Aspley Guise Poll Tax 1694

This is a list of the inhabitants of Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, assessed in 1694 as being required to pay a special tax being raised to help pay for the current war against France.  The tax was technically a lay subsidy or income tax and was levied regardless of status and wealth. Parish officials collected and compiled lists of local residents over the age of 15 or 16 depending on which year the tax was levied. In England, the tax was levied (for various reasons) in 1377, 1379, 1381, 1513, 1641, 1660, 1677, 1694 and 1698. Very few lists have survived and the poor were exempt so they will not appear in the records.

The Norcliffe’s lived at Aspley House and the How’s at The Old House. Both the Burrows and Tilcocks families gave their names to local places.



Aspley Guise, May the 15th 1694

An assessment made by the assessors of Aspley Guise in the County of Bedford for moneys payable to their Majesties by virtue of an act of parliament made and instituted an act for raising money by a poll payable quarterly for anyone for carrying on a vigorous war against France.

                                                                                            £          s
William Norcliffe Esq. and his wife                                  1          2
Henry Manings, servant to Mr Norcliffe                           0          1
Sarah Lambe, servant to Mr Norcliffe                             0          1
Mary Haddock, servant to Mr Norcliffe                            0          1
Edward Hall and Mary his wife                                       1          2
Joseph Hall, son of Edward                                             0          1
Thomas Hall, son of Mr Hall                                           0          1
Hannah Willemet, servant to Mr Hall                               0          1
Edward Worster and his wife                                          0          2
Edward Worster, son of Edward                                     0          1
Thomas Worster, son of Edward                                    0          1
Elizabeth Fidgings, servant to Edward Worster                0          1
John Gurnoy and his grandmother                                  0          2
Richard Hall, servant to John Gurnoy                              0          1
Ann Willemet, servant to John Gurnoy                            0          1
Elizabeth Gillett, widow                                                  0          1
Mary Sadleire, daughter of Mr Sadleire                           0          1
Martha Giddins, servant to Mr Sadleire                           0          1
Lawrence Crawley and his wife                                      0          12
Sarah Crawley, daughter of Lawrence                             0          1
Rebeckah Taylor, widow                                                0          1
John Chayney, servant to Lawrence Crawley                   0          1
Thomas Burrows, servant to Lawrence Crawley               0          1
Joan Miller, servant to Lawrence Crawley                        0          1
Thomas Allin and his wife                                              0          2
William Allin, son of Thomas                                          0          1
Ann Allin, daughter of Thomas                                       0          1
Richard Bumstead and his wife                                      0          2
John Smith of Burchmor and his wife                              0          2
William Tillcock and his wife                                           0          2
John Crawley and his wife                                             0          2
Marthah Quarry, servant to John Crawley                        0          1
Richard Maynard                                                           0          4
Jane Maynard, daughter of Richard                                0          1
John Tillcock and his wife                                              0          2
Dorothy Tillcock, daughter of John                                 0          1
George Lottin and his wife                                             0          2
Joseph Wilds and his wife                                              0          2
George Ward, servant to Joseph Wilds                           0          1
Mary Bray servant to Joseph Wilds                                0          1
John Partridge, son                                                       0          1
John Partridge, Junior                                                    0          1
John Cottum and his wife                                               0          2
John Coles and his wife                                                 0          2
Thomas Austin                                                              0          1
John Smith and his wife                                                 0          2
Thomas How and his wife                                              0          2
Richard How, son of Thomas                                         0          1
Thomas Walduck, servant to Thomas How                     0          1
George Ward and his wife                                              0          2
Thomas Harman and his wife                                         0          2
Francis Smith and his wife                                             0          2
Mary Willson                                                                 0          1
Mary Tillcock, widow                                                      0          1
Elizabeth Batchellor, daughter of Mary                            0          1
Ann Crawley, widow                                                      0          1
John Crawley, son of Ann                                              0          1
Robert Walker and his wife                                            0          2
Thomas Bunyon and his wife                                         0          2
John Bunyon, son of Thomas                                         0          1
John Goodman, servant to Thomas Bunyon                    0          1
Edward Cox and his wife                                               0          2
Edward Cox, the son of Edward                                     0          1
Susan Elliott, servant to Edward Cox                              0          1
Frances Case, servant to Edward Cox                            0          1
Robert Burrowes and his wife                                         0          2
Thomas Wallton and his wife                                         0          2
Mary Mountage and her servant                                     0          2
Richard Parvier, servant to William Elliott                        0          1
Ann Gale, servant to William Elliott                                 0          1
James Ambridge, son of James                                     0          1
Elizabeth Ambridge, daughter of James                          0          1
Amy Tutkey                                                                   0          1
William Elliot, sessor                                                     0          2
James Ambridge, sessor                                               0          4
Richard King, sessor                                                     0          2
                                                                       Total    £7        14s
William Elliott
Richard King


Page last updated Jan. 2023