darkness that prevailed during latter part of the 1946-47 lighting season.
Preparing for Football The Committee of the Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Football Club is busy preparing for the coming football season. The financial side has to be well looked after, and the result of the dance (over £11 for the Club’s funds) was a good stimulus for future similar efforts. The Club’s first match will be at home, when Cardington, a new club to the league in which Woburn Sands are competing, will be the visitors, on 6th September. The return match at Cardington will be played on the following Saturday. Clapham will be visited on 20th September, and on the three Saturdays following, Woburn Sands will be at home to Felmersham, Campton, and Wilstead respectively. The two latter clubs are also newcomers to the League, and others in that category include Lidlington and Maulden. Woburn Sands will again meet local rivals in Ridgmont, Husborne Crawley, and Cranfield, and is every prospect of a good and interesting season. The number of matches in the league has increased to 28 (it was 22 last season).
August 5th
Cage Birds on Show at Woburn Sands – 65 Entries from a wide area There were 65 entries at a cagebird show held on Saturday at the Memorial Hall, Woburn Sands, and organized by the Woburn and District Cage Bird Society. More than 200 people attended. The exhibits came from Woburn Sands, Leighton Buzzard, Olney, Newport Pagnell, Aspley Guise, Wavendon, Newton Longville, and Drayton Parslow. Woburn Sands owners had a good proportion of successes, Mr. Tom Griffin and Mr. R. A. Cooke having a number of birds in first or second placings, while the budgerigars of Mr. V. E. Thompson (Aspley Guise) were prominent. A special prize for the best bird in the show was gained for Mr. Knight, Drayton Parslow) with a buff border cock. The cock bullfinch of Mr. A. J. Griffin (Leighton Buzzard) was adjudged to be the best British Bird, and Mr. T. Griffin showed the best unflighted bird – a ticked buff border cock.
The following were the helpers: Mr. T. Griffin (show manager), Mr. A. Tomlin (rail manager), Messrs. H. Wilson, L. Casey, A. J. Griffin, F. Smith, and R. Dover (stewards). Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Griffin, Mrs. T. Griffin, Mrs. T. Popple, and Mrs H. Wilson. The judge was Mr. Prior (Bletchley). Awards The awards were as follows: Yorkshire flighted, 1 and 2 T. Griffin (Woburn Sands), 3 F. Smith (Leighton Buzzard); unflighted yellow Yorkshire, 1 T. Griffin; unflighted Buff Yorkshire, 1 F. Smith (Leighton Buzzard), 2 T. Griffin; border flighted, 1 Mr. Knights, 2 Mr. Knights, 3 Mr. Knights (Drayton Parslow); unflighted buff borders, 1, 2, and 3 T. Griffin; budgerigar, old bird, 1 H. Brett (Woburn Sands); budgerigar, 1947, 1, 2, and 3 V. C. Thompson (Aspley Guise); budgerigar, breeders’ challenge, 1 V. C. Thompson; A.V. British cock, H.B., 1 R. A. Cooke (Woburn Sands), 2 Mr. Sewell (Leighton Buzzard), 3 A. J. Griffin; A.V. British hen, H.B., 1 and 2 R. A. Cooke (Woburn Sands), 3 A. Tomlin; bullfinch or goldfinch, 1 A. J. Griffin, 2 Sewell, 3 R. Dover (Leighton Buzzard); mules, 1 and 2 R. Wilson; selling class, 1 T. Griffin, 2 Mr. L. Casey; house bird, old bird, 1 Mr. Hobbs (Woburn), 2 L. Casey; house bird, 1947, 1 L. Casey; bullfinch hen, 1 Sewell, 2 R. Dover.
Woburn Sands Flower Show This year the flower and vegetable show arranged by the Women’s Institute at Woburn Sands will be held on Saturday – instead of Wednesday. It has been considered that more people will have an opportunity to be present at the show on a Saturday. Another reason for the change of day is that there will be an allotment-holders’ section, and this extension of the exhibits should make for increased interest. As last year, the proceeds will be divided between hospitals in the district.
Musical Society Preparations The Woburn Sands and District Musical Society is now ready for the practices in September. The Committee has decided that a programme of Christmas music should be given. After that the Society will go on to prepare for a concert later in the season, when Edward German’s popular “Merrie England” will be given. “Merrie England” was performed when a former Woburn Sands Choral Society was in existence. Though this happened more than twenty years ago, the Committee think it is likely that a number of scores of “Merrie England have been kept by singers in Woburn Sands and nearby villages who were members of the old Society. The Committee appeal to these people to either loan or give their copies to the Musical Society for use in the coming practices.
St. Michael’s Sunday School Monday, 28th July, was a great day for the scholars of St. Michael’s Church Sunday School at Woburn Sands. It was their summer outing and the day was a fine one. The venue was Clacton-on-Sea and in addition to the and teachers a number of parents and friends made the journey, and 5 coaches were used to convey the party of 150. Excellent arrangements were made by the Vicar. Everyone had an enjoyable day, and there were no mishaps.
Darts The Woburn “Tap” team were at home to players from the Fir Tree Hotel, Woburn Sands and won 2-1. Game shot for the visitors team (led by the Fir Tree propietor, Mr Syd Hughes) was made by Bill Scuttle. Barnwell scoring 101. Game shots for the home team were credited to C. White and G. Ealing. White’s score included 100 (twice), G. Ealing’s 140 and 100, G. Pepper’s 100.
This house, Woodfield, Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise, is said to be haunted. The story is that Dick Turpin discovered the skeletons of a pair of lovers in a cupboard, and agreed to keep silent on condition that he was allowed to take refuge in the house whenever he required. Miss Dickinson, who now lives there, says, however, that there is no truth in the story, and that she, at any event, has never been disturbed by a ghostly visitation.
Last week’s story in The Woburn Reporter about the alleged “haunted house” in Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise, and the two skeletons discovered by Dick Turpin, locked in a cupboard, has evoked an interesting echo or coincidence. Mr. W. N. Henman, of Bedford, on reading the story at once remembered a somewhat similar story he had read in a book about Dick Turpin, entitled “Black Bess; or the Knight of the Road”, issued in 252 penny numbers about 65 years ago.
In this story it seems that Dick Turpin and his associate Tern King, were hotly pursued by the Bow Street runners and were on the lookout for a hiding place from them. Tom King told his companion that he knew of a large deserted house not far distant, where they might lie low for a time safe from their pursuers. This house was known as Durley Chine, and had been closed up after the death of its owner, and was to be kept closed for the period of 100 years.
A notice posted up near the gates warned trespassers that they would be prosecuted if they attempted to enter the house or grounds. The reason of it being closed was not fully known, but it had something to do with the owner’s young wife having eloped with her lover. The two highwaymen made an entry into the house and determined to search the place and find out its secrets.
A Grim Discovery In making their search they came to an upper room, the door of which was, with great difficulty, opened. In this room they found a large cupboard which also was securely fastened. After a time they were able to wrench open the door, and as they did so, to their great surprise, out tumbled two skeletons. This, then, was the secret of the closed house. The two lovers had not eloped as had been given out to be the case, but had been fastened in the cupboard by the vengeful husband, there to pine away and die, and the house had been ordered to be closed so that the tragedy should not be brought to light. This adventure of the highwaymen is illustrated by a wood engraving showing the door of the cupboard being pulled open and the two skeletons falling out upon the floor. It would be very interesting to learn any further details of this legend. The book which Mr. Henman quotes from was in the possession of Capt. Frank B. Arkwright in 1873 and bears his book crest. Capt. Frank Arkwright, Coldstream Guards, was the father of Capt. Esme Arkwright, of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, who was for many years Master of the Oakley Hounds.
August 12th
“Flapping Wings” in Weathercock Lane Sir, – Referring to the statements in The Woburn Reporter of 29th July with regard to Woodfield, Weathercock Lane, being haunted, it is not correct that I said there is no truth in the story. What I did say to your correspondent was that I, being a cripple, was very much cut off from associating with other people resident in the neighbourhood and heard very little about topics current in the locality; that ever since I have lived in the place I have from time to time been disturbed in the night by the flapping of wings; that I had from time to time heard that the house was said to be haunted; that the former owner, Miss Key, had been inconvenienced by the effect of this story; that I myself had never previously heard the actual story or even that there was one attached to the house; and that for my part I could not say whether or not the house was haunted.
A. Dickinson. Woodfield. Woburn Sands.
The Late Mr W. H. Wade – Lived in Woburn Sands for Sixteen Years The funeral of Mr. William H. Wade took place on 1st August at St. Michael’s Church, Woburn Sands the service being conducted by the Rev. T. N. Gunner (Vicar of Woburn). Mr. Wade, who was 63 years of age, had lived at Woburn Sands for over 16 years, at 4 The Grove (the home of Mrs. Coleman). He worked at the Ridgmont Works of the Marston Valley Brick Co., Ltd. He was a bachelor.
The mourners were Mrs. Coleman, Mr. W. Coleman, Mrs. Munn Mr. J. Coleman, Mrs. Wade, Mr. T. Wade, Mrs. Coleman, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. Thomas King Johnson, Mr. Dick Kilroy, and Mr. and Mrs. Hinde and Mr. Jim Hinde (of the Station Hotel). Floral tributes were sent by the following: Mrs. Coleman (4 The Grove); Mr. and Mrs. J. Coleman (Wavendon); The Directors and Staff of Marston Valley Brick Co., Ltd.; Marston Valley Jubilee Memorial Club; Employees of the Marston Valley Brick Co., Ltd.; The Birchmoor Arms Cork Club, Woburn; Mr. and Mrs. Wade and family; Fred, Edie, and Violet; The neighbours at The Grove; Joe, Kath, and children; Mr. Enever and family; Mr. and Mrs. T. King Johnson; May, Vic and children; Mary, Jim, and Michael; His workmates.
Innovation at Woburn Sands Flower Show Section for Allotment Holders – Another W.I. Success The sixth annual flower and vegetable show arranged by the Woburn Sands Women’s Institute and held on Saturday, was as successful as previous shows. In addition to the classes for produce of Women’s Institute members, there was this year a section for allotment holders. This section proved a disappointment to the organizers, as there were very few entries.
For the opening ceremony, Miss E. S. Robinson (Branch President) was the chairman, and Miss B. Shand (Matron of Bedford County Hospital) declared the event opened. Ann Kitchener presented her with a bouquet.
The Flower Show Committee organizing it consisted of Mrs. G. Hunt (secretary), Mrs. K. Griggs (treasurer), and Miss E. S. Robinson, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs Potts Mrs. E. G. Smith, Mrs. F. Sillem, Mrs. W. P. Hawes, Mrs. Barnwell, and Mrs. H. C. Piper (chairman).
After viewing the exhibits, the visitors left the Memorial Hall for the Vicarage Garden, where stalls and sideshows were enjoyed. Receipts were divided between hospitals in the district. The stalls did good business. Mrs. S. Wooding was in charge of the fancy goods stall, and she had the assistance of Wendy Ball and Jean Heap (of Newbury). On the clothing and miscellaneous stall Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. W. P. Hawes, Mrs. C. Carter, Miss Ellingworth, Mrs. Barnwell, and Mr. J. Barnwell were kept busy. Another useful stall was the fruit and flower stall, in charge of Mrs. F. W. Lawrence and Mrs. Lambourne.
Darts Skill
The Rev. Arthur Manley and Mr. G. Hunt invited dart players to demonstrate their skill, and it was left to three women players to achieve the highest score these being: 1 Mrs. T. Garrett, and 2 Mrs. Nursall and Mrs. Davis (tie).
Miss J. Bodley was in charge of the clock golf tournament, and as a result of a very busy afternoon three players had to play off for the prize. Miss Mava Blackeby being the winner. There was the treasure, with Mrs. J. Goff in charge, which was “pegged” by Mr. G. Barnwell. For pennies in the bath (to cover a sixpence) Mr. G. Barnwell officiated. Under the direction of Miss Pearce. “Strides” was a popular feature with the children.
Other prizewinners during the afternoon were Annette Smallpice (competition for a doll), and Mrs. Davidson (of The Shrubbery), who won a mystery prize.
The bran tub proved popular and was quickly denuded of its contents. Mr. S. Wooding, Wendy Ball, and Jean Heap were in charge of it.
Mrs. Chapman was in charge of teas and she had the assistance of Mrs. E. G. Smith, Mrs. C. Carter, Mrs. Goss Mrs. H. C. Piper, Miss G. M. Palmer, and Mr. G. Smallpice.
Special Prizes
The judges for the garden produce were Mr. J. G. Herbert, Mr. B. W. Hanson and Mrs. M. Y. Kilby (of the Bedfordshire County Federation of Women’s Institutes Produce Guild). The entries in the cake competition were judged by Mr. C. M. Ball.
Special prizes given by Mr. C. Hutton for winners of a collection of four kinds of vegetables (any variety), three of each, were won by, 1 Mrs. Barnwell, 2 Mrs. Goss (W.I.I members’ entries only). Special awards (also given by Mr. C. Hutton) for a collection of four kinds of vegetables (any variety), three of each (allotment holders only), were won by 1 Mr. A. Circuit, 2 Mr. V. Sharpe.
Mrs. H. C. Piper gave special prizes to exhibitors gaining the highest number of points in Women’s Institute and allotment holders’ sections. The winners were: 1 Mrs. Goss, 2 Mrs. Barnwell (W.I. classes); and 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr. V. Sharpe (allotment holders).
Other Winners
The cake competition was for W.I. members only, and the winners were, 1 Mrs. H. Hanna, 2 Miss A. Perry. Miss Harris, Miss K. Pakes, and Mrs. F. Sillem tied with an all correct solution in the tree and flower competition.
The placings in the vegetable, fruit, and flower exhibits were as follows:
W.I. Members Only
Collection of four kinds of vegetables (any variety), three of each, 1 Mrs. Barnwell, 2 Mrs. Goss; beet, 1 Mrs. Chapman, 2 Mrs. F. W. Lawrence. 3 Mrs. Goss; cabbages, 3 Mrs. Wilson; carrots, 1 Mrs. L. P. Higgs, 2 Mrs. A. Manley, 3 Mrs. H. Hanna; cauliflower, 1 Mrs. F. Sillem; french beans, 1 Mrs. T. Bryant; lettuce 1 Mrs. Goss, 2 Mrs. Wilson, 3 Mrs. L. P. Higgs; marrows, 1 Mrs. Barnwell, 2 Mrs. T. Bryant; onions 1 Mrs. Barnwell, 2 Mrs. L. P. Higgs, 3 Mrs. Goss; peas, 1 Mrs. L. P. Higgs, 2 Mrs. W. P. Hawes; round potatoes, 1 Mrs. Boulter, 2 Mrs. Carter: kidney potatoes, 1 Mrs. A. Manley. 2 Mrs. Goss, 3 Mrs. Boulter; runner beans 1 Mrs. W. P. Hawes, 2 Mrs. Chapman, 3 Mrs. Daniells; shallots. 2 Mrs. Goss; tomatoes, (indoor), 1 Mrs. Barnwell, 2 Mrs. Daniells, 3 Miss Mowbray; tomatoes (outdoor). 1 Mrs. Barnwell. 2 Mrs. Goss, 3 Mrs. F. W. Lawrence; ridge cucumbers, 2 Mrs. Goss; any freak vegetable. 1 Mrs. A. Manley.
Preserves, honey, etc.: Bottled fruit dated; 1 Mrs. A. Manley, 2 Mrs. Goss; honey, 1 Mrs. Green; jam, 1 Miss E. Robinson, 2 Mrs. W. P. Hawes, 3 Mrs. F. Sillem; jelly, 1 Miss Perry. 2 Mrs. Carter, 3 Mrs. Goss; cooked potatoes, 1 Mrs. H. Hanna, 2 Mrs. Goss.
Flowers: Asters. 1 Mrs. Chapman; dahlias, 1 Mrs. C. M. Ball; gent’s buttonhole, 1 Mrs. Ellingworth; lady’s spray, 1 Mrs. Ellingworth, 2 Mrs. Barnwell. 3 Mrs. F. Sillem, 4 Mrs. H. C. Piper; collection of flowers 1 Mrs. E. D. Sykes, 2 Miss Harris, 3 Mrs. Ball, 4 Mrs. E. Burton; roses, 1 Mrs. C. M. Ball; roses and rose foliage, 1 Mrs. C. M. Ball, 2 Mrs. H. C. Piper; sweet-peas, 1 Mr. W. P. Hawes, 3 Miss Mowbray; sweet-peas, different colours. 1 Mrs. Daniels, 2 Mrs. Barnwell. 3 Mrs. Wilson.
Allotment Holders Only
Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr. V. Sharpe; beet, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt. 2 Mr. V. Sharpe; cabbage, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt: carrots, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr L. P. Higgs; carrots (short), 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr. V. Sharpe; marrows, 3 Mr. A. Circuitt; pets. 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr. V. Sharpe; any freak vegetable, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt.
Open Classes
Eggs: White, I Mr. J T. Whitmee, 2 Mrs. Barnwell; brown, 1 Mrs. Daniells, 2 Mrs. G. Hunt; duck, 3 Mrs. L P. Higgs.
Fruit: Dessert apples. 1 Mrs. Gait, ,2 Miss Mowbray, 3 Mr. E. Peppitt, 4 Mrs. W. P. Hawes; cooking apples, 1 Mrs. F. W. Lawrence, 2 Mrs. Hayward 3 Mrs. Gait; pears 1 Mr. T Garrett, 2 Mrs. Goss, 3 Mr. J. T. Whitmee; loganberries, 1 Mrs. W. P. Hawes; white currants, 1 Miss E. S. Robinson; gooseberries 1 Mr. T. Garrett; plums. 1 Mrs. Gait, 2 Mrs. G. Hunt, 3 Mrs. Goss, 4 Mrs. Barnwell.
Vegetables: Cabbages, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt; marrows, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt 2 Mr. T. Garrett; beet, 1 Mr. A. Circuitt, 2 Mr. T. Garrett.
Prizes of competitions, etc., were distributed to the winners by Miss E. S. Robinson, assisted by Mrs. G. Hunt and Mrs. K. Griggs.
At the close the produce, etc., exhibited, were auctioned by Mr. A. W. Parker, and good prices were realized. The exhibition of flowers, pot plants, tomatoes, and cucumbers which decorated the stage was given by Mr. B. Hanson, and these also were sold. The Rev. F. W. Bowler gave the use of the Vicarage garden. Others who assisted were Mr. H. C. Piper, Mr. F. W. Lawrence, Mr. F. Sillem, and a friend. As secretary of the Flower Show Committee. Mrs. G. Hunt had a busy afternoon.
The Rev. E. Griffin’s West Indian Talk Listening to the Rev. W. Marsh, who recently gave an address at Woburn Sands on the work of missionaries in the West Indies (where Mr. Marsh was stationed for over twelve years), we were pleased to learn of the great work being carried on there by the Rev. Ernest Griffin. It is many years since this old Woburn Sands boy left the village to become a Methodist minister. Since his acceptance to the ministry, he was in charge of several churches in various parts of England and Wales, but eventually went abroad on missionary work. He carried on a successful ministry in British Guiana (at Georgetown). Now he is stationed in the Island of Barbados, and is in charge of a Methodist Circuit extending over a wide area. He is very active in welfare work among the coloured people of the West Indies. Mrs. H. Cook (formerly Miss W. Ash, and until her marriage a very active worker at the High Street Methodist Church, Woburn Sands) has now returned to the West Indies with her husband, the Rev. H. Cook, to continue missionary work there.
19th Aug
Fire Destroys Sixty Acres of Pines – Blaze Rages Throughout Sunday Afternoon and Night About 60 acres of Scotch pines were destroyed in a forest fire which raged on Aspley Heath during the whole of Sunday afternoon and throughout the night. It was fought by firemen of eight forces, by members of the Duke of Bedford’s Estate Woods Department, and by members of the Bedfordshire Constabulary.
A police wireless car was used to maintain communications between the fire-fighters and the N.F.S. headquarters at Luton. As a result of excellent co-ordination in dealing with the scattered tongues of the fire, the blaze was held in check. The alarm was given at 2 p.m. on Sunday, when fire was noticed in the sand pit at Leighton Hollow. How it began is a mystery, but it is thought that a cigarette end thrown down carelessly by picnickers may have started it. First on the scene was the Woburn Sands Fire Service, and when the seriousness of the outbreak was realized, other appliances were sent for. In quick succession, fire-engines from Woburn (the first “big” call the Woburn Force has had since the Duke of Bedford opened the new station). Bletchley, Dunstable, and Bedford.
Extra police were drafted to the area and they helped with the fire fighting as well as controlling the traffic.
Radio Car Divisional Officer Malster, of Luton, assumed command of the N.F.S. men, and because there was no telephone handy a police radio car was used by him to pass messages by way of the County Police Headquarters to the Luton Fire Station.
Clouds of smoke billowed upwards, as the pines, the thick undergrowth and the heather, dried by weeks of sunshine, blazed like tinderwood. As the tentacles of the fire stretched outwards, fire-fighters, helped by villagers and holiday-makers, dug trenches in an effort to hold up the course of the fire. For some time it looked as though the fire might devastate the whole of the lovely wood lands between Woburn Sands and Bow Brickhill. But, by seven o’clock Divisional Officer Malster was able to send the message: “Stop. Fire on Aspley Heath under control”.
Task Not Over The task of the fire-fighters was not over, however. Much vigilance was required in tracking down isolated patches of fire on the outskirts of the smoking area of destruction. As darkness fell, the N.F.S. moved in relief firemen from Bedford, Biggleswade, Ampthill, and Kempston. All through the night they were keeping the fire in check.
An official of the Duke of Bedford’s Estate told a reporter of this newspaper yesterday morning that the trees in the 60 acres had been burning all night and that firemen and members of the Estate Woods Department were still on duty. “It is more or less under control now”, he said. When the fire was at its height an N.F.S. refreshments van was sent to supply drinks for the thirsty firemen.
Tell The Council! – Invitation to Woburn Sands Ratepayers Following a suggestion by a member of the Woburn Sands Parish Council, the names and addresses of the nine members of the Council are now displayed in the Post Office. This has been done so that any parishioner wishing to bring to the notice of the Parish Council any matter affecting the parish, or make suggestions that might, improve its amenities, can contact a Councillor who will voice such suggestions or complaints at the next meeting of the Council.
Though an unpaid body of men, the members of any Parish Council should be regarded as ready to do anything for the well-being of the village they represent. But no matter how far-sighted a Council may be, its members cannot always anticipate the wishes of the parishioners, who may wonder why endeavours are not being made to get certain things done.
Grievances can be Ventilated A parishioner may feel aggrieved about a decision of his Council on a certain matter. Possibly an explanation may result in an understanding. For instance, some time ago, the Woburn Sands Parish Council unanimously turned down a request for the use of the Institute by a mobile cinema proprietor. When this became known some residents raised a protest and considered that Woburn Sands people should have had an opportunity to see films in their own village. Why had the Council stopped it? Because the Council wished to be killjoys? No, the simple reason was that the installation of the cinema would have entailed certain structural alterations to the Institute, and bearing this in mind and deciding that a six-night-a-week cinema show in the village would probably not pay, the Council agreed that the expense that would have been incurred was not warranted. So the request was refused. This decision appears to have been justified by the fact that one-night-a-week mobile cinema shows in Woburn Sands and nearby villages have, after a time, ceased,
Post Office Bouquet Mention of the Woburn Sands Post Office in the preceding notes, brings to mind a comment made by a business man who came to the village about two years ago. He stated that he had never experienced courtesy and helpfulness in any post office similar to that from the staff of the Woburn Sands Post Office. We can fully corroborate this statement, for during the many years we have had dealings with the Post Office, courtesy and helpfulness have always been the keynotes of the staff’s attitude towards its customers, no matter how busy they may have been.
Fire Call On Sunday afternoon, the siren was used to call Woburn Sands firemen to help deal with an outbreak of fire involving part of the Duke of Bedford’s estate in the Woburn and Bow Brickhill district.
Flower Show Result The gross proceeds from the flower show organized by the Woburn Sands Women’s Institute, was £84 12s. 9d. After the deduction for expenses and prizes, £66 will be allotted to local hospitals.
Visit Cancelled The visit of Mr. Aidan Crawley (M.P. for the Buckingham Division) to the village, fixed for Wednesday, was cancelled, Mr. Crawley being detained in London on Parliamentary business.
An Exciting Finish The Woburn Sands Bowling Club, in the match against Stony Stratford Bowling Club, at Stony Stratford, lost by one shot. Scores were as follows: H. H. Gill (Woburn Sands), 13; A. J. Faulkner (Stony Stratford) 25.; C. A. Garratt, 26; H. Grace, 15.; A. J. Holmes, 27; W. L. Marsh, 19.T-H. Wyeth, 11; H. Alien, 19. Woburn Sands 77. Stony Stratford 78.
County Semi-Final The semi-final of the Buckinghamshire County Rink Competition was played on the Woburn Sands B.C.’s green, when Aylesbury Town beat Wolverton Town by 22 shots. Scores: Taylor (Aylesbury), 30; Dunkley (Wolverton), 7. Porter, 25; Port. 9.Hayward. 16; Nash, 33. Aylesbury 71. Wolverton 49.
Visitor from Canada Mrs. Body, who was Miss Annie Hallworth, a member of a well-known Woburn Sands family, is on a visit to the village. She left Woburn Sands thirty-eight years ago, and settled in Canada, her home being in Toronto. She lost one son during the war while he was serving with the Canadian Air Force. Her other son also is in that unit and is stationed in Greenland. Mrs. Body is staying with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tomlin. She describes England as a “beautiful country”, but thinks that “food is not very plentiful.”
Darts and Skittles The Woburn “Tap” dart team visited the players of the Fir Tree Hotel, Woburn Sands, on Friday night, a good game resulting in a win for the visitors by 2-1. R. Indge scored 100, and game shots were credited to C. White and G. Ealing. For the Fir Tree Hotel J. Keighley scored 137 and H. West the game shot. At skittles the position was reversed, the home side winning by 2-0.
26th August
Forest Fire Blazes Up in Bow Brickhill Area – A Hundred Fires in Bedfordshire Alone Last Week The forest fire on Aspley Heath which has kept firemen of three counties busy for over a week, blazed up again on Sunday afternoon, this time in the Bow Brickhill area. Firemen who were patrolling the still-smouldering 70 acres at the Woburn Sands end of the Heath, raced to the scene, and had the new fire under control within half an hour.
For the N.F.S. the Aspley Heath fire has been just another fire. They had a hundred fires to deal with in Bedfordshire alone last week. Another ten acres of pines, heather, and undergrowth were burnt at Bow Brickhill. With smouldering, charred trees and bracken now in three different areas of the heath, the firemen have a more difficult job, and if there is no heavy rain it is likely that they will be on duty for weeks. Criticisms were made at last week’s meeting of Newport Pagnell Rural Council about the firemen’s use of water from the mains, causing villages in North Buckinghamshire to be short of water. Yesterday, Sub-Area Commander D. O. Malster, of the Luton N.F.S., who has been in charge of the fire fighting at Aspley Heath, said that the water from the mains had been used with the full sanction of the authorities and in consultation with the local Water Engineer.
Appeal to Motorists “It may be considered”, said the officer, “that with a fire of these dimensions a considerable quantity of water is used. In actual fact, that is not so. We have had to limit our tactics to damping down the trees and undergrowth on the boundaries of the fires, to prevent ‘spreads’.”
Commenting on the hundred fires which had been put out in Bedfordshire during the past week, Sub-Area Commander D. O. Malster said, “Many fires have been caused by burning cigarettes thrown from cars by motorists. Falling on the dried grass on the roadsides, these have caused fires which spread rapidly owing to the dry state of vegetation. At New Road, Maulden, the Ampthill Brigade put out grass fires which had spread to within ten feet of two ammunition shelters. We do appeal to motorists to have more care”.
N.F.S. Equipment Woburn Unit of the N.F.S. have just received a valuable and useful addition to their equipment in the shape of a mobile tanker. Operated by its own engine, the two tanks have each a capacity of 500 gallons, and will be invaluable in cases where the supply of water is difficult to obtain.
Police Duty at Woburn Sands – Arrangements Please Parish Council When Woburn Sands Parish Council met on 18th August a letter was read from the Superintendent of Police in reply to the request for better police supervision in the village. The request resulted from an outbreak of what was described as “hooliganism” on a Saturday night, when property was damaged and displaced.
The Superintendent stated that arrangements had been made for the local constable to spend more time on duty in the village. The Clerk of the Council reported that, in an interview with the police, statements had been made confirming this letter. The Council expressed satisfaction at the decision.
A letter was received from he Buckinghamshire County Council in reply to the complaint regarding noise caused by announcements by loudspeakers from vehicles touring he village. A copy of a by-law made by the County Council was enclosed, and it was pointed out that it was necessary to prove that the noise made was loud and so continuous as to a nuisance to the occupants or inmates of premises in the district.
Members generally agreed that the by-law was not a great deal of use, except in cases of extreme or continuous noise, and it was thought doubtful if it could be applied to stop loudspeaker announcements from moving vehicles.
Lighting Costs Reduced The Council was pleased to learn, that a letter had been received from the Northampton Electric Light Co., in which it was stated that a further reduction in the cost of lighting the village during last season had been agreed upon by the Company, namely, £6 15s. 9d. This was due to the restriction of lighting during the acute fuel crisis. Notification was received from the County Council that a plan of the proposed bridge over the railway on the east side of Woburn Sands Railway Station would be available for inspection at Bletchley.
Discussion ensued about the value of joining the recently-formed Buckinghamshire Association of Parish Councils, a letter asking the Council to join having been received. It was pointed out that unity might be desirable in the future, should an attempt be made to undermine any power or authority possessed by a local government. Mr. C. Hutton proposed that the Council join the Association, Mr. J. A. Pursell seconded, and the members agreed. It was decided to precept for £20 for general parish expenses and for £60 for lighting during the coming season.
W.D. Payment A statement was received from Messrs. Foll and Parker in connexion with the Council’s claim from the War Department for the dilapidation, etc., of the Institute while it was occupied by soldiers during the war. As a result of the settlement the Council will receive £229 15s. 5d, (£100 of which has already been received on account). Mr. E. F. Bathurst proposed that this payment be accepted. Miss E. S. Robinson seconded and the Council agreed. There were present Mr. J. McMurtrie (chairman), Miss E S. Robinson, Messrs. B. W. Hanson C Hutton, E. F Bathurst. J. A. Pursell and the Clerk (Mr. Joseph Pursell).
An Outing organized by the Women’s Institute took place on Wednesday. The venue was Beaconsfield, and the members inspected a model village there.
An accident involving two motor-cyclists and a timber wagon, took place on Thursday morning at the corner of Hardwick Road and Hardwick Place. One of the motorcyclists suffered a broken arm and injuries to the face.
A Dance held on Friday at the Memorial Hall was arranged by the Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Football Club. Mr. W. Dolton was the M.C. and Committee members assisting were Mr. E. Fox, Mr. S. West, and Mr. A. Fairey. Mrs. E. Fox was in charge of refreshments: A competition prize was won by Mr. R, Bathurst, and when he gave it back for auction, the Club’s fund benefited by £1.
We had a chat with the Partridges before they left the home of their relatives at Ridgmont last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Partridge started their married life at Aspley Heath over 32 years ago and built up the business formerly held by Mr Alfred Hopkins into the baker’s and confectioners that has served many villages in our area. They have now sold their business and premises and gone into retirement in Sussex. They were leaving for their new home. Mr. Horace Partridge gave most of his leisure to bowls, and did so well that he was once chosen for the County tournament. The silver cigarette case, initialled, which was presented by a number of his colleagues, was a testimony to his prowess at bowls in particular and sport in general, in the district.
The Heath Fire On 17th August the Woburn Sands firemen, with the help of colleagues from Bletchley, Woburn. Ampthill, Kempston, and Bedford, fought what has been described as one of the largest wood and heath fires to involve part of the Duke of Bedford’s estate.
It was a very grim business. Some of the Woburn Sands men (first on the scene) had a narrow escape when trapped in flames that suddenly burst round the tender when they had arrived at the spot at which they were to operate, so rapidly did the fire spread. The driver of the tender stated there was a noise like an explosion and the vehicle was enveloped in flames. The driver’s promptness in starting up the vehicle resulted in a safe exit.
A Speedy Turn-Out The Woburn Sands firemen can be congratulated on their very speedy turn-out, for the first tender was on the scene within less than four minutes after the alarm. About 8 p.m., after the men had fought the fire for about six hours, we spoke to some of the Woburn Sands men, who, though looking very tired, appeared still cheerful. The fire was then under control, but flames could be seen constantly leaping up among the trees. Firemen were kept very busy dealing with these isolated fire spots – too numerous to be healthy – and men and boys with beaters were rendering valuable help. The smoke and dust rising from the drive, and the prospect of a strenuous and watchful night for the men who had already worked very hard indeed, made us realize that a fireman’s job was not “all honey”.
Willing Hands A colleague writes that the Scout tradition was upheld by Scoutmaster F. Cox, who arrived carrying as many spades as possible for one person to manage. These were quickly taken by certain members of the public, including one lady, who in the heat and smoke worked like a heroine, by the side of your correspondent, and by trenching back, clearing undergrowth, saved at least one part of a very valuable plantation. This would have burned had it not been for the commendable action of Scoutmaster Cox and those few who worked and beat the flames, instead of like so many others, passing by on the other side, just watching a sight.
Water Supply Cut Probably due to the great quantity of water that had to be used to deal with the blaze and the subsequent subsidiary outbreaks on Monday and Tuesday, the water supply was cut off from about 7p.m. at Woburn Sands and nearby villages, on Tuesday. It was partly restored round about 11p.m. and was normal on Wednesday morning, but during the four hours much inconvenience was experienced by residents of Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise. People claimed that no warning of the cut had been given, and consequently they were unable to secure water they needed for necessary purposes. The hope has been expressed that the water will not be cut off in the future before adequate notice has been given. We agree, but it must be admitted that the disaster causing the “cut” was almost unique.
British Legion Club The Entertainments Committee of the Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Branch of the British Legion has been working recently on the formation of a British Legion Club in Woburn Sands. A large room in the grounds of the Fir Tree Hotel has been acquired, and this will be suitably equipped as the Club Room. It is hoped to get the project into full swing, when sufficient Legion members have become members of the club, and a formal opening ceremony will take place.
Football at Bletchley – Woburn Sands Lose Friendly Game The Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Football Club began the season on Saturday, when a friendly game with the Bletchley L.M.S. was played at Bletchley. Bletchley won 4-1. Woburn Sands fielded the following team: Griffin; Dolton, Sneddon; Chappell, Hawley, Seabey; Whittaker. Carruthers, Webb. Kilpin. and Greenhood. Last season was a successful one for the Bletchley L.M.S. For the match with Woburn Sands the L.M.S. defence was the same, but new forwards were tried, with the exception of Skipper, who remained at centre-forward. The first half of the game was even. After the L.M.S. had scored the first goal of the game, Chappell equalized with a hard shot, and half-time came with the scores level.
On the resumption, the L.M.S. went all out and had the better of the play. However. Webb appeared rather unfortunate not to score his first goal of the season for Woburn Sands. At last, L.M.S. took the lead, and another goal was scored five minutes later. L.M.S. completed the scoring almost on time. Next Saturday the Woburn Sands players will be engaged in a trial game on the Bow Brickhill Road ground before the beginning of the Bedford and District League (Div. Ill) fixtures on 6th September, when Cardington will be visited.
2nd September
A devotional evening, arranged by the Woburn Sands Methodist Guild, was held on 25th August at the High Street Methodist Church. In the place of the Rev. Arthur Manley (who was on holiday), the speaker was Mr. T. Collins (Moulsoe).
The driver of a motor-cycle, Mr. Burgess, of Husborne Crawley, received grazes and a cut on the head when he was involved in a collision with a motor-lorry at the corner of Hardwick Road and Hardwick Place, Woburn Sands, recently. His pillion passenger had a cut on the hand.
The Leys Terrace Adjustment Some years before the war the owners of the houses of Leys Terrace, Woburn Sands, were asked to give up part of the front gardens of their houses so that a footpath could be constructed for the safety of pedestrians. By the acquisition of this ground, the construction of the footpath could be accomplished without lessening the width of the road. The majority of the owners acceded to the request of the County Council, and after the hedges marking the old boundary had been taken down, iron railings and gates were fixed to mark the new boundary of the property, and a footpath was constructed which has proved beneficial to pedestrians. This adjustment of frontages, however, created an annoying situation, for the frontages of four houses were not taken back in line with the others on either side. Consequently, there was no path at this point, which, rather ironically, was at what was generally regarded as the most dangerous spot. Pedestrians had to leave the path when approaching these houses, and return to it after they had been passed.
Early last year, the Woburn Sands Parish Council asked the County Council to end this anomaly, but the County Council replied that there were certain difficulties in the way. Evidently these difficulties have recently been surmounted, and last week saw the end of this frontage inequality. The four houses have been provided with low, but substantially built brick walls and wood gates. The hedge marking the former frontage has now been removed, and the result is an uninterrupted pathway and greater safety for both pedestrians and drivers.
Danger Point Still Exists It has been pointed out, however, that danger to pedestrians using the Leys Terrace has not been entirely eliminated, and with this we agree. The danger arises when vehicles turning from Bow Brickhill Road into the Leys make a wide swing naturally, for the purpose of avoiding a collision with vehicles travelling from the Leys into Bow Brickhill Road) which often results in the vehicle mounting what is generally regarded as the footpath at the corner.
We have often seen children standing or playing at this spot, and realized the danger to which they are liable to be exposed to, should the driver of a lorry coming round the corner be unable to turn his vehicle on to the road quickly enough to avoid them. Such a danger could be practically eliminated if the County Council could make up the path and provide a kerb.
Vignettes of Former Residents – Mr. Edward George Miller Mr. E. G. Miller was appointed by the late Mr. John Kemp when he started the printing business in the sixties of last century. He managed the works for only ten years, after which he started his own works at Aspley Hill. Mr. Miller was a great driving force during that short period. He was a local preacher for the Wesleyan Methodists for a long period, and became a County Councillor when Mr. Dymond was made a County Alderman.
Later Mr. Miller was secretary to the Building Society, the Cottage Garden Society, the Village Institute and Reading Room, and the local branch of the N.D.F.S. His private home was “Holmdale”.
Further Fires, and a Suggestion After the recent fires on the Aspley Hill and at Aspley Guise, the Woburn Sands firemen had on 24th August their third call out in eight days. A fresh district was affected, and for about nine hours they, with colleagues from other brigades, dealt with a big blaze at Bow Brickhill. In this part of the Duke’s estate, the yearly display of rhododendron blossoms have always been much admired; and unfortunately a cluster of these bushes fell victims to the fire. It seems that these outbreaks will continue unless the present torrid spell gives way to a good downpour if rain. The Bow Brickhill fire resulted not only in nine hours duty on Sunday, but night duty of several hours on the Monday following.
Residents in Woburn Sands district (especially lovers of natural beauties) appear to be rather perturbed about the destruction by fire of the beauties of heath and woods, and it has been suggested that the woods be closed to the public whilst the present dry spell continues, especially if (as is believed), the fires have been caused by carelessness on the part of people throwing down cigarette ends or matches.
9th September
The Late Mrs. H. Pratt – Resident in Woburn Sands 26 Years The death of Mrs. Helen Pratt of 41, Theydon Avenue, Woburn Sands, occurred on 1st September, in hospital. Aged 58, she had lived in Woburn Sands for 26 years, and leaves a husband, one son, and two daughters. She was a member of the High Street Methodist Church. The funeral took place on Thursday. Before the interment in the Parish Churchyard there was a service at the home of the late Mrs. Pratt, conducted by the Rev. Arthur Manley (resident Methodist Minister) and the Rev. Wilbert Walton, of Ampthill. The mourners were Mr. E. W. Pratt (husband). Mr. D. Pratt (son), Miss M. Pratt and Miss C. Pratt (daughters), Mr. J. Capell (brother), Mrs. Byles (sister-in-law). Mrs. Ambridge (aunt). Mr. H. C. Piper (representing the High Street Methodist Church). Mr. H. Graves, Mrs. W. Barnes, Mrs. A. Simcox, and Mr. A. Jones (friends).
Floral Tributes Floral tributes were received from: Her husband: Muriel, Connie and Dennis; Jack; Harry, and Ada (Rushden); Mother, Sis and Doris: Emmie, Vernon, and family; Joan: Ron; Wendy and Heather; Mrs White. Mrs. Hanna, and Mrs. Pratt; Tony Simcox. junior; Aunt Sarah (Wavendon); Audrey: Mrs. Freeman. Cecil and Edna; Mr. and Mrs. P. Freeman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes; Coral and Joan: Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook; Mrs. Holden and Jimmy; Iris and Bill; Mr. Pakes and daughters; Mrs. Clare and family; Mr. and Mrs. Deeley; The Staff at Deeley’s; Mrs. Porter; G.M. and G. D. M.; Mr. and Mrs. Cox; Elsie, Ivy. and the boys; Mr. and Mrs. Leadbeater and family; Evelyn and Harold White and Mr. and Mrs. Burley: Anonymous.
School Outing Scholars of the High Street Methodist Church Sunday School had an enjoyable summer outing on Tuesday. Accompanied by the teachers and a number of parents and friends, they journeyed to Wicksteed Park. The arrangements were made by Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith (Superintendent and Secretary of the Sunday School respectively). On the return journey a halt was made at Wellingborough, where a short visit was paid to a zoo.
A Dance, held on Friday at the Memorial Hall, was well attended, and was arranged by the Entertainments Committee of the Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise branch of the British Legion. A competition prize was won by Mrs. C. Hart, who returned it to be auctioned.
New Clubs will brighten Woburn Sands Woburn Sands has for a great number of years been fortunate in possessing a permanent club, viz., the Woburn Sands Social Club. With its bowls, tennis, and croquet sections, in addition to the usual amenities associated with such a club, it has been valuable to residents by providing entertainment and fellowship for its members. About two years ago the Woburn Sands Youth Club was formed, and recently the local branch of the British Legion has been making arrangements for the formation of a British Legion Club in the village, and premises having been secured, it is expected the club will shortly be opened.
St. Michael’s Family Club A St. Michael’s Church Club existed for many years before the war and a weekly social gathering was held every Tuesday. It would appear that this club is to be revived, but on a more ambitious scale, and is to cater for people of all ages. In the September issue of “Forward” (the Parish Magazine of St. Michael’s Church) the Vicar announces the formation of the St. Michael’s Family Club. He states that the club will be divided into sections (though it will be one club). There will be a Play Hour Club for children up to seven years of age, which will meet on Tuesdays from 5.30p.m. till 6.30p.m.; a Junior Club for children between seven and 14 years of age, on Thursdays from 6.30 till 8p.m.; a Youth Fellowship for people between the ages of 14 and 21, on Wednesdays from 7.30 till 10p.m.; and a Senior Club for people over the age of 21, on Thursdays at 8.15 p.m.
After outlining these arrangements, the Vicar adds: “I hope that in all these clubs we shall find the opportunity for using the various talents with which we have been blessed, whether they be in the realm of acting or singing, or music-making, or handicrafts or just talking.” It is hardly necessary to point out that the Vicar will need the support and co-operation of parishioners if this new club is to be a success, and we hope this will be forthcoming, for it should prove an asset to the communal life of Woburn Sands.
For the Women of Woburn Sands But this is not all the Vicar hopes to do during this winter (and, of course, succeeding winters). For instance, there will be commenced a Young Wives’ Fellowship, and the inaugural gathering will be on 2nd October, to which all the young wives of the parish, all mothers with children of school age, those who have children of the Sunday School, and other young married women, are invited. This appears to be the start of what might be termed a Wives’ Club – a very good idea from the women’s point of view. On the evening this Fellowship is held the position at home is likely to be reversed – the wife will go to her club, whilst the husband stays at home, if there are children in the home!
With all these clubs and fellowships in existence, and with other winter activities in the village, people should not have to complain that “there is nothing doing in Woburn Sands”, as we have often heard it said. If there “isn’t anything doing” it is the fault of the residents themselves because they fail to support these things.
Not Four – but Five Reference to an error that crept into last week’s note regarding the Leys Terrace, Woburn Sands, should be made. We should have stated “The frontages of five houses were not taken back in line with the others.” The number written was four.
A Fine Start in League – Woburn Sands Big Win at Cardington Playing their first match in the Bedford and District League (Division III), Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise visited Cardington, who were heavily defeated. Play in the first half did not suggest that Woburn Sands would eventually win so easily, and though the final score was 9-1 Cardington should do better when they have played a few more games. The defence, especially the left-back, worked hard, but was up against a thrustful forward-line, strengthened by Sneddon, whose place at left-back had been taken by E. Breedon, a newcomer to the Wcburn Sands team.
Cardington were soon on the attack, the forwards combining very well, but after five minutes Webb took a good centre and headed in the first Woburn Sands goal. After this play was very even. A fast Cardington attack looked very dangerous, but Johnson saved the shot. The hard ground was a handicap, and many passes went astray.
Towards the end of the first half Woburn Sands had the better of the play. Webb broke through, but his shot just went over the bar. Cardington were awarded a penalty, but the shot went wide. Soon after Sneddon scored Woburn Sands’ second goal, and a minute later Webb put his side further ahead with a good shot.
After the interval play was mostly in the Cardington half. After Webb had scored play became more even. Cardington retaliated and went near to scoring, but Johnson (the Woburn Sands goalkeeper) was very safe. From a pass by Jenkins, Webb again broke through and Woburn Sands were awarded a penalty from which Weir netted. Less than two minutes later Jenkins put the visitors further ahead. The seventh and eighth goals were scored by Webb. Cardington, though outplayed, never gave up trying, and eventually scored from a penalty.
Woburn Sands’ last goal was scored by Jenkins. Result: Cardington 1, Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise 9. Woburn Sands: Johnson; Dolton, Breedon, Hollier, Hawley, Weir; West, Whittaker, Webb, Sneddon, Jenkins. Next Saturday Cardington will be the visitors to Woburn Sands.
16th September
Just a Set of Hooligans – Three Men Fined for Damage When three young men, Ernest G. Chappell, gardener, of The Knoll School, Aspley Heath, William A. Farmer, R.A.F., and Malcolm Munn, R.A.S.C., were each ordered to pay 23s. 3d. costs at Woburn Magistrates Court on Friday for damaging breeze blocks and a cement mixer to the amount of 50s. at Aspley Heath, the Chairman (Lieut. Col. D. C. Part) said, “You are like a good many others in England today, before you entered the Service: just a set of hooligans. In the Service you will learn manners and behave yourself.”
P.C. Barrett of Aspley Guise said he questioned Chappell about malicious damage at midnight and Chappell said, “I was there with two of the other lads I helped to turn over the cement mixer but did not throw any bricks.” Farmer said, “I have heard all about it. I admit being there and helping to turn over the cement mixer, but did not throw any bricks.” Herbert Charles Higgins, labourer, of 28 Russell Street, Woburn Sands, said he was employed by a contractor on a building site at Hardwicke Road and when he arrived at work he found breeze blocks scattered in the road and the mixer upside down with the engine off the ground and the tow bar up in the air. Supt. Loveridge said all three were in the Forces when this damage was done.
Work of Catholic Mission – Exhibition at Woburn Sands An interesting exhibition illustrating the work of Catholic Missions throughout the world was held on Saturday in the Friends’ Meeting House, Hardwick Road, Woburn Sands. It was organized by the Woburn Sands branch of Our Lady’s Missionary League, and described, in a letter from the Headquarters of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith, as a pioneer effort to organize a parochial Catholic missionary exhibition in this country. Mrs. Waldron (wife of the Medical Officer for North Buckinghamshire) opened it.
Mrs. Waldron told of contacts she and her husband had made with missionaries in India so when her husband was stationed in that country during his Army career. She stressed the almost complete isolation, so far as association with Europeans was concerned, of many of the missionaries.
Mission Societies’ Work Fr. Golston (Priest-in-charge of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour) told of the work of the various mission societies under the central direction of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith in Rome. He referred particularly to the work of the children’s missionary aid society, “The Society of the Holy Childhood”, and “Our Lady’s Missionary League”, which sends gifts to the missions, and the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. Fr. Golston is diocesan director for missionary work in the Northampton diocese, and Woburn Sands has a record in the work which compares more than favourably with places many times its size.
Mrs. Ingrouille (President of the local branch of Our Lady’s Missionary League) introduced and thanked the speakers on behalf of the League.
Indian Weapons The exhibition was on an ambilious scale for a small parish, and included a fine display of Indian weapons loaned by Dr. Waldron; examples of native craftsmanship from Burma, China, Kenya, and many other lands in which missionaries work; stalls of medical requisites; vestments and clothing presented to the missions by the local branch of Our Lady’s Missionary League; and stalls devoted to the work of the Society of the Holy Childhood and the work of the A.P.F. Other features included a world map of the missions, and a selection of literature and pictures of missionary interest.
Tea and refreshments were served by Mesdames Ingrouille, Comerford, and Doran, and Miss Golston. At the close of the exhibition Benediction was held in the Catholic Church and special prayers offered for the work of the missions.
The Drinking Trough The drinking trough standing in Woburn Road at Woburn Sands has had a varied career. For a long time it fulfilled its original purpose, that of providing water for horses, dogs, and other animals; but of recent years it has often been out of action. There have been times when it has been put to uses other than that for which it was intended. We remember a complaint, voiced some years ago at a Woburn Sands Parish Council meeting, that lorry drivers took water for radiators from the trough, using of course, a dirty and oily receptacle, thus rendering the water unfit for drinking. Unfortunately the trough stands near a car park. We read, in an issue of the Woburn Reporter dated 1st June, 1937: “An inspection of the drinking trough at Woburn Sands does not give one the impression that it is cleaned as often as it ought to be. It is stated that horses are very particular, and insist on clean drinking water. If that is so, one would not be surprised to heard that an owner of a horse ‘led his horse to the water and could not make him drink ‘ – is that is if he led him to the trough in Woburn Sands.”
Rapid Decline At that time the decline of the trough was rapid, for in the issue of 15th June, 1937, we read: “A fortnight ago the drinking trough in Woburn Sands was criticized owing to its rather dirty condition. Now, unfortunately, it is not possible for a horse to drink from it, even if the animal were willing. During the week a vehicle wrecked the trough, and it is at present unusable.” A plea for its restoration was made. The trough was renovated, and clean water was provided for thirsty animals. Since 1937 the trough has deteriorated, and restored to a good condition, at various periods.
Now, at the present time, it is unusable, being in a wrecked condition, and is no adornment to that part of the district in which it is situated. We would suggest it either be restored to perform the function for which it was intended, or taken away altogether. The former course would be preferable.
Train Service Cuts Restored The discontinuance of the Bletchley – Bedford train starting from Bletchley at 7.12p.m. caused much dissatisfaction, and many people living in the Woburn Sands district who for a long time had been acustomed to return home from work by that train. The cut was made nearly three months ago, and at the same time the 5.15 p.m. from Bedford to Bletchley was discontinued, and this was also an unpopular decision of the Railway Company.
It is pleasing to be able to report that both these trains were recommenced on 8th September, much to the satisfaction of daily travellers who were affected by the “cuts.”
Harvest Services at Woburn Sands For the first time, so far as we can remember, harvest thanksgiving services will this year be held at St. Michael’s Church and the High Street Methodist Church on the same day – 21st September.
It has been customary for the Church to hold its harvest services at the beginning of October, whilst the High Street Methodists have arranged theirs on various dates during September so as not to clash with similar services at Methodist churches in neighbouring villages.
Many people like to take part in more than one harvest thanksgiving gathering, and a number of Woburn Sands people have looked forward to attending both Parish Church and Methodist Church services preferably, of course, in the evening. This will not be possible this year.
George B. Clarke This well-known tradesman tenanted the chemist and dental shop at Woburn in the 19th century. His clientele included many of the noted folk over a wide area, and his goods, as well as his ability to serve and satisfy, made him a much-sought-after business man. He owned and worked very successfully one of the patents to cure smut in wheat, a well-known remedy which had a large sale, at first among the local farmers, and later over a wide area, which included many of our colonies. This portion of the business was later disposed of to Mr. Bazley, who continued its sale largely in the colonies until his death at Woburn Sands.
Mr. Clarke was greatly helped in his work by his wife and daughter. The latter was organist for Mr. Herbert Studman’s open-air religious work in the town. Mr. Clarke was a great amateur gardener, and his cacti were some of the most noted in the district.
23rd September
House at Aspley Guise – More Interest in “Ghost” Story – Night Visit? Further reference to a reputed haunted house at Aspley Guise was made at Luton Area Assessment Committee’s meeting on Thursday. Mr. B. Key, of The Pie Crust, Eel Pie Island, Twickenham, had appealed against assessment at £62 gross and £50 rateable of the house, “Woodfield”, Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise. He claimed that the value of the house was depreciated because it was said to be haunted by the ghosts of two lovers murdered there in the days of Dick Turpin. Other grounds on which Mr. Key is objecting to the assessment concern the number of reception rooms, and damage alleged to have been caused by enemy action. The hearing of the appeal had been adjourned from 24th July to enable Mr. G. W. Bean, valuer for the rating authority, to inspect the house.
No Objection Mr. Key admitted on Thursday not having replied to two letters from Mr. Bean, attempting to fix an appointment for inspection. On the suggestion of the Chairman (Mr. R. H. Durler), Mr. Key agreed to Mr. Bean seeing the house on 2nd October, and the case will be considered again by the Committee on 16th October. Mr. H. W. M. Richards asked whether Mr. Key would object to a member of the Committee spending a night in the house. “I have no objection. I have no doubt it could be arranged”, replied Mr. Key.
To Solve the Problem Mr. Richards afterwards told a reporter that he and another member, Mr. Harry Lythgoe, were considering whether to spend a night in the house. “We would then be able to tell the Committee whether there is a ghost, or whether there isn’t”, he said. “It seems the only way to solve the problem”. Later Mr. Richards gave the information that he was writing to Mr. Key during the weekend, and added, “I am extremely interested, and propose taking along a friend who has a very high speed camera with flash. “I would also welcome a member of the Physic Research Society to come with us. If it is arranged, and nothing happens the first night, probably we shall have another go”.
[In the issue of this newspaper of 29th July last, there appeared a statement by Miss Dickinson, who lives at Woodfield, that she had never been disturbed by “anything savouring of a ghostly visitation.”]
Harvest thanksgiving services were held on Sunday at both the Parish Church and the High Street Methodist Church, Woburn Sands. At St. Michael’s Church, which had been effectively decorated, there were two services of Holy Communion and Sung Eucharist, in addition to the morning and evening services, at which the Vicar was the preacher. There was a children’s service in the afternoon. The produce, etc., was given to the Edgbury Convalescent Home, and collections were divided between the Bedford County Hospital and the Leatherhead School.
The services at the High Street Methodist Church ware conducted by the Rev. Arthur Manley, who gave an address at a children’s thanksgiving service in the afternoon. This church also was decorated.
Meetings and other functions in connexion with Overseas Missions are always well supported by Woburn Sands people. Substantial sums of money are raised annually in the village to help finance the work of missionaries abroad, this money being raised at the various churches in the village. From the missionaries, home on furlough, who address meetings, much interesting information can be obtained about the living conditions of people in various parts of the Empire, in China, and in other lands in which English men and women propagate the Gospel and heal the sick. Hospitals have been erected in these lands mainly as the result of money raised by churches throughout Great Britain.
Two Gatherings During the past weekend there were two interestinggatherings at Woburn Sands.The missionary exhibition arranged by members of theCatholic Church was well illustrative of the work done bymembers of the Church, whichsupports the efforts of missionaries overseas. This functionwas to have taken place in the Presbytery garden, but the rather unsettled weather (the first unsettled Saturday for a long time) necessitated its being held at the Friends’ Meeting House. The other gathering was at the High Street Methodist Church, when the Rev. Pitt Bonarjee addressed a meeting on probable changes in missionary work in India. The speaker – the son of a Brahmin who was converted to the Christian faith – has ministered at various churches in England for nearly forty years. He proved to be an able and sincere speaker, and gave much good advice about the attitude Britishers should adopt towards India and its new Government. The address was an informative one, and we were rather surprised that this meeting was concluded without a collection being taken. From the speaker’s remarks it appeared that more money would be needed to carry on the work than has been needed in the past.
Progress of the Football Club The Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Football Club began its season well by gaining a 9-1 victory when visiting Cardington in a Bedford League fixture. Cardington visited Woburn Sands to fulfil the return engagement on the following Saturday. Evidently the team was not perturbed about the previous week’s beating, for they took the field in confident manner. Cardington had ample revenge; they not only kept their goal intact, but also gained the two League points at stake. We have heard a lot about ”the uncertainty of cricket”, but, at times, local football results are no less uncertain. Lieut. – Commander Fawcett. R.N., who recently took up residence at Aspley Heath, and who is keenly interested in sport, has become President of the Club. The Committee are a pleased to welcome him at a recent meeting, when he was chairman.
September 30th
Seance at Aspley Guise House – Medium and an Old “Love Tragedy Dick Turpin Story Eight people sat with linked hands in a darkened room at “Woodfield”, Weathercock Lane, Aspley Guise, at midnight on Friday, trying to contact spirits which are reputed to haunt the house.
The visit was consequent upon a claim made at Luton Area Assessment Committee by the owner of the house, Mr. B. Key, of The Pie Crust, Eel Pie Island, Twickenham, that the value of the house had depreciated because it was said to be haunted by the ghosts of two lovers who were locked in a cupboard and left to die by the girl’s irate father 250 years ago. Their skeletons, it was stated, were discovered by Dick Turpin when seeking refuge there, and he promised to keep silence at the price of sanctuary at “Woodfield” whenever the need arose.
Mr. H. W. M. Richards told the Committee that the only way to settle the matter was to visit the house and find out at first-hand.
This was arranged, and on Friday night Mr. Richards went to “Woodfield.” Sharing his vigil were Mrs. Florence Thompson, a London medium; Mr. Peter Craven, assistant to Mrs. Thompson; Mr. L. B. Howard, representative of “Psychic News”; and other Press representatives.
“You’re Killing Me” The night passed uneventful except for one brief interlude. This was when the medium went into a trance. In a distressed voice she began repeating: “You’re killing me … let me go want to get away. . . .”
For some minutes the others sat in silence while the medium moved her arms agitatedly, and could be heard sobbing. She also said she had been shot in the head, and after regaining control, she complained of violent pains in one side of her head. Pointing to one corner of the room, Mrs. Thompson said, “I feel sure that a terrible love tragedy took place here. There are indications of two spirits who are in need of help, one of them a girl of about 22.” Mrs. Thompson thought that a seance by a “rescue circle” would release these spirits. Mr. Richards said later that he felt the seance showed that there was some influence present, but he was not fully satisfied, and would like to hold a further seance before reporting to the Assessment Committee.
And the sole occupier of the house. Miss Amy Dickinson, an elderly cripple, who sat awake in her room throughout the night, dismissed questions about ghosts with the remark: “I have heard tales, but I’m not the nervous type.”
Catholic Church At the Catholic Church on Sunday there were services of thanksgiving for the harvest, conducted by the Rev. Father E. Golston. In the afternoon a children’s service was held, and the evening service included blessing of the fruits of the earth and Benediction. The gifts of vegetables and fruit were sent to the Nazareth House, Northampton.
Evensong At St Michaels Church Woburn Sands, on Sunday, the Rev. F. W. Bowler conducted the first evensong of the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels.
Whist. The weekly whist drive for the fund of the Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise Football Club was held on 22nd September at the Memorial Hall, Woburn Sands. The M.C. was Mr. A. W. Linnell and the winners were Mrs. Deacon, Miss D. Linnell, Mrs. Payne. Mrs. Barcham, Mrs. Burt, Mrs Crowther, Mr. Linnell, Miss B. Butcher, and Mr. Dolton.
For Trust Fund Harvest thanksgiving was continued on 22nd September at the High Street Methodist Church. A meeting was addressed by the Rev. Arthur Manley, after which a sale of vegetables, fruit, and flowers was held in the schoolroom. It was a successful sale, and the proceeds were for the Trust Fund.
Mrs. John Barton The death of Mrs Elizabeth Barton occurded Wednesday, at her home, Station Road, after an illness of four or five days. She was the widow of John Barton, who for many years carried on business as a coal merchant in Woburn Sands. Mrs. Barton was a regular attendant at whist drives in the district – an entertainment she much enjoyed. The funeral took place yesterday at Golders Green crematorium.
Miss M. A. Bishop, R.R.C., CrematedThe death of Miss Mary Bishop, R.R.C., late Matron of the Edgbury Convalescent Home, Woburn Sands, occurred on 22nd September at the Central Middlesex Hospital. She was the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Bishop, of Birch, Colchester.
The funeral took place on Friday, when there was a service of cremation at Golders Green. At Miss Bishop’s request there were no flowers, as she preferred the money that would normally be spent on floral tributes to be donated to St. Mark’s Hospital. City Road, London.
Miss Bishop came to Edgbury Convalescent Home as Matron when it was opened 19 years ago. She served right through the 1914-18 war as a nursing sister in France, for which service she received from King George V at Buckingham Palace the R.R.C. (Royal Red Cross). Miss Bishop was always a familiar figure with her nurses from Edgbury at the Armistice services on 11th November, held at the War Memorial in the Square at Woburn Sands. During the recent war she was very kind and helpful to the soldiers stationed at Woburn Sands, especially at Christmas time.
The Bride Once a Cub Mistress – Miss Daphne Higgins Married The wedding took place on Saturday at St. Michael’s Church, Woburn Sands, of Miss Daphne Higgins, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins, of 20 Russell Street, Woburn Sands, and Mr. William Clements, of Woodford, Essex. The bride has taken a keen and active interest in the Scout movement in the district, and was Cub-mistress for six years.
The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. F. W. Bowler. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a dress of grey satin-backed marocain, with navy blue accessories, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. There were no bridesmaids. The best man was Mr. Frank Higgins (brother of the bride). After the ceremony a reception was held at 28 Russell Street, and later Mr. and Mrs. Clements left for Brighton. The future home will be Hardwick House, Woburn Sands.
Parking Problem – Woburn Sands Objection Noted – Only One Alternative
Interest in Buckinghamshire County Council’s proposed parking order for vehicles in Woburn Sands High Street has been revived by the publication of a notice which gives details of the Council’s (Traffic Regulations) (Woburn Sands) Order No. 6, 1947. This is a revision of the proposed Order, published earlier in the year, which provided for unilateral parking – vehicles to stand on the East side of High street on odd days, and on the West side on even days. It will be remembered that Woburn Sands Parish Council objected to unilateral parking, and came to the conclusion that parking on the East side would be preferable every day. Consequently, the Parish Council asked that the proposed Order be amended. This has been done, for the new Order states: “No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to wait between the hours of 8a.m. and 8p.m.
(1) on the West side of that length of High Street six feet north of its junction with Vicarage Street and a point 68 ft. south of its junction with Russell Street;
(2) or a longer period than 30 minutes at any one time or more than once in any consecutive period of one hour on the East side of the same street”
Briefly stated, the proposed Order allows a vehicle to be parked on the shops’ side of the street for no longer than 30 minutes.
Objections Are Likely The question of objections arises. At least one tradesman in the High Street will look upon this East side only parking with much disfavour. Even with parking allowed on both sides of the road he has complained that cars always appear to be standing outside his shop, and has told us there have been times when drivers of commercial vehicles, wishing to deliver goods at his shop, have had to stop some distance away. When the Parish Council’s amendment was made known, he expressed the fear that the nuisance of cars standing outside his shop would be increased
Since then, however, the Government’s new petrol restrictions have been announced, and this, coupled with the ‘30 minutes’ limit, may ease the situation about which he is apprehensive. Of course, he can object to the Order by sending notice of his objection to the Ministry of Transport on or before 14th October, 1947.
Should such an objection be sustained, what is the alternative? This proposed Order, like the Order it superseded, is for the purpose of bringing about greater safety in the High Street, both for pedestrians and, for vehicles travelling through the village. It has been obvious throughout the summer, especially in the mornings, that the parking of cars on both sides of the road constitutes a definite danger.
So we come to that conclusion that the only alternative would be parking on the West side. There would be an element of danger in this, for occupants of vehicles wishing to visit a shop would have cross the road. With a less congested thoroughfare cars are more likely to speed up, and with people crossing the road, this might necessitate a new speed-limit order being brought into force. We may point out to the shopkeeper whose views we have expressed that drivers delivering goods to his shop, or any other shop, would have to carry them across the road, unless another new Order allowed such drivers to park directly outside the shop.
Our shopkeeper friend’s suggestion that the time-limit for vehicles should be 15 minutes (not 30 minutes) is one that might well be considered, especially when it is pointed out that drivers of cars wishing to stay longer in the High Street have the option of parking their cars at the car park in Woburn Road, or at the car park between the Swan Hotel and the Memorial Hall.
Harvest Services Despite the fact that harvest thanksgiving services were held at both St. Michael’s Church and the High Street Methodist Church, Woburn Sands, on the same Sunday (21st September), there were large congregations at both places. At the Methodist Church a number of German prisoners of war were present at the evening service. The gifts were not so numerous as in previous years, no doubt due to allotment and garden crops having suffered because of the lack of rain.
The gifts at the Parish Church were given to Edgbury Convalescent Home; but the usual sale was held at the High Street Methodist Church on the following evening. From a money-raising point of view this sale was a very successful one, high prices being paid. These sales are valuable because they always realize a good sum of money, which generally goes to the Trust fund of the church. Most Nonconformist churches adopt this method of disposing of their harvest gifts; whilst parish churches, in the main, send their gifts to a nearby hospital. This has always been done by Woburn Sands Parish Church members.
Driving to the Danger – Man Fined £5 and Court Costs George Frederick Wesley, of High Street, Woburn Sands, was fined £5 with £2 10s. costs by the Bletchley Magistrates on Thursday for driving a motor car to the danger of the public at Wavendon on 23rd August. Cyril Gloom, of Third Avenue, Luton, said he was driving an empty motor lorry from Newport Pagnell to Woburn Sands and when rounding a bend at Wavendon he saw defendant’s car approaching head-on and overtaking stream of other vehicles. He had to run his lorry off the road to avoid a collision. Answering Mr. Richard Elwes, for Wesley, Gloom denied that he was driving too quickly himself. Mr. Alfred Buckthorpe, of Ridgmont, Newport Road, Wavendon, said he was standing nearby and he saw defendant’s car overtake other vehicles at a fast speed. If Gloom’s lorry had not pulled off the road six vehicles would have been in a smash.
Was Overtaken Albert John Wingfield, of Station Road, Woburn Sands, said in evidence that he was driving a lorry which was over-taken by Wesley some distance from the scene of the incident which he saw. In his opinion there would have been a head-on collision but for the lorry driver’s action. Wesley said he had never had an accident. On this occasion he was following a small car in front of which was another car drawing a small horse box. When he was 150 yards from the corner both drivers signaled him to overtake. He did so, and was back on his proper side when the lorry came round the bend at a fast speed. He did not see the incident. Later he realized that the lorry had gone off the road, and he now wished that he had stopped.
Passenger Mr. Jack Doulton, of Woburn Sands, said he was a passenger in the front seat of Wesley’s car and saw the leading drivers give the signal to overtake. When they were abreast of the horsebox, however, the driver suddenly signalled them to get back, but it was too late. Mr. Elwes submitted that the cause of the accident was that the lorry was being driven too quickly. The leading driver could see well past the bend when they signalled Wesley to overtake but the lorry appeared round a further bend beyond so quickly that the get-back signal was of no avail.
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