Woburn Sands Fire Station
Woburn Sands was quite late in setting up a Fire Brigade. Woburn had one much earlier, which looked after the Abbey. There was certainly no Woburn Sands fire station in 1877 when there was a fire at Mr Featherstonehaugh’s ropeworks, as Woburn fire brigade had to come. The Leighton Buzzard Observer & Linslade Gazette – Tuesday 15 May 1877:
“WOBURN SANDS Fire. A fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Featherstonhaugh, rope maker, &c., about four o’clock on Monday afternoon, the 7th instant. It originated in the store-room or workshop adjoining the house. The Woburn Fire Brigade were quickly on the spot, and, having got the hose in readiness, it was found that water was lacking, which had to be drawn from a well 100 feet deep by hand. What with detaching the burning rafters, beams, and about eight tons of tow and jute, and sheeting, and properly directing the water upon the burning materials, the Fire Brigade and many neighbours and friends had a very difficult and arduous task to perform, but by their strenuous efforts the house was kept from sharing the fate of the store-room, and the fire was entirely subdued about seven o’clock. A young man who was at work was very badly burned, Mr. Featherstonhaugh’s aged father, who was ill, had to quickly be removed from the house, and we hear has since died.”
Thankfully, loss of life from fire was quite rare, but many hay stacks and barns were lost over the years, and the “Cyclist’s Rest” building at the corner of Station Road and Weathercock Lane burnt to the ground in 1906. By 1910, there had been a decision that the area needed its own Brigade. From the Beds. Times of 23rd Sept. 1910:
“A FIRE BRIGADE TO BE FORMED – The members of the Parish Council for Woburn Sands, Aspley Guise, and Aspley Heath met in the Parish Room on Monday evening, under the chairmanship of the vicar, (the Rev. D. H. Henry) to consider the report of the Joint Committees on the provision of fire appliances. They suggested the voluntary provision of hose etc., for the first two, and an engine if the Heath came in. It was pointed out that the pressure on the hydrants would be sufficient for all purposes except at certain points on the Heath, and Mr, Plater undertook to inquire in that neighbourhood and find out feeling as to joining in and procuring the requisite money. Independent of this it was agreed that a voluntary system should be adopted, the business side was to be managed by a Committee apart from the fire service, which was to be controlled by the officers responsible to the Committee, and a sub-Committee was appointed to collect funds and get things into shape as soon as the Rural District Councils concerned gave satisfactory undertakings about the water etc.”
Letters were duly dispatched to the councils concerned. From the Luton Times, 30th September 1910:
“WOBURN SANDS. FIRE BRIGADE – At the Ampthill Rural District Council, the Clerk read a letter from Dr. Fowler, of Aspley Guise, stating that it had been decided to form a Fire Brigade for Aspley Guise, Aspley Heath, and Woburn Sands, under the control of the parochial authorities jointly. They asked for facilities for water supply, and asked this Council to receive a deputation on October 6th. It was decided to inform Dr. Fowler that they had better apply to the joint committee of this and the Newport Pagnell Councils, who could deal with it right away.”
… although it was to be May 1913 before it finally got off the ground. The Luton Times again:
“WOBURN SANDS. FIRE BRIGADE. Messrs. W. Whitlock, Spice. Brett, J. Barker, J. R. Davis and Simmonds have been appointed as Brigadiers of the Fire Brigade. The first practice was held on Wednesday evening in Vicarage-street under Dr. Fowler’s instructions.”
Once the local authorities had paid to get a Brigade up and running, serious consideration had to be given to funding its continuation. In those days, the Brigade charged for attending fires. This is why businesses usually had a fire insurance policy, sometimes with a sign on the building to prove it! The Luton Times February 1914:
“WOBURN SANDS. FIRE BRIGADE CHARGES – The following is the scale charges for the services the Fire Brigade:- Outside the parish and within the area of the water supply of the Rural District Council: use of plant. 30s.; each officer employed, 1st hour 2s 6d.; every subsequent hour. 1s. 6d.; each fireman. 1s. 6d. and 1s. ditto; each caller. 1s. and 4d. ditto; summons a neighbouring Brigade 3d. a mile each way; refreshments and other expenses, the amount paid out; serious damage to plant or uniforms, the actual cost.”
Eventually, it came under the umbrella of the Buckinghamshire Fire Brigade. The local firefighters served the town through two world wars and many incidents before the station was deemed surplus to modern requirements and closed.
It had be empty for some time in the 1990’s, when it was converted into a Youth Club in 1998. One volume of the “Buckinghamshire Fire Brigade Occurrence Book” for Woburn Sands Fire Station was found in the rafters of the building. I imagine its loss at the time would have caused some consternation! I made notes on it, then passed it back to the Youth Club, whom I believe deposited it with Bucks Fire Brigade.
Woburn Sands was Station no.13, the other local ones being: Wolverton (no.10), Olney (no.11) and Newport Pagnall (no.12). The book begins on Monday 7th September 1959 and closes Wednesday 16th September 1964. Those present at the start of the book are:
Station Officer Farmer
Leading Firefighter Porter
Leading Firefighter Jackson
Firefighter Leadbetter
Firefighter Harris
Firefighter Davies
Firefighter Fox
Firefighter Cook
Firefighter Wade
Firefighter Farmer
Firefighter Barnes
Firefighter Capp (S)
During the period covered, Firefighter Hill and Firefighter Capp (M) also join the station.
An entry was made in it every time any person was present, for a drill, inspection or call-out. Other senior officers sometimes came to inspect the station, such as DO Sloan, ADO Bailey, ADO Pragnall and CFO Hobbs. The first entry is a typical drill example:
“Monday 7th September 1959.
20.00 Roll called by STN O Farmer. In attendance were LF Jackson, LF Porter, F Cook, Wade, Leadbetter, Harris, Farmer, Davies.
20.08 Siren and call bells tested and found correct.
20.15 Watchroom clock wound and checked.
22.00 Roll called by STN O Farmer.
22.00 Personnel dismissed.”
The book was in use when the new M1 Motorway opened. For Emergency services, it was divided into “Boxes” for identification of locations. Northbound, crews got on at Junction 13, and had Boxes 47a, 48 & 49. If they got on at Junction 14, there were boxes 50 and up. Southbound, getting on at Junction 14 there was box 52, 51 & 50. Getting on at Junction 13 there was box 49 & 48. The boxes were not opposite each other in number.
There are very few malicious false alarm call-outs. The large number of chimney fires is evident. Another reason to be grateful for central heating!
Special Events

19/10/59 Air Raid Warning System tested by Civilian Defence Officer, William Dalley.
25/10/59 5 of shift went to Station 10 for a tour of the new motorway, the M1.
01/11/59 6 picked up for relief duty at Clifton Reynes.
16/01/60 Snow clearing duties at station.
14/05/60 Firefighter Barnes (No. 652) bruised & scratched due to a fall at a call-out.
28/05/60 Firefighter Leadbetter sustained injury to middle finger, right hand.
20/06/60 Mr Dalley tests Air Raid Warning System.
17/07/60 Leading Firefighter Jackson gets splinter in finger right hand.
05/08/60 Leading Firefighter Porter injured knuckle left hand.
31/09/60 Mr Dalley tests Air Raid Warning System.
05/11/60 Special service at “The Old Manor” and “The Red House”, Wavendon.
12/12/60 7 personnel had tour of inspection of Plysu factory.
21/02/61 Leading Firefighter Jackson instructs Aspley Guise Scout troop.
28/02/61 Leading Firefighter Jackson instructs Aspley Guise Scout troop.
07/03/61 Leading Firefighter Jackson instructs Aspley Guise Scout troop.
27/03/61 Leading Firefighter Jackson instructs Aspley Guise Scout troop.
L5/05/61 Air Raid Warning System test by Mr Dalley.
30/05/61 Test of boy scouts by Station Officer Farmer and Leading Firefighter Jackson.
09/07/61 Firefighter Farmer (696) injures wrist.
29/12/61 Fitted snow chains to vehicles.
01/01/62 No drill, due to inclement weather.
30/04/62 9 staff inspected Aspley House by invitation of Mr R. Sturdy.
28/05/62 Last entry for Firefighter Davies.
19/06/62 Firefighter Cook had back pain after a call-out.
08/10/62 Air Raid Warning System test by Mr Jawan(?)
03/01/63 Last entry mentioning Leading Firefighter Porter.
14/01/63 8 crew had a tour of The Swan, Woburn Sands.
01/02/63 Firefighter Wade becomes a Leading Firefighter.
20/01/63 Clearing snow at station.
28/01/63 Clearing snow at station.
01/02/63 Fitted snow chains.
11/02/63 Snow clearing at the station.
13/02/63 Removed snow chains.
16/02/63 Firefighter Barnes 652 slipped on ice answering call and injured right ankle.
04/03/63 Firefighter Hill and Firefighter Capp (M.) join the station.
22/04/63 Assistant CDO tests Air Raid Warning System. Mr Jewens(?)
20/07/63 Special service at Silverstone, 4 staff attended.
03/09/63 Visit by H.M. Inspector of Fire Service.
31/10/63 Air Raid Warning System test by PC Abbott of Woburn Sands.
10/11/63 Station Officer Farmer injured right foot.
27/04/64 Firefighter Capp (M.) burned thumb in drill.
30/04/64 Air Raid Warning System test by PC86 Abbott of Woburn Sands Police.
04/09/64 Leading Firefighter Jackson burned his foot. Bandage used.
Emergency Call Outs
12/09/59 Woodside, Aspley Guise. Small wood fire.
14/09/59 The Old Rectory, Wavendon. Grass fire.
15/09/59 Greenings Bakery, Woburn Sands Square. Small fire 2nd floor, damage to contents.
15/09/59 Manor Farm, Bow Brickhill Hedge and fence fire.
19/09/59 Buttons Field, Newport Road, Woburn Sands. Grass fire.
21/09/59 Recreation ground, Woburn Sands. Tree stump damaged.
24/09/59 Aspley Woods. 10 yards Undergrowth.
24/09/59 Bow Brickhill Tip. False Alarm with good intent.
30/09/59 Hardwick House, (altered to Hardwick Place) 4 cottages approx. 60x18ft roof alight.
30/09/59 Cottingham Grove, Bletchley. Stopped on route.
01/10/59 Cottingham Grove, Water Eaton. 3 Wooden sheds. 6x12ft and 3 acres grassland.
03/10/59 Kemsley No(?) Way, Aspley Guise. Grass, gorse and fencing.
04/10/59 Albert Street, Bletchley. Grass.
05/10/59 Wards Farm, Bow Brickhill Road. 300ft of hedgerow.
12/10/59 Park Farm, Woburn. Small manure heap alight.
17/10/59 Woburn Sands Railway Station. Grass.
19/10/59 Lorry, Woburn Road. Rear wheels damaged by fire.
30/10/59 Ryder & Company. Denbigh, Bletchley. Single storey,70x50ft, well alight.
11/11/59 74 Mount Pleasant, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
24/11/59 26 Deeth Close, Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
25/11/59 Box 48, M1, Southbound. Tyre on road. Hose in use.

10/12/59 A50 at Broughton. Lorry with 12 tons of detergent powder severely damaged.
21/12/59 2 Council Houses, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
21/12/59 53 Bletchley Road, Bletchley. Small fire, back room.
21/12/59 12 Downham Road, Woburn Sands. Paraffin stove and back room.
06/01/60 Dawn Edge Wood, Aspley Guise. Small fire ground floor.
18/01/60 Carnavan Cresent, Bletchley. Small fire, out on arrival.
09/02/60 M1, 1 mile south of Newport Pagnall. No fire. Lorry ran off road.
10/02/60 The Weathercock, Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
13/02/60 5 Duke Street, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
24/02/60 7 Council Houses, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
26/02/60 Heath Road, Great Brickhill. Car fire. Out on arrival.
14/03/60 M1, 1/2 mile south of Ridgmont. Lorry fire. Out on arrival.
21/03/60 “Torrington”, Sandy Lane, Aspley Heath. 25 yards of grass and hedge.
23/03/60 “Woodville”, Woodside, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
26/03/60 12 Council Houses, Lower End. Chimney fire.
13/04/60 Woburn – Woburn Sands Road. 1 yard of fencing.
18/04/60 Golf Course, Aspley Guise. 1 Acre grass, gorse and fencing.
21/04/60 Comray Close, Castle Estate, Bletchley. Block of 3 storey buildings under construction.
21/04/60 Wood End, Cranfield. Tree fire. Danger to overhead wires.
14/05/60 Round House, Park Farm, Ridgemont (Brogbough) Farm buildings with roof 120x45ft cont. 15 tons potatoes & 10 tons straw, well alight & part collapsed.
28/05/60 5 Hardwick Road. 10 yards hedge and side of shed.
06/06/60 Aspley Heath. 10 yds of peat.
29/06/60 The Royal Oak, Aspley Heath. Van on fire outside. Building scorched.
29/06/60 Opposite 23 West Hill. 25 yards grass and gorse. Out on arrival.
03/07/60 Woburn Sands Square. Motor cycle on fire.
10/07/60 “Homewood Cottage”, Aspley Heath. Chimney fire.
16/07/60 55 Avon Grove, Rivers, Bletchley. Building under construction 3/4 of roof damaged.
17/07/60 Malting Close, Bedford Road, between Aspley Guise & Husborne Crawley. Small fire in garage.
21/07/60 44 Aspley Heath. Chimney fire.
05/08/60 Valentines, Ord & Nagles, Bletchley. Mill building 100x105ft 5 floors. Used by PJ Glucose. 1/3 on fire, part roof off.
16/08/60 Red Lane, Bow Brickhill Road. Field of straw alight.
08/09/60 Moulsoe buildings, Newport. 100x20ft building containing grain. 3/4 roof off.
17/09/60 Nr. Waterworks, Aspley Guise 20 yards grass and brush.
24/09/60 M1 Northbound. Tarpaulin on 4 wheeled trailer.
24/09/60 M1 Northbound. No fire found.
28/09/60 Hayfield Farm. Rubbish burning under supervision.
28/09/60 Station Road, Woburn Sands. Collision 2 lorries. 1 coal & 1 of TulmoiK?) 1 female injured by falling debris. Towed with fire tender escort out of village.
08/12/60 34 Chapel St. Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
12/12/60 Crossinglands Farm, Aspley Guise. Small fire in dairy.
10/01/61 A5 opposite Wipac Factory. Denbigh, Bletchley. Lorry fire. 10 tons paper.
11/01/61 M1 Box 48. Lorry tyres on fire.
11/01/61 M1 1/2 mile south of Box 49 northbound. Engine fire. Out on arrival.

17/01/61 Wesleys Hairdresser, 35 High Street, Woburn Sands. Oil heater, no damage.
25/01/61 Pikesleys Garage. Chimney fire.
29/01/61 31a Chapel Street, Woburn Sands. “TV had to be removed and top of stack demolished.”
31/01/61 9 Deeth Close. Chimney fire.
06/02/61 12 Bellway. Chimney fire.
26/02/61 Watsons, Bakers, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
03/03/61 M1 Box 50 Northbound. Collision between 2 lorries 1 male, apparently dead removed before arrival.
14/03/61 M1 Box 52 Southbound. False alarm with good intent.
17/03/61 Fen Farm, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
18/03/61 M1 Box 52 1 mile south of services. Motor coach.
21/03/61 “Rosthmere”, Wood Lane, Aspley Guise. Timber building 10×12 ft damaged.
22/03/61 3 Vicarage Street. Chimney fire.
29/03/61 25 Burrows Close. Chimney fire.
03/04/61 20 Deeth Close. Chimney fire.
06/04/61 Walton Cottage, Walton. “Child trapped in bathroom ..entry via 1st floor window…1 male child restored to parents.”
22/04/61 M1 Box 40 Southbound. Tarpaulins and grass.
27/04/61 5 Bellway. Chimney fire.
07/05/61 41 Theydon Avenue. Chimney fire.
10/05/61 Rubbish dump, Linslade. Rubbish from motor works. Tyres etc.
14/05/61 24 Chapel Street. Chimney fire.
19/05/61 4 Aspley Hill. Chimney fire.
09/06/61 Aspley Guise Golf Club. Grass and gorse.
10/06/61 Bletchley railway goods yard. Timber frame building 20×12.2 ft containing drums of mineral oil.
19/06/61 Aspley Guise Churchyard. Grass and trees.
24/06/61 M1 between Boxes 49 & 50. Car engine. Out on arrival.
25/06/61 Bow Brickhill Church. False alarm malicious.
27/06/61 Birchmoor Arms, Woburn. Grass.
30/06/61 Woods, Aspley Heath. 20 yards of grass and bracken.
01/07/61 M1 Box 50. Lorry fire.
01/07/61 Aspley Guise Churchyard. Grass.
02/07/61 Aspley Guise Golf Club. 1.5 acres grass.
02/07/61 Warren Wood, Bow Brickhill. 20 acres woods.
02/07/61 Warren Wood, Bow Brickhill. Isolated patches.
06/07/61 Warren Wood, Bow Brickhill. 50 yards grass and bracken.
07/07/61 12 Theydon Avenue. Grass and hedgerow.
08/07/61 Aspley Heath Woods. 20 yards grass and peat.
09/07/61 “Grange” Little Brickhill. Chicken shed 106x40ft. severely damaged.
09/07/61 Fen Farm, Wavendon. Dutch barn containing 100 tons baled straw and hay.
11/07/61 Warren Wood. 15×20 yards grass and bracken.
21/07/61 Poplars Farm, Bow Brickhill. False alarm with good intent.
03/08/61 North End Farm, Milton Keynes. 15 Acres corn, 50 bales damaged.
10/08/61 Railway embankment, Husborne Crawley. 15×20 yards grass.
19/08/61 Thatched Cottage, Walton. 12 yards of roof.
06/09/61 Terrapins, Bletchley. Small fire in pitch boiler.
09/09/61 55 Ivy Lane, Great Brickhill. Front room and fire surround.
03/11/61 29 Bellway. Chimney fire.
15/11/61 M1 box 52 southbound. Van fire.
23/11/61 24 Bellway. Chimney fire.
28/11/61 43 Trunk Furlong, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
29/11/61 Yew Tree Cottage, Moulsoe. Chimney fire.
30/11/61 “Greenacres”, Locarno Ave., Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
03/12/61 M1 Flyover, Broughton. 3 People trapped in car in ditch.
09/12/61 Bow Brickhill Road. Chimney fire.
11/12/61 Pheobe Cottage, Pheobe Lane, Wavendon. Beam over fire place alight.
19/12/61 School, Mount Pleasant, Aspley Guise. Small fire in boiler house.
20/12/61 69 Salford Road, Aspley Guise. Small fire in back room.
23/12/61 15 Wood Street, Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
24/12/61 Austins Nurseries, Theydon Avenue. Timber building 20x30ft
26/12/61 2A Aspley Hill. Chimney fire.
05/01/62 25 Deeth Close. Chimney fire.
10/01/62 32 Chapel Street. Chimney fire.
11/01/62 27 Bellway. Chimney fire.
14/01/62 14 Wood Street. Chimney fire.
14/01/62 5 Lower End, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
15/01/62 28 (Altered to 34) Cranfield High Street. Chicken shed 10x20ft.
24/01/62 M1 box 48. Lorry fire.
24/01/62 9 Eaton Avenue, Bletchley. Chimney fire.
05/02/62 Walnut Tree Paddock, Walton. Chimney fire.
05/02/62 “Fairview” Aspley Heath. Builders nissan hut alight.
10/02/62 4 Bellway. Chimney fire.
11/02/62 M1 between boxes 48-49. Lorry and contents.
16/02/62 Golf course, Aspley Guise. 30 yards grass.
20/02/62 M1 box 48. Lorry fire.
21/02/62 24 Downham Road. Chimney fire.
21/02/62 Police House, Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
23/02/62 1 Tower Cottages, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
24/02/62 Cafe, Station Road. Chimney fire.
25/02/62 “Rothsay”, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
26/02/62 177 Simpson Village. Front Room. 1 male removed, apparently suffocated.
06/03/62 3 Tower Cottages, Wavendon. Chimney fire.
13/03/62 Gomms Stores. 10×12 ft shed.
15/03/62 Recreation ground, Woburn Sands. 100 yards sleeper fencing and 150×30 yards grass.
17/03/62 Hill House, Wood Lane, Aspley Guise. Grass.
21/03/62 Station Nurseries, Woburn Sands. Grass.
23/03/62 M1 box 48. Lorry fire, out on arrival.
25/03/62 43 Theydon Avenue. Chimney fire.
01/04/62 16 Bellway. Chimney fire.
01/04/62 Station Hotel. Chimney fire.
10/04/62 34 Mount Pleasant, Aspley Guise. Small fire in roof.
15/04/62 Rose Cottage, Moulsoe. Thatched roof fire, severely damaged.
15/04/62 14 Weathercock Lane. Chimney fire.
09/05/62 “Fogelf” 3rd Avenue, Bletchley. Lean-to shed containing boxes of wood shavings and extraction plant.
18/05/62 Coronation Cottages, Walton. Chimney fire.
31/05/62 Woods. Little Brickhill – Bow Brickhill Heath. False alarm with good intent.
06/06/62 68 Church Road, Aspley Heath. Back room wall and roof of bungalow.
08/06/62 Bow Brickhill car park. Grass.
17/06/62 Bow Brickhill car park. Grass 10 yards.
17/06/62 118 High Street, Cranfield.
19/06/62 Quarry on A50, 1/2 mile over border in Bedfordshire. Aspley Guise person extracted and taken to Hospital.
19/06/62 “Kingswood” Heath and Reach. No description.
22/06/62 Milton Drive, Bletchley. Grass fire.
06/07/62 Bow Brickhill Lodge. Grass fire.
07/07/62 Newport Road. Stack of hay.
09/07/62 Bow Brickhill car park. Grass.
13/07/62 M1 Box 48 northbound. Wash down road after accident.
26/07/62 M1 Box 48 northbound. Lorry fire. 14 tons of coal, of which 8 tons was burnt.
27/07/62 Alms houses, Cranfield. Chimney fire.
28/07/62 Manor Farm, Emberton Dutch barn 80x80ft and 100 tons baled hay.
24/08/62 Hayfield Farm. 4 Acres stubble.
09/09/62 Park Cottages, Bedford Road, Aspley Guise. 50 bales of straw.
13/09/62 Woods between Little and Bow Brickhill. False alarm, good intent.
24/09/62 Pine Cottage, Aspley Heath. Timber shed 10x12ft.
02/10/62 Woburn Abbey, West Front. Home Office Exercise.
03/10/62 No location. False alarm malicious.
24/10/62 Woburn Lane, School Lane Aspley Guise. Hedge fire and 2 telephone lines down.
27/10/62 M1 box 49. False alarm, good intent.
28/10/62 11 Finch Close, Milton Keynes. Oil stove.
01/11/62 2 Salford Road, Husborne Crawley. Falce alarm malicious.
05/11/62 Station Road Post Box, Woburn Sands. Post box and contents.
07/11/62 25 Bellway. Chimney fire.
20/11/62 “Woodlands” Aspley Heath. Fire in garage.
20/11/62 M1 box 57. Lorry fire.
27/11/62 9 The Grove. Chimney fire.
27/12/62 Smith & Sons, High Street. Small fire in kitchen.
01/01/63 21 Theydon Avenue. Small fire in carpenters shop. Electrics involved.
01/01/63 31 Burrows Close. Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
30/01/63 138 High Street, Cranfield. Chimney fire.
01/01/63 21 Theydon Avenue. Chimney fire.
01/01/63 31 Burrows Close. Chimney fire.
03/01/63 Willow Rum, Weathercock Lane. Wooden building 80x20ft.
07/01/63 8 Finch Close, Milton Keynes. Chimney fire.
10/01/63 Hardys, High Street, Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
11/01/63 26 Bellway. Chimney fire.
14/01/63 3 Bellway No description.
16/01/63 50 Salford Road, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
18/01/63 5 Burrows Close. Small fire in ceiling of back room.
23/01/63 Police house. Woodside, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
27/01/63 25 Burrows Close. Chimney fire.
30/01/63 49 Theydon Avenue. No description.
30/01/63 25 Bellway. Chimney fire.
01/02/63 Armstrongs Garage. Timber and asbestos building damaged.
01/02/63 11 Spinney Lane, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
02/02/63 5 Spinney Lane, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
16/02/63 37 Broad Green, Cranfield. Chimney fire.
19/02/63 47 The Leys. Chimney fire.
22/02/63 Wharf House, Mill Road, Water Eaton. 60×30 ft corregated building containing fertilizer, grain and bales.
25/02/63 19A Bellway. Chimney fire.
26/02/63 M1 box 47. Lorry fire. AEC lorry with 3000 Gals, of fuel oil. Load safe.
27/02/63 55 West Hill. Chimney fire.
04/03/63 6 The Leys. Chimney fire.
07/03/63 86 Station Road. False alarm. Good intent.
21/03/63 15 Bellway. Chimney fire.
23/03/63 Deeth Close, Rear of. Grass fire.
24/03/63 156 Manor Road, Cranfield. Malicious false alarm. Police informed.
29/03/63 M1 box 51 southbound. Out on arrival.
03/04/63 Manor House, Cross End, Wavendon. Greenhouse 30x10ft.
08/04/63 Ml box 51 northbound. False alarm. Good intent.
10/04/63 Ml box 50 southbound. Lorry tyre on fire.
17/04/63 33 Chapel St. Woburn Sands. Chimney fire.
06/05/63 23 Bellway. Chimney fire.
06/05/63 Ridgemont Station, Brickyard entrance. Grass fire.
14/05/63 Plysu, Woburn Sands. Small fire in dryer.
17/05/63 Deeth Close. Grass fire.
27/05/63 30 Merton Grove, Bletchley. Back room and first floor.
01/06/63 Woburn Sands Railway Station. Small fire in scrapyard.
04/06/63 Husborne Crawley Church. Grass and rubbish.
10/06/63 40 Bellway. Chimney fire.
16/06/63 Aspley Guise Golf Club. 80×20 yds grass and gorse.
18/06/63 “46” Cafe, Bleak Hall Farm, Bletchley. 20 tons baled straw rick.
04/07/63 32 Milton Keynes. Small fire, ground floor.
06/07/63 M1 box 49. False alarm. Good intent.
09/07/63 M1 box 48. Lorry fire.
15/07/63 M1 box 48 northbound. False alarm. Good intent.
01/09/63 Rectory Farm, Bow Brickhill. 40 tons baled hay in buildings.
22/09/63 M1 box 51. False alarm.
16/10/63 The Avenue, Aspley Guise. Small kitchen fire.
09/11/63 Pear Tree Farm, Woughton on the Green. 150 tons baled straw in Dutch barn & 40 tons hay.
11/11/63 Thatched Cottage, Moulsoe. 42 Wisteria. 13x18ft roof fire.
21/11/63 Birchmoor Pumping Station. Trailer caravan on fire.
06/12/63 Sandy Lane, Aspley Heath. 18′ Caravan on fire.
11/12/63 30 Duke Street, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
16/12/63 20a Bellway. Chimney fire.
17/12/63 “Chauricia” Park Way. Chimney fire.
24/12/63 28 Hardwick Road. Chimney fire.
26/12/63 16 Mount Pleasant. Chimney fire.
26/12/63 Abbotts Close, Milton Keynes. Chimney fire and thatch.
05/01/64 32 Chapel Street. Chimney fire.
16/01/64 Lancester Hall, Cranfield. Exercise.
18/01/64 Manor Farm, Ridgmont. Building 30’x20′.
20/01/64 “Pine Ridge”, Wood Lane, Aspley Guise. Chimney fire.
21/01/64 15 Russel Street. Chimney fire.
26/01/64 2 Deeth Close. Chimney fire.
07/02/64 Aspley Guise Golf Club. Bungalow 30’x27′.
14/02/64 13 Downs View, Bow Brickhill. Small kitchen fire.
17/02/64 Broughton Flyover M1. Artic lorry, rear damaged.
25/02/64 8 Parkway, Bow Brickhill. Small fire in front room.
05/03/64 M1 Box 52. False alarm, good intent.
08/03/64 11 Bow Brickhill Road, Woburn Sands. Small fire in front room.
11/03/64 Dour Cottage, Heath Road, Great Brickhill. Building, roof off.
18/03/64 3 Downham Road. Chimney fire.
22/03/64 4 Bellway. Chimney fire.
27/03/64 Bow Brickhill Heath. False alarm. Good Intent.
30/03/64 16 Ridgeway. Small fire front room.
08/04/64 The Nook, Wavendon. 35’x40′ house under demolition.
11/04/64 “Anton Ray”, Parkway. Small fire front room.
11/04/64 The Nook, Wavendon. 3 tons waste straw.
11/04/64 M1 Box 48 1/2 mile south of Ridgmont. Car fire.
17/04/64 M1 Box 51 Soouthbound. Lorry fire.
18/04/64 Aspley Guise Golf course. Grass fire.
27/04/64 Fullers Earth Factory. Person trapped in machinery.
29/04/64 3 Bellway. Chimney fire.
04/05/64 M1 northbound Box 50. Lorry tyre on fire.
06/05/64 Knoll, Aspley Heath. 1 acre young pine.
29/05/64 Bow Brickhill Church. 200 yards grass and bush.
30/05/64 College of Aeronautics, False alarm, good intent.
01/06/64 Hartwell Farm, Cranfield. Not required.
04/06/64 College of Aeronautics, Test Propulsion area. Small fire in pump house of Rocket bed.
10/06/64 Milton Keynes, Walton. Rubbish fire.
18/06/64 Eagle Farm, Salford. Chimney fire.
19/06/64 Ivy Lane, Great Brickhill. Chimney fire.
26/06/64 RDC Rubbish tip. Bow Brickhill. False alarm, good intent.
29/06/64 Linslade Farm, Newton Longville. Thatch and timber cottage, 2/3 of roof off.
18/07/64 Box 48 M1. Car fire.
20/07/64 Woods between Woburn and Woburn Sands. False alarm, good intent.
25/07/64 44 Church Road, Aspley Heath. Chimney fire.
01/08/64 32 Milton Keynes. 36’x20′ pair of thatched cottages in demolition.
05/08/64 Bungalow, San Remo Road, Aspley Guise. 10×5 yards grass.
07/08/64 Comms Farm, Cranfield. 20 acres corn.
14/08/64 25 Bellway. Small fire in back room.
22/08/64 M1 Box 50b southbound. Lorry fire and 400 acres grass.
22/08/64 Kingsway, West Hill, Aspley Guise. Grass fire.
23/08/64 M1 Box 54 northbound. False alarm, good intent.
25/08/64 Home Farm, Walton. Bailing machine, 2 acres stubble and 10 tons baled straw.
26/08/64 Cotton Valley farm, Milton Keynes. 8 acres stubble 150 yards hedgerow.
29/08/64 Malting Close, Aspley Guise, 30 yards fencing and hedgerow.
31/08/64 Woodlands, Aspley Heath, 60 yards fencing and grass.
01/09/64 London Road, Newport Pagnall. 9 acres corn and 200 yards hedgerow.
01/09/64 5 Finch Close, Milton Keynes. Chimney fire.
04/09/64 Rook Tree farm, Hulcot. 150 acres straw stubble, 1 mile hedgerow.
05/09/64 Dagnell farm, Bletchley. 60 acres corn stubble.
07/09/64 Railway carraige between boxes 49 and 50 M1. Stubble burning under control.
12/09/64 Moulsoe Road. Hedge fire, 30 yards.
12/09/64 Chapel Street, Hardwick Place. 30 yards trees and brush.
Page last updated Dec. 2018.